
美 [hɔl]英 [hɔːl]
  • n.拖;拖运;拖运量;拖运路程
  • v.拖;拖运;降(旗);【航】使(船)改变航向
  • 网络拖拉

第三人称单数:hauls 现在分词:hauling 过去式:hauled



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Santiago, the boy said to him as they climbed the bank from where the skiff was hauled up. I could go with you again. We've made some money. “圣地亚哥,”他们们俩从小船停泊的地方爬上岸时,孩子对他说。“我又能陪你出海了。我家挣了一点儿钱。”
Steve and I hauled trash for four solid hours without a break of any sort, except for about five minutes when we stopped to talk. 我和史蒂夫用卡车运送垃圾,整整干了四个小时,除了停下来说了五分钟的话之外,没有休息片刻。
Short, blonde and stout, she was not cut out to be hauled into a bus by the police. 小小的个子,金发碧眼,她没有被警察抓住是因为被人拽进了公交车。
Soon afterwards he was hauled out of the first-class section of an Air France flight to Paris. 他从法国航空飞往巴黎的头等舱里拖出来随即就被扣压。
I didn't see him the next day as I hauled load after load up the main street past the bar. I wondered if someone had taken him home. 第三天,我拉着一车车的石子沿主干道经过酒吧,可是没看见那狗。我想也许有人把它领回家了。
When that went long, he hauled in his own board on the other side of the basket, landed on his feet and put it back in with his left hand. 当时间慢慢过去,他在前场篮子的另一边,把球拿回来,并用左手把球投进。
A broad glistening muzzle showed itself above the edge of the bank, and the Otter hauled himself out and shook the water from his coat. 岸边的水里,冒出一只宽扁发亮的嘴。水獭钻出水面,抖落掉外衣上的水滴。
A woman widely reported to be an American threw off her coat, swam the 65 feet to the drowning woman and expertly hauled her to shore. 一名美国人脱掉外套,游了65英尺,到达溺水女子身边,并把她拖到岸上。
He hauled it out of the ditch with trembling hands, placed it on a rock, and broke the lock with the edge of his shovel. 他颤抖着双手把箱子拽了出来放到一块石头上,用铁锨砸开了锁。
When he hauled it up there was a great carp at the end of the hook. 他把钓线拉上来,钩上吊着一条大鲤鱼。
The child ran over and hauled up in front of me. 孩子跑过来,在我面前停住了。
He hauled up in front of me and asked me to dance with him. 他走到我面前停下了脚步,邀请我和他跳舞。
A sergeant witnesses an Iraqi, who was alleged to have abused a woman in Kuwait, hauled up by a crane to be shot by fellow Iraqi soldiers. 一个伊拉克人被指控曾在科威特对一妇女施虐,一位中士亲眼见到他被吊在起重机上然后伊拉克士兵开枪把他击毙。
"Oh, yes, you can, Doodle. All you got to do is try. Now come on, " and I hauled him up once more. “哦,不,你行的,嘟嘟。你所需要的只是不断努力。好,再来,”我又一次将他拉起。
But the light airs which had begun blowing from the south-east and south had hauled round after nightfall into the south-west. 但是,天黑之后,原来时而从东南方刮来、时而从南方刮来的微风变成了西南风。
When he got drunk he began to run wild until his wife hauled him aside and calmed him down. 他醉酒后便开始胡闹,直到他妻子把他硬拉到一边,并使他平静下来。
Dick's also pulled him cross-country skiing, taken him on his back mountain climbing and once hauled him across the U. Dick拖(带)著他越野滑雪、背著他爬山、也曾经用脚踏车,载他横越美国。
The workers say it's easier on the cows and donkeys, which would otherwise have to be hauled out with a generator-operated pulley. 隧道工人们说,这方便了牛和驴子进出,否则就要靠由发电机带动的滑轮吊车来把牲畜垂直拉上来。
Each is roughed out in the forest from a single tree, then hauled to the beach to be fitted with a hull and roof. 每只船都是用一根独木在森林里做出大致的形状,然后拖运到海边沙滩上配上船头和船篷蓬顶。
Why hadn't she hauled off at him like this in the old days of allegation and altercation ? 为什么她也不拽开他,就像在过去的日子里与他辩解和争吵时那样;
As before, an object is hauled up the side of the building by rope -- only this time, it's a cooler of beer and ice. 像以前一样,一样东西沿着房子的一边被绳子拽了上来,但这次,是装着冰块和啤酒的保温桶。
But our best hope, it was decided, was to kill off the buccaneers until they either hauled down their flag or ran away with the Hispaniola. 但他们三个人一致认定,最大的希望还是多杀些海盗,直到他们降下骷髅旗或驾着西斯潘尼奥拉号落荒而逃。
Prostitution is illegal in Taiwan, and the cops have several times hauled her in for three days in jail, or a fine up to $1, 000. 在台湾卖淫是不合法的,她有好几次被警察拖到监狱关了三天,或者处以高达1000美金的罚款。
UMNO-owned media will harp on the sordid details, just as they did in the first trial when a semen-stained mattress was hauled into court. 巫统的媒体将会极力渲染鸡奸的情节,就象上次一样,他们将一个沾满精液的坐垫带入法庭。
So any fish hauled on board that exceed the quota for that species are thrown back dead - a practice known as 'discards'. 所以,捕捞到甲板上的超出配额的鱼死了之后又被丢回海里,这种行为叫做“弃置”。
Not quite as many died in these combats as Hollywood supposed, but there was always a pile of corpses to be hauled away at day's end. 死于人兽斗的人数并不如好莱坞想象中多,但一天下来也总有成堆尸体必须拖走处理。
Desperately, she grabbed the skirts of a woman's coat and hauled herself to her feet. 她拼命拉住一个妇女的衣服站了起来。
So many giant bluefin have been hauled out of the Mediterranean that the population is in danger of collapse. 如此众多的大金枪鱼从地中海里捕捞上来,导致其种群数量急剧下降。
Some dived under the sea for red coral, which they hauled up by means of straw ropes, in great sprigs as thick as the branches of a tree. 有的则是潜到海底,在浓密的珊瑚丛中游动,然后把红珊瑚用草绳吊上来。他们快速地爬上脚手架。
Bob Moog came by and hauled a whole pile of equipment to show Greg Flint and I things about this. Bob(就是Robert)Moog带了一大堆的装置过来来向我和GregFlint演示这些东西。