
美 [hɑrd]英 [hɑː(r)d]
  • adv.努力地;艰难地;费力地;猛烈地
  • adj.坚固的;坚硬的;结实的;难做的
  • n.〈英〉硬海滩;〈英俚〉(囚犯的)强迫苦役
  • 网络更猛;更努力;更难

比较级:harder 最高级:hardest

hard work,hard time,study hard,hard life,hard worker
hit hard,think hard,hard fight,hard take,hard save



1.坚固的;坚硬的;结实的solid, firm or stiff and difficult to bend or break


2.难做的;难懂的;难以回答的difficult to do, understand or answer

3.困苦的;艰苦的;艰难的full of difficulty and problems, especially because of a lack of money

费力;用力needing/using effort

4.耗费体力(或脑力)的;辛苦的needing or using a lot of physical strength or mental effort

5.努力的;勤劳的putting a lot of effort or energy into an activity

6.用力的;猛烈的done with a lot of strength or force

缺乏同情心without sympathy

7.冷酷无情的;硬心肠的;苛刻的showing no sympathy or affection

不畏惧not afraid

8.(informal)准备战斗的;不软弱退缩的ready to fight and showing no signs of fear or weakness


9.[obn]确凿的;可证实的;可靠的definitely true and based on information that can be proved


10.寒冷的;凛冽的very cold and severe


11.[obn]酒精浓度高的;烈性的strongly alcoholic


12.硬的(含钙及镁等可溶性盐较多)containing calcium and other mineral salts that make mixing with soap difficult


be hard on sb/sth

严厉对待,严格批评(某人或某事)to treat or criticize sb in a very severe or strict way

drive/strike a hard bargain

狠狠地杀价to argue in an aggressive way and force sb to agree on the best possible price or arrangement

give sb a hard time

给某人找茬儿;使某人不好过to deliberately make a situation difficult and unpleasant for sb

hard and fast

板上钉钉;不容更改that cannot be changed in any circumstances

(as) hard as nails

冷酷无情;铁石心肠;毫无惧色showing no sympathy, kindness or fear

hard cheese

(常作反话)太不幸了,真够倒霉used as a way of saying that you are sorry about sth, usually ironically(= you really mean the opposite)

hard going

难懂;费力difficult to understand or needing a lot of effort

hard luck/lines

(表示惋惜)真遗憾,太不幸了used to tell sb that you feel sorry for them

the hard way

通过痛苦的经历;通过出错by having an unpleasant experience or by making mistakes

make hard work of sth

在某事上耗费过多时间(或精力);费冤枉力to use more time or energy on a task than is necessary

no hard feelings

(向争论或打败的对方表示继续友好)别往心里去,别记恨used to tell sb you have been arguing with or have beaten in a contest that you would still like to be friendly with them

play hard to get

故作姿态;故意摆谱;佯装拿架子to make yourself seem more attractive or interesting by not immediately accepting an invitation to do sth

too much like hard work

太费力needing too much effort


风电词汇 ... ladle 杓子, 长柄杓 harder 硬的, 坚固的, (问题, 工作等)困难的, kit 成套工具, 用具包, 工具箱, 成套用具 ...


中文翻... ... Into the future cybertron / 身处变形金刚的故乡塞伯特朗 Harder,faster,better,stronger / 更猛,更快,更好,更强 ...


英语词汇的奥秘 ... earlier 更早 harder 更努力 eastern 东方的 ...


五年级上册词汇_msdeng_新浪博客 ... (faster) 快的;快地 (harder) 刻苦地;努力地 (bigger) 胖的,大的 ...


语数外题目(高手回答)_百度知道 ... forget 忘记 harder更难) island( 小岛) ...


1998年阅读真题精解_Yellow_新浪博客 ... 5. revival 复苏 6. harder 更难的 7. assume 认为;假定;承担;担任 ...

