
美 [hed]英 [hed]
  • n.头;首脑;头脑;〈口〉脑袋
  • v.率领;牵头;妨碍;反抗
  • adj.头部的;主要的
  • 网络磁头数;正面;厕所

复数:heads 现在分词:heading 过去式:headed

turn head,raise head,bury head,lift head,shake head
titular head,shave head,head waiter,effective head,departmental head



其中:磁头数(Heads)表示硬盘总共有几个磁头,也就是有几面盘片, 最大为 255 (用 8 个二进制位存储);柱面数(Cylinders) 表示 …


看听学第一册单词_百度文库 ... towel n. 毛巾 heads n. (硬币的)正 面 tails n. (硬币的)反 面 ...


船舶专业词典.xls ... 483 管集箱板,管头箱板 header plate 485 厕所(军舰) heads 486 热容量 heat capacity ...


头部”(Heads)的艺术主题源于报纸上一篇关于19世纪70年代斯莫兰省一名年轻女子的文章。她在一次车祸中失去了知觉,在 …


正面-的英语翻译-bab.la词典 ... 正面地 pros 正面朝上的 heads 避免作正面答复 to hedge ...

You could see these two roaming about all day long with their heads close together in an everlasting confab . 你能看到这两个人整天逛来逛去,头挨着头没完没了地密谈。
Iverson said he's out for much more than just showing the world he and Anthony can get along without butting heads. AI则说,他已经向全世界说明了,他和安东尼不仅不用冲突,相反可以相处的很好。
"He must be out of his mind, " his relatives said sadly, shaking their heads. “他一定是疯了。”亲戚们摇着头,难过的说。
It seemed he must be aware of me, too, as if our thoughts were twining in the air over the heads of the other meditators. 似乎他也注意到我了,就好像我们的思想在其它冥想者头顶的空气里缠绕。
With the festive season approaching, it is the kind of news likely to leave flustered housewives shake their heads in disbelief. 在节日来临之际,这种新闻可能会让忙乱的家庭主妇们摇头表示难以置信。
We nodded our heads as we pulled our chairs away from the wall to sit in front of him. 我们点着头,把椅子移到他面前坐下。
Fair play to them for turning up really. It would be easy to just give in and let their heads drop but we'll fight on. 公平竞赛让大家都乐意参与其中,要放弃很容易,不过我们会继续。
As the price ticks up and down, the eyes, the heads, and the bodies of traders across the continents start moving up and down in unison. 当价格上下波动时,全世界的眼睛、脑袋和身体会一起上下摆动。
Flowers have long been a fixture at the Montgomery Farm Women's Co-op, but a certain crop has really turned heads since fall. 在蒙哥马利农场妇女合作社,鲜花长期以来都是一项装饰用品,但有一样东西改变了这一切。
Of course, all this froth is going as much to the heads of brokerages as to anyone else. 当然,和其它任何企业一样,当前的市场泡沫也让券商们头脑发热。
'I've been so busy all summer that I just need some time for myself, ' the Vacationer will sigh as he heads out the door. 度假客出门时会感慨:整个夏天我都忙得不可开交,的确该给自己放放假了。
Then another sign appeared in the sky; it was a huge red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on its heads were seven diadems . 随著天上又出现了另一个异兆:有一条火红的大龙,有七个头,十只角,头上戴著七个王冠。
"Quite right, " the officer replied as he showed the lieutenant the coin which had heads on both sides. “非常准确”,官员答复,当他让陆军中尉看两边面有头的硬币时。
Aunt Badri, however, had a hard time disengaging emotionally from her house and family and denied the dark cloud that hung above our heads. 而巴德丽姨妈,对于要舍弃她的宅子和家庭非常的纠结,且拒绝承认当前以乌云密闭大灾将至。
Obama is anxious to regain the initiative as he heads into a week of statesmanship at the UN and a G20 summit in Pittsburgh. 奥巴马急于赢得主动权,他即将迎来于匹兹堡召开的联合国和G20峰会,这是需要施展政治才能长袖善舞的一周。
Two of the herons raised their heads to watch as the Shy Maid drifted away from the bank, out into the current. 两只白鹭抬起头看着害羞小姐号离岸滑进水流,缓缓向下游驶去。
We've got to put our heads together and come up with a solution. 我们得碰一下头,找出解决办法。
Father heads bowed, like a child made a mistake, take all the money out of pocket, are a dollar a dollar, and count only 13. 公公低着头,像是犯了错的小孩,拿出了兜里所有的钱,都是一元一元的,数一数也只有十三张。
When turning toward the west, they both turned their heads to look left as if by a prior agreement vacantly. 向西拐弯的时候,两人不约而同地向左转头看了看。
True, he said; how could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to move their heads? 他说,确实如此;但是,如果他们的头不能移动,怎么能看见形象之外的其他东西呢?
Whenot I imagine of that humorous bit of wisdom, it re heads me not to took my life so seriously. 每当我想起这颇为幽默的人生哲理,它便会提醒我别把生存看得如此严肃。
And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. 有河从伊甸流出来,滋润那园子,从那里分为四道。
Harry Potter is such, he faced difficulties do not bow their heads, but raised his head, chest and brave enough to face, conquer it. 哈利·波特正是这样,他面对困难不低头,反而抬起头、挺起胸勇敢的去面对,征服它。
It's fairly easy to wrap our heads around the notion of the mother-child bond. 母子相连的观念非常容易接受。
Mahone pays to see the room. When he heads back to the lobby, Mahone catches the clerk on the phone about to tell Wyatt. 马宏交费去房间看了看,当他回到大厅时,正好撞见接待员电话通知怀亚特。
They dressed in costumes typically made of animal heads and skins, and they played games of prediction, trying to tell one another fortunes. 人们穿着动物皮毛制的服装,大玩占卜游戏,互相诉说对方的命运。
Besides kings who lost their crowns oft lost their heads as well and she could see no reason why it would be any different for a queen. 另外,当国王丢失宝冠时,一同丢失的往往还有脑袋。她也不认为有什么理由能让女王逃过一劫。
The gentlemen shook their heads a little sadly, and left the office. Scrooge went back to his work, feeling pleased with himself. 两位绅士难过地摇摇头,离开了办公室。斯克罗吉又重新开始工作,心中很得意。
the ancients, he thought, had their heads in the gutter when it came to what was in their heads. 古人们观察他们的大脑时,脑子掉沟里了,他想。
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. 我看见兽的七头中,有一个似乎受了死伤。那死伤却医好了。全地的人,都希奇跟从那兽。