
美 [ˈhɑrnəs]英 [ˈhɑː(r)nɪs]
  • n.马具;挽具;(用于人,起固定或保护作用的)背带
  • v.控制;给(马等)上挽具;用挽具把…套到…上
  • 网络利用;治理;线束

复数:harnesses 现在分词:harnessing 过去式:harnessed

harness power


n. v.

2.(用于人,起固定或保护作用的)背带,保护带a set of strips of leather, etc. for fastening sth to a person's body or to keep them from moving off or falling


in harness

(尤指休息或假期结束后)做正常工作doing your normal work, especially after a rest or a holiday

in harness (with sb)

(同某人)联手;密切合作working closely with sb in order to achieve sth


英语反义词 - 豆丁网 ... hardy 强壮的>衰弱的 harness 利用>利用失败 harried 受骚扰的>没烦恼的 ...


平_平[汉字]_互动百科 ... 【honest】 正直 【harness治理;整顿 【peace and tranquility】 太平安定 ...


马字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 马驹〖 foal〗 马具harness〗 马可·波罗〖 MarcoPolo〗 ...


汽车词汇 - 豆丁网 ... 内饰 trim 线束 harness 返工 re-doing ...


探洞装备介绍 - 游记·影像 - 华声论坛 ... 类别: 上升器 ASCENDER 类别: 安全带 HARNESS 类别: 铁锁 快挂 CARABINERS,QUI…


暗黑II代码对照表 - 帝睥流芒的日志 - 网易博客 ... BUCKLE / 扣带 HARNESS / 挽具 LOCK / 锁 ...


以h开头的英语英文单词 ... harmonize 使调和,使一致 harness 治理 n.马具,挽具 harping 反复述说 ...


星火考研词汇 - 豆丁网 ... handy a. 手边的;方便的;手巧的 harness vt. 给(马等)上挽具;控制 n.马具 hatch vt. 孵;筹划 ...

