
美 [ˈvɪzɪt]英 ['vɪzɪt]
  • v.访问;参观;拜访;看望
  • n.访问;参观;看望;游览
  • 网络探望;来访;探访

第三人称单数:visits 现在分词:visiting 过去式:visited

pay visit,visit China,visit museum,visit exhibition,visit sister
official visit,state visit,brief visit,friendly visit,formal visit


v. n.

1.[t]~ sb/sth访问;拜访;看望;参观to go to see a person or a place for a period of time

2.[t]~ sth访问(互联网上的网站)to go to a website on the Internet

3.[i][t](短暂地)作客,逗留to stay somewhere for a short time

4.[t]~ sth视察;巡视to make an official visit to sb, for example to perform checks or give advice


七年级英语单词表 ... menu 菜单 visit 拜访;访问 test 考试;测验 ...


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... Art 艺术 Visit 参观,拜访 Asian 亚洲人 ...


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... Art 艺术 Visit 参观,拜访 Asian 亚洲人 ...


字典中 望 字的解释 ... (6) 希望,期望[ expect;hope] (10) 看望[ visit] (12) 通“方”。比较[ compare] ...


阚字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 望〖 lookover〗 探望,看望〖 visit〗 阚 kàn ...


七年级英语单词表 ... tour 旅行;游历 visit 参观;游览 place 地方;地点 ...




小学英语词汇 - 日志 - Lily_pig - 中国学生网 ... video n. 录像带 visit v. 探访 volleyball n. 排球 ...

Can we visit you and discuss the matter sometime next week? 我们是否可以在下周的某个时间拜访您,讨论一下那个问题?
If this gay soldier is injured, his husband may not be allowed to visit him in a military hospital. 如果这个男同士兵受伤,他的丈夫可能不被允许到战区医院探视。
Matsumoto therefore decided to visit the United States alone, on the current Japan-US cooperation with the U. 松本因此决定单独访美,就当前的日美合作与美方进行交流。
As a doctor, it is necessary for you to pay a regular visit to your patients, assuring them that your attention is still focused on them. 作为医生,你定期看望病人,让他们相信你仍然关注着他们是必要的。
Owen: Well, most of my family are back in Beijing, and I'd really like to visit them at least once a year. 欧文:我大部分家里人都在北京,我想至少一年去看他们一次。
Declan: well i am coming back after this sort of visit, we are here for a week, so we will be back next week. 这次访问完了我就回去了。我们要在这里待一周,所以下周我们就回去了。
He had a girlfriend in his hometown who'd visit him, but whenever she wasn't there I'd have my way with him. 他在老家有个女朋友,她也来看过他,但是只要她不在,他就是我的。
I had been several times before and had travelled on a more workaday train, but she was on her first visit. 我以前去过几次,也乘过比较平常的火车,而我妻子是第一次到那里。
Recently, the UFO seems to visit earth more frequently. The latest report said that in the sky of the Britain, there is an odd light circle. 近日,神秘的“外星人”似乎频频造访地球,才有报道称英国天空惊现神秘光圈,上海夜空中也于2011年8月23日被拍到有神秘不明飞行物出现。
Using just a couple of lines of code, with this module, you will extract the title tag and print it out for each page you visit. 使用这个模块,您只需要两行代码就可以提取所访问的每个页面的title标记,并将其打印输出。
Instead the visit is more of a nice photo opportunity, burnishing the presidential image in the lead-up to a tough election campaign. 相反这次访问更像是一次塑造好形象的机会,为即将到来的激烈大选再次擦亮一下总统形象。
But he continued to visit the mountaintop where the men were buried, until he could no longer make the climb. 但是他仍然会去那些消防员葬身的山顶逗留,直到他不能再爬。
I thought of how fortunate I was to have been able to visit with relatives and trace my heritage back so far. 我想我是多么幸运我能去拜访我的亲戚和能追溯我很早以前的传统。
Many students will go on a trip during spring break, to go skiing, to visit nice places, to see somewhere they have never been before. 许多学生会在春假期间去旅行,去滑雪,或去参观他们从来没有到过的地方。
Obama plans 4 countries in Europe at the end of a week-long visit, local time Sunday (29) visited the Joplin City suffered a tornado hit. 美国总统奥巴马计划在结束对欧洲4国长达一周的访问后,于当地时间星期日(29日)视察遭受龙卷风重创的乔普林市。
During my visit to Mount Lemmon, he made a trumpeting noise just before he pointed out the first NEO to us. 在我访问莱蒙山时,他在指给我们看当晚发现的第一颗近地天体时,向我们做出吹喇叭的样子。
The first time you visit your boyfriend's place, he no doubt tidies up, to give you the illusion that he doesn't live like an animal. 当你第一次到你男朋友的住处去的时候,他毫无疑问会整理一下房间,从而给你一个他不像动物一样生活的假象。
Mr. Polissky's dream, he said, was to create an outdoor museum that would be free for any art lover who wanted to visit. 波利斯基先生说,自己的梦想就是创造一个室外的博物馆,任何艺术爱好者想来都可以免费参观。
Google verifies the match, Chrome shows a red warning page to alert you that the page you're trying to visit may be dangerous. 如果Google验证了这个比对,Chrome浏览器就会显示一个红色的提示页面,来警告你将要访问的网页可能存在风险。
His parents began to worry. But even they did not know what was wrong. So his dad decided to visit the school and talk with him. 他的父母开始为他担忧。但就连他们也不知道出了什么问题。于是,他的父亲决定到学校走一趟,跟他好好谈一谈。
While Mara did visit the academy on occasion, she did not become a full-time student. 而玛拉,尽管偶尔也造访学院,却并没有成为全日制的学员。
Warmly welcome new and old customers to visit our factory. We wish to work hard together with you to build up a bright future! 我们热烈欢迎新老客户拜访我司参观与指导,并期待着与您进一步的合作!
If you sense the need for professional advice, do not hesitate to call or visit your local GP, professional counsellor or psychotherapist. 如果你觉得有需要寻求专业的帮助,不要犹豫,及时的打电话或探访当地的GP,专家顾问及精神病治疗医师。
A visit to any of these historical, technical, ethnic, or academic museums is well worth the time. 不管是参观历史、科技、种族或是学术博物馆所花的时间都很值得。
His constituencyat South Leeds was being kept warm for him although he was able to visit once or twice a year. 尽管他一年中到南利兹选区访问仅一到二次,但那儿的选举区一直为他保留着。
Ergo , do not close your box before you visit the post office, as you will have to open it again for the postal inspection. 因此,在你去邮局之前先不要封口,不然你要被要求开箱检查的。
Her ardent sense of propriety fears that Bertha, in bed, might not be costumed decorously enough for the visit of a clerical gentleman. 她那强烈的礼仪感使她担心卧床的伯莎衣饰不整,不适合接待一位圣职人员的来访。
In describing Her visit to the holy city of Jerusalem, She said She felt very comfortable, as if She had lived there before. 她既兴奋又快乐,说圣城耶路撒冷之游让她很舒服,感觉好像以前曾经在那里住过。
Hill says he spent much of his visit discussing the North's refusal to agree to a set of steps for confirming the accuracy of that document. 但是,北韩拒绝接受准确核实这份清单的一系列步骤。希尔说,他此行的大部分时间用来讨论这个问题。
It's impolite of you to visit someone without telling him in advance. 不提前告诉别人就去拜访是不礼貌的。