
美 [hɪt]英 [hɪt]
  • v.打;打击;击中;命中;命中;打;打击;达到
  • n.打;击中;命中;很受欢迎的人(或事物);命中;打击;碰撞;【棒】安全打
  • 网络压缩;打中敌人;击球

现在分词:hitting 第三人称单数:hits

hit ball,hit bottom,hit button,hit floor,hit peak
hit hard,badly hit
hit song


v. n.

打touch sb/sth with force

1.[t](用手或器具)击,打to bring your hand, or an object you are holding, against sb/sth quickly and with force

2.[t]~ sth/sb碰撞;撞击(造成损伤)to come against sth/sb with force, especially causing damage or injury

3.[t]~ sth (on/against sth)使(身体部位)碰上(某物)to knock a part of your body against sth

4.[t][oftpass]~ sb/sth击中;命中to reach and touch a person or thing suddenly and with force


5.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)击(球)to bring a bat , etc. against a ball and push it away with force

6.[t]~ sth击球得分to score points by hitting a ball

有坏影响have bad effect

7.[t][i]~ (sb/sth)产生不良影响;打击;危害to have a bad effect on sb/sth


8.[t][i]~ (sb/sth)攻击;进攻;袭击to attack sb/sth


9.[t](informal)~ sth到达(某地)to reach a place

10.[t]~ sth达到(某水平)to reach a particular level


11.[t](informal)~ sth遇到(困难);经历(不愉快的事情)to experience sth difficult or unpleasant

突然意识到suddenly realize

12.[t](informal)~ sb使突然想起to come suddenly into your mind

按钮press button

13.[t](informal)~ sth按,压(按钮等)to press sth such as a button to operate a machine, etc.


hit (it) big

很成功to be very successful

hit the buffers

(计划、事业等)突然受挫if a plan, sb's career, etc.hits the buffers , it suddenly stops being successful

hit the ceiling/roof

勃然大怒;怒气冲天to suddenly become very angry

hit the deck

摔倒在地;落到地上to fall to the ground

hit the ground running

迅速而顺利地投入某事;一炮打响;一举成功to start doing sth and continue very quickly and successfully

hit the hay/sack

上床睡觉to go to bed

hit sb (straight/right) in the eye

很显然;一目了然to be very obvious to sb

hit it

(要某人开始做某事,如演奏音乐)开始吧used to tell sb to start doing sth, such as playing music

hit it off (with sb)

(和某人)投缘to have a good friendly relationship with sb

hit the jackpot

突然意外赚大钱(或赢大钱);发大财to make or win a lot of money quickly and unexpectedly

hit the nail on the head

说到点子上;正中要害to say sth that is exactly right

hit the road/trail

出发;上路to start a journey/trip

hit the roof

hit the spot

发挥正当作用;适得其用;恰到好处if sthhits the spot it does exactly what it should do

hit the streets|hit the shops/stores

大量上市to become widely available for sale

hit a/the wall

筋疲力尽;陷入绝境;遇到不可逾越的障碍to reach a point when you cannot continue or make any more progress

hit sb when theyre down

落井下石;乘人之危to continue to hurt sb when they are already defeated

hit sb where it hurts

刺着某人痛处;击中要害to affect sb where they will feel it most

考研试题_师大语言学_新浪博客 ... (hit, 打) (hitting, ,名词) (repair, 修理) ...


木球_互动百科 ... 发 球 FIRST SHOT 打 击 HITTING 触 击 TOUCH ...


魔法释放卷轴(接尾) - lht114的日志 - 网易博客 ... 障碍的 Hindrance 命中 Hitting 乌鸦 Raven ...


机械专业英语词汇(很全) - Lemon Tree ... 拉伸 pulling 压缩 hitting 剪切 shear ...


新手教程_lf2资源库吧_百度贴吧 ... weapon_broken_sound: 毁坏声音 10:hitting( 打中敌人) 20:hit( 气功波本身被打中) ...


《吸血鬼日记》 Vampire Diary 第一季 第三集 ... ... sensitivity: 敏感性 hitting: 击中 laugh: 笑 ...


新浪教育_新浪网 ... hitter 击球员 hitting 击球 home base 本垒 ...

