
美 [pʊl]英 [pʊl]
  • n.拉;拉力;〈美〉(对人的)吸引力;好处
  • v.拉;吸引;勒(马);拔去(鸡等的)毛
  • 网络把手;拖;牵引力

第三人称单数:pulls 现在分词:pulling 过去式:pulled

pull cart,pull cord,pull curtain,pull gun,pull tooth
gently pull,away pull,hard pull


汽车故障资料英文翻译-猪八戒网 ... Popping 膨化 Pulls Road Wander 路漫步 ...


...入五金橱柜行业,开始生产橱柜用之五金,主要是品是:把手 (PULLS),取手(KNOBS)和铰链(HINGES),主要市场为美国, …


所有的全子都是整体兼部分,必须服膺多种「拉力」( pulls)成为整体的 拉力、成为部分的拉力、往上的拉力以及往下的拉力…

《Friends》词汇表A ... raise n. 上升, 高地, 提出 pulls v. 拉, , 拔n.拉, 拖, 拉力, 牵引力 named 指定的 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... raise n. 上升, 高地, 提出 pulls v. 拉, 拖, 拔n.拉, 拖, 拉力, 牵引力 named 指定的 ...


西装|上海依泽贸易有限公司 ... 卫衣( SWEATS) 毛衣PULLS) 夹克( JACKETS) ...

Well, most visitors to San Francisco ride in cable cars. A cable car goes on tracks, and a strong cable pulls it up the hills. 好的,很多来三藩市的游客要坐缆车。缆车是沿轨道行走,利用和坚固的电缆把车拖上山坡
Breathing heavily, MARTIN WELLS pulls out the photos of the murder. He sobs as he forces himself to look at the images of his dead wife. 沉重的呼吸,马丁威尔斯拿出谋杀的照片。他在强迫自己看他的妻子死亡的照片的时候,在啜泣。
Brand did not like the original pulls with the large crystals all over them. 品牌没有像原来拉他们各地的大晶体。
The Microsoft Live search engine automatically pulls up the first paragraph of any relevant Wikipedia entry in its search results. 凡是通过微软的Live搜索引擎进行的搜索,其结果都会自动将Wiki百科全书中与之相关的内容放在第一段。
An SUV pulls up beside the other trucks. SKINNER is driving. SCULLY gets out of the passenger side and walks up to DOGGETT. 一辆SUV听到了其他卡车的旁边。斯金纳在开车。史高丽从乘客位置下车走向道根。
Of course the ball also pulls on the larger earth but the earth is so much larger that the pull is not noticed. 当然,球也吸引比它大的地球,但是地球很大,致使我们觉察不出球的引力来。
When it recovers, it will be like the locomotive that pulls the rest of the train with it. 美国经济一旦复苏,将会像火车头一样带动整列火车。
She settles down in her tiny bedroom, pulls a mobile phone out of her pocket and turns it on. 她待在她的狭小卧室里,从口袋里拿出了手机并开机。
But the bank continued to suggest that clients keep 10% of their funds in cash, to protect themselves in case the market pulls back again. 不过它仍然建议客户将投资组合总值的10%保留为现金,以便在市场一旦再次下挫的时候自我保护。
Monica pulls down the shades in her bedroom every night to keep the sun from waking her up in the morning. 莫妮卡每晚把卧室的窗帘拉下,防止早上扬光唤醒她。
A dog that always pulls on the leash does not respect his owner as a pack leader, so I put a stop to it with a prong collar. 狗儿经常拉牵引带,不把主人作为领袖来尊重。这种情况下我会使用带刺的项圈来让狗儿停下来。
The lawyer pulls the drapes, dims the lights and asks in a hushed voice, "How much do you want it to be? " 律师拉上窗帘,弄暗灯光,然后低声问道,“你想让它等于几。”
The view switches to the "opening version" of the car, which pulls up in the Batcave set, stops and unfolds so Batman can get out. 然后切换到开花版本的蝙蝠车,它停靠在蝙蝠洞里,刹车后,开启顶棚,让蝙蝠侠出来。
Their abductor pulls over and gives chase, gun drawn, and corners them in a warehouse, but Michael gets the drop on him with a two by four. 绑架他们的人停下了车,拔枪追击他们,将他们逼进了一块货仓,但是迈克尔用一根木棍先发制人。
Pulls a pack of Camels from her purse. Got a nasty scrape, on her elbow. 她从皮包里掏出一盒骆驼牌香烟。
It may be that there is an error in your favor as Uranus pulls a trick out of his bag of surprises in your house of income. 它可能是一个错误,以你方为受益人的玩笑是天王星拉从他的袋子里的惊喜在你家里的收入。
I pulls his hair aside from in front of his eyes and looks at his long eyelashes. 我把他眼前的头发捋到一旁,看着他长长的睫毛。
They're so used to coming to see me in seedy neighbourhoods with two rooms and a bed that pulls out of the wall. 他们太习惯于到破烂的街区那只有两个房间床还需拉出来的套房来看我。
Dan pulls his van over to the side of the road and orders Kimberly to call her mother on the cell phone. 丹在路边停下了车,指令金伯利打通她母亲的手机。
Gene Bonti pulls out a picture of him and his wife Bobbie taken during a cruise. 吉恩拿出他与妻子在一次乘船旅游中拍的照片。
This is easier than I imagined. As we wander down a hill in the dark, a man on a motorbike pulls up and says: "You rent coat? I get. " 这比我想象的要容易,当我们在暗中从一座小山上往下走时,一个骑摩托车的男人停下车来说,“要租外套吗?我有。”
He pulls in a drive way of one that looks exactly like the 20 others on the block and says "How about this one? " 他载着一个客户去看和其他20个人一样的,指着出售中的房子,说:你觉得如何?
Love is like an elastic band that must stretch apart before it pulls you back close to one another. 爱就像一根松紧带,在它将你们紧紧拉在一起之前必须先松开。
What pulls the student away from moving forward is nothing but his bad habit and lack of perseverance. 妨碍这个学生进步的正是他的不良习惯和缺乏毅力。
Lifting our brows pulls the eyes open and allows more light to reflect off the surface, making them look bright, large and inviting. 挑眉时会拉大双眼,使得更多的光线在眼睛表面折射,这使得它们看起来更亮,更大,更引人注目。
One of those young people to turn, impatience, reluctantly pulls out a stack of neat tied money, out of a hand. 人群中的一个年轻人转来转去,极不耐烦,很不情愿地掏出一大叠齐整扎好的钱,抽出一张递了过去。
He took the bait like a male and he pulls like a male and his fight has no panic in it. 看它吃鱼饵和拉扯鱼线的方式,都像一条公鱼,而它面对这场战斗也毫不惊慌。
Back at home, Captain and Maria return. Captain pulls down the Nazi flag hanging on the front house, tearing it apart. The children come in. 上校、玛丽亚已返回家中。上校扯下门前悬挂的纳粹党旗。这时孩子们进来了。
Wait a minute, I've got a pencil. (She pulls pencil and paper out of her apron pocket) That makes your commission. 等一等,我有铅笔。(她从围裙袋里拿出笔和纸。)
Note that this configuration is around 23MB (not including any other packages apt pulls in that may not be present). 注意,这个配置大约23MB(不包括apt可能下载的其他包)。