People have been talking about emotional intelligence for a while, but somehow they haven't been able to harness its power. 人们谈论情商已经有一段时间了,但是不知怎么的,他们没能驾驭它的能量。
But just as our diplomats eventually mastered the telegraph, they are doing the same to harness the potential of these new tools as well. 但正如我们的外交人员最终还是掌握了电报一样,他们也在为掌握这些新工具的潜力而努力。
At this point you could enhance the test harness with more users, more transactions per user, or more complex transactions. 此时,您可以用更多的用户、更大的每用户事务数,或者更复杂的事务来增强测试工具。
Or you may spend hours poring over the details and trying to figure out what kind of tests you need to add to your test harness. 或者您可以花费数小时时间研究细节,并试着弄清您需要为您的测试工具添加什么类型的测试。
As you grow your company this year, remember to harness the strength and power of a dragon and try to attract the good luck dragons bring. 在你的公司龙年成长之际,别忘了利用好龙的威力,把龙带来的好运都吸引过来。
Here at M. I. T. , Seth Lloyd is one of many researchers trying to harness quantum mechanics in powerful new ways. 这是在麻省理工学院,塞思劳埃德是许多试图利用强大的新方法利用量子力学的研究人员之一。
Some of Mr Obama's enemies have tried to harness pockets of bigotry by painting him in various ways as un-American. 一些奥巴马的政敌企图利用一团团的偏见把他描绘成一个异国之人。
The rescuers had to rappel from the roof down the side of the building to save the two men left hanging by their safety harness es. 救援人员不得不从屋顶用绳索从建筑的一侧下降,以营救这两名被他们的安全挽具吊着的工人。
Light with high harness , Environmental friendly , Easy to clean, Luxury looking with top grade quality, and strong sense of metal . 轻质高强、环保洁净、外形美观、豪华高档,金属质感强。
either of two lines that connect a horse's harness to a wagon or other vehicle or to a whiffle tree. 一个或两个把马轭连到马车或其他交通工具连到马车上的绳子。
He gave the harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and dowry flake. 它轻轻地摇了一下佩铃,探询是否出了什么差错。林中毫无回响一片寂静,只有微风习习雪花飘落。
If the harness is loose, the child could be thrown from the seat in a crash, or work their way out of the harness while you are driving. 如果线束松动,孩子可以从座椅抛出崩溃,或者自己的出路,而你所驾驶的利用工作。
Once the sockets and breaker have been place in the enclosure the wiring harness can be inserted as outlined above. 当插座和断路器已在附文线束可插入正如上文所述。
You wear a five-point harness, and the controls are a bit like a powerboat: you control the throttle with one hand, pitch with the other. 你得穿五点式安全带(一种貌似SM器具的东西),控制器有点像机动船的:你一只手控制油门,另一只则控制方向杆。
And what I've been doing at MoMA since the beginning is to try to harness the power of MoMA. 我从始至今在MoMA做的是试图利用MoMA的能力。
Pharr, 25, said he wrestled out of the harness binding him to his instructor, and started emergency treatment to try to save him. 25岁的法尔说他松开了将他和教练绑在一起的背带,开始实施急救。
'We are trying to train him to walk with a lead and harness so we can walk him with the dogs. ' 我们正尝试着训练他有方向的行走,如此一来我们在遛狗的时候也可以顺便带他散步。
These social networking sites harness the age-old power of the word-of-mouth recommendation and can be potent marketing tools. 这些社交网站利用古老的口口相传的推荐方式,可以成为有力的营销工具。
The next day she tried on the prosthetic arms, a crude system of cables, rubber bands and hooks operated by a harness across the shoulders. 第二天她又试用了假臂。那是一套由缆索、橡皮条和人造手组成的简易系统,并由套在肩膀上的带子来控制。
Now is when you can harness all that value to become the best of who you can be. 现在你可以把已经取得的价值利用好,让自己做得更好,发挥更多的潜力。
Now the British Fashion Council is to harness some of that SamCam glam in its efforts to promote the UK fashion industry. 英国时装协会如今决定利用首相夫人萨曼莎•卡梅伦的魅力来推动英国时尚业的发展。
Yet the financial giant's leaders are hardly alone in trying to harness the force of a devastating crisis to revive a wounded company. 然而,这头金融巨鳄的领导们在毁灭性危机中力挽狂澜,竭力挽救伤痕累累的公司的行动中绝不是孤军奋战。
I'm sure you noticed that the harness will work only for a single project, unless you were to modify the source before running it. 我相信您注意到了除非在运行前修改源代码,否则这个装具模块只能用于一个项目。
And how much if we harness super strings or even deeper, yet undreamt of levels? 如果,我们能够驾驭超弦甚至更深层还想不到的自由度,则又能储存多少资讯?
OData validation tool: A test harness and a few sample validation tests to make it easy to validate your OData endpoint. OData验证工具:一个测试包和一些示例,让你轻松验证OData服务点是否正确。
In one weaving cycle, the front harness is in the top position and the back harness is in the bottom position. 在某一个织造循环中,前综位于上方,后综位于下方;
Harness the power of that smile for just a second and immortalize it in a photo and then on a layout. 掌握这微笑的只是一个永恒不变的第二次和它的照片,然后就布局。
Lightning held only terror for man until he made of electricity his servant. Steam was only so much waste until man learned to harness it. 当人们利用电能为自己服务之前对闪电只有恐惧,人们一直认为蒸汽是一种浪费知道人们了解了可以利用它来驱动机器。
Consider the simplest, plain shuttle loom on which only two harness frames are used FOR the shedding operation. 最简单的平纹织物织机,开口运动只使用两页综框。
He desires that move forward in growth and you can only do so without the harness of fear around the neck of your spirit. 他渴望在成长中向前移动,而你只能这样做——没有绕在你灵魂颈部的、恐惧的驾驭。