Police also determined that the American shot and killed the second Pakistani as he tried to flee, hitting him in the back, Tareen said. 警方同时认定第二名巴基斯坦人准备逃跑时被美国人从背后枪杀。
Rather than hitting back with superior products, the company hid behind politicians who appeared to help it in the short term. 通用并没有生产更好的汽车来反击,而是躲在看起来暂时愿意帮助它的政客的后面。
To illustrate my point even further, imagine a woman with a thick beard, mustache and a deep voice hitting on you at the bar. 为了更进一步阐明我的观点,想象一下,有一个女人,蓄着浓密的山羊胡和小胡子,声音很粗,正在酒吧里对你打情骂俏。
He looks at the doctor and asks, "There was a movie that was made about a ship that sank after hitting an iceberg, what was its name? " 圣彼德看著医生开始发问,“以前电影院放过一部电影,说的是一艘船撞击冰山后沉没,电影的名字是什麽?”
I just barely got the lights out in time for you to be able to see those gobs of light hitting the transect screen and then just glowing. 我几乎不能及时的捕捉下这些光来让你们能看清这些撞击到样带屏幕随之发光的液体。
At the age of five or six, he tried to stop him from beating his mother by hitting him with a broom. 在他五六岁的时候,他曾试图用一个扫帚阻止他父亲打他的母亲。
We thought the hitting it out of the box number was 150, 000 nets a year. 我们预想是每年最多生产十五万顶蚊帐。
He immediately got back on his feet, apparently with great effort, and without a word again began hitting me on the head with the umbrella. 他迅速站起来,但明显是费了很大的劲,然后又开始一声不吭地用伞打我的头。
If you let me put the chestnuts back in my mouth, I'll tell you why she was hitting me. 你要是让我把那些果子再放进嘴里,我就告诉你她为什么打我。
Saying what you think and hitting send is not the same as having a conversation. 写下你想说的话然后点击“发送”并不是真正的交谈。
Still, economic downturns seem to be hitting children in poor countries the hardest, and researchers say the impact can last a lifetime. 研究人员说,经济下滑似乎对贫困国家的儿童造成了最为严重的影响,而影响可能会终身的。
If your man seems to have sailed through life without ever hitting the rough waters that rock the rest of us, beware. 如果你的伴侣一直顺风顺水,从来没有象我们普通人一样需要对付艰难的生活,你得小心了。
One of the white men hit Mr. Johnson across the face. They all started punching him and hitting him with the bats. 其中一个,朝着约翰逊的脸就是一拳,然后3人围攻,用短棍击打他。
He has been with us for two years, as you know, and had many close opportunities with goalies saving or shots hitting the post. 他已经加盟两年了,有很多机会进球,不过都被门将扑出或者被门柱阻挡。
The number of oil option contracts betting on oil hitting $200 a barrel in December have tripled since the beginning of the year. 自今年初以来,押注油价在12月份触及每桶200美元的原油期权合约增长了两倍。
It was Duke Wayne hitting moviegoers over the head, knee-jerking to what he perceived to be negative imagery of the troops in Vietnam. 韦恩严重打击了观众。那部电影就是条件反射的产物,来源于他对越战部队的消极的形象的感受。
You are a free and fluent sort of player. You seemed to be hitting out very freely tonight. 你是一个击球放松流畅的球员,今天感觉格外放松。
She now has more variety in her play, she's not simply hitting the ball as hard as she can. 她现在打法多变,而不只是简单的尽全力去击球。
The beating did not hurt (perhaps, as it was the first time, he was not hitting me very hard), and I walked out feeling very much better. 打的并不疼(可能是第一次,他没有用力打我)很快我就不在怕了。
I got out of bed and went into the living room of our suite to work on some hard-hitting additions to my basic speech. 我起床走进起居室去,在我的主调演说稿上添加一些狠狠反击的段落。
But the number of 3-D films hitting theaters over the next several months may be too much for the system to handle. 然而,准备在未来几个月上映的3-D电影的数量可能还是太多,美国的影院体系恐怕难以应付。
''It was a real shock, '' he says. ''He said to me early on that the singing was secondary to hitting the notes emotionally. '' “我大吃一惊,”他说,“他以前告诉我相对于能够发自情感地唱出这些音符,演唱技巧只是次要的。”
Ten yards out for you? Come on, man! It's like hitting the side of a ball. 十码?你?算了吧,老兄!这跟轻轻碰下球有什么差别。
When you are trying to make configuration changes, it seems like every couple of seconds you are hitting another UAC prompt. 当你想改变设置时,貌似每几秒钟你就会碰到一个UAC提示。
Just a matter of aiming a bit lower- even if the tanks were behind sand berms the shots were hitting home. 只要稍稍再瞄低一点点——哪怕那些坦克是躲在沙堤后面也会被炮弹轰回老家。
He had not seen her since she had attacked him to stop him hitting O liver. 自从上次她向他扑来,阻止他殴打奥利弗之后,他一直没再见到她。
The crimped tea leaves gradually unfold after hitting the hot water and are floating up and down in the cup. 卷曲的茶叶遇到开水渐渐舒展开来,在杯子里上下浮沉。
That moron was trying to get his dog to stand on its two hind legs by repeatedly smacking and hitting it. 那个白痴一直不断的打牠,试著想要叫牠用两只后脚站立。
As you let the hitting hand and racquet go towards the net post it will feel as though you're going to hit the ball onto the adjacent court. 以你的网拍在背后预备好的状态中转身向旁边击出正手拍。你的打击手现在是在内侧位置。
we were hoping it was like hitting the rewind button and allowing us the opportunity to see how it formed, " Weaver said. " 我们希望观察慧星的分裂就象是按了一下倒带键,使我们有机会看到它的形成过程。