In Fergie's case it's harder to see who she was trying to please and why. 而在萨拉•福格森的例子中,更难看出她想取悦的对象和缘由。
How much harder will it be to eliminate the prejudice against women? I am sure it will be a longer struggle. 消除对妇女的歧视的困难有多大?我确信这将会是一场更持久的斗争。
Every one of us will have to work at it by studying harder, training more rigorously, working smarter, and thinking anew. 我们每个人都将为此付出努力,更勤奋地学习、更严格地训练、更精明地工作以及用更新的方式去思考。
"It's both harder and easier than you think, " he said. “那比你想象的要难,也比你想象的要简单。”他说。
But good economics is often harder to do than bad economics. 但好经济学用起来往往比坏经济学更难。
This examination is considered to be harder than any other examinations, as the passing rate is only 6% nationwide. 这个考试在全国的通过率是6%,相比之下要难些,
I thought of shooting an email back to him and trying my best not to be sound like a jerk but it is harder than it seems. 我想发一封邮件给他,尽量让自己看起来不会很奇怪,但这并不如看起来那么简单。
However, if you want a SIM card, and thus a new number, for your mobile phone it is no harder than handing over a few dollars. 然而,如果你想要为你的移动电话申请一张用户身份识别(SIM,subscriberidentitymodule)卡,也即是新的号码,除了要交付一些美元外并不困难。
'The bigger issue, which is harder to pinpoint, is how much sales will go down, ' said Mr. Sanger. 桑格说,更难确定的更大问题是,销售下滑幅度会有多大。
When first training a horse to pick up his feet, you might have to pinch harder. 如果是第一次训练马提起蹄子的话,你可能要更加用力的去捏。
Ailin's father accepts Ailin's desire to keep her feet unbound, despite the fact it will make it harder for her to marry. 爱林的父亲接受爱林的愿望,把自己的脚未绑定,尽管事实上它将使更难她求婚。
Exercising on gym or health club equipment, rather than walking or running on your own, tends to give you a harder workout. 不要只靠自己散步或跑步,到健身房运动或使用健身俱乐部的器材会使你运动得更激烈。
'They're using hatred of the outside world to inspire people to work harder, ' he said. 'The extent of it is quite striking. ' 他说,他们正利用对外界的仇恨激励民众更努力工作,其程度相当令人震惊。
As the central bank has tightened monetary policy, this has made it harder for the bank to win the business of ordinary savers. 随着中国央行收紧货币政策,该行赢得普通储户的难度增大了。
And a bust-up in Copenhagen would make it harder to get legislation passed next year. 而哥本哈根会议的分歧又会使来年通过立法更为困难。
To make him happy and encourage him to work harder, I gave him a walkman as a gift. 为了使他开心,也为了鼓励他更加努力,我送他一份礼物——随身听。
Despite the numbers, Knowlton said adoption is harder than it was just a few years ago. 虽然孤儿人数不详,但是诺尔顿说,和几年前相比,现在领养变得难了。
I closed my eyes, pressed my ear even harder against the door, wanting to hear, not wanting to hear. 我合上双眼,耳朵更加紧贴着门板,又想听,又不想听。
I sat down in the dark hall with 600 other nervous kids and the lecturer booms out over the mic, "How do you get workers to work harder? " 我和其他600个紧张的孩子坐在暗暗的大厅,演讲者透过麦克风发出低沉的声音:“如何使员工们工作更努力?”
A brother offended [is harder to be won] than a strong city: and [their] contentions [are] like the bars of a castle. 弟兄结怨,劝他和好,比取坚固城还难,这样的争竞,如同坚寨的门闩。
I began to work harder for Xerox. The plan was working, and my Porsche was the proof. 我仍在继续努力为施乐工作,但同时,我的计划也在按步就班地进行着,保时捷就是证明。
Greatly inspired, he made up his mind to read as much as he could, and what's more, he would study harder than ever before. 他深受鼓舞,决心尽可能多读书,而且,比以往任何时候都努力学习。
I included two outdoor lamps as well since those seem to be even harder to find. 我自己也收藏了两款户外灯,因为它们似乎挺难找到的。
Having two buttons at the bottom of a form clutters up the interface and makes it harder for users to clearly see their next step. 在表单底部提供两个按钮将混淆交互界面并让用户难以搞清下一步要做什么。
What's more, a simple test could tell you if it's time to give up the hunt, or if your partner just needs to try harder. 此外,通过一个简单的测试,你就知道是该放弃继续寻找呢,还是需要让你的性伴侣再加把劲。
As for what the men felt, that is far harder to say, since feelings can only be expressed during the moment of their brief existence. 至于的男人感到,难以说,因为感情只能被表达在他们短暂的时刻存在。
In part because changing the basics of how industrial economies are run is difficult, trying to do it at a rush harder still. 部分源于根本上改变经济的运行方式非常困难,匆忙的尝试更难。
I find myself working even harder to make up for it so much so that the sales was much better than the average. You know something? 因为他们都没有来,为了弥补,我觉得我自己工作得更努力了,结果当天的销售额比平时的平均水平高出了很多。
In any situation, some emotions are harder to access no matter how much you change your story or behavior. 无论在何种情况下,有些情绪是非常难接近的无论你如果改变你的故事或者行为。
Somewhat comically (in retrospect) I told myself to swim harder-as if I'd been taking it easy up until that point. 现在回想起来有些滑稽的是我告诉自己再用力游些-就好象直到重点我还没怎么费劲似的。