
美 [hit]英 [hiːt]
  • n.热;温度;压力;激动
  • v.加热;变热;(使)变暖
  • 网络盗火线;热度;热火

复数:heats 现在分词:heating 过去式:heated

intense heat,extreme heat,dry heat,humid heat,stifling heat
stand heat,generate heat,feel heat,produce heat,absorb heat


n. v.

热;高温being hot/temperature

1.[u][sing]热the quality of being hot

2.[u][c][ususing]温度the level of temperature

3.[u]炎热天气;(建筑物、车辆等中的)高温,热的环境hot weather; the hot conditions in a building/vehicle, etc.

烧煮食物for cooking

4.[u]炉灶;灶眼;炉火a source of heat, especially one that you cook food on

强烈感情strong feelings

5.[u]强烈感情;(尤指)愤怒,激动strong feelings, especially of anger or excitement


6.[u]压力;逼迫pressure on sb to do or achieve sth


7.[c]预赛;分组赛one of a series of races or competitions, the winners of which then compete against each other in the next part of the competition


be on heat

处于发情期to be in a sexual condition ready to reproduce

if you cant stand the heat (get out of the kitchen)

如果感到太困难(就别干了)used to tell sb to stop trying to do sth if they find it too difficult, especially in order to suggest that they are less able than other people

七年级英语单词表 ... surprised 感到惊讶的 heat ;热度 relaxed 放松的;得到休息的 ...


经典警匪片盗火线(Heat)登陆次时代主机 (2006-05-15 11:50)Xbox360《指环王 中土战争2》演示视频 (2006-05-11 16:03)EA在 …


九年级英语单词表 ... slipper 拖鞋 heat 加热;是变热 bulb 电灯泡;电灯 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... surprised 感到惊讶的 heat 热;热度 relaxed 放松的;得到休息的 ...


热火队憩息后,韦德打破跳投掷中,收场前 2.9 秒时热火(Heat)队以 96-95 再度超过。当你手中抓住一件东西不放时,你只能拥 …


迈阿密热火(Heat)今日封王,黑压压一群队员中,只有米勒一点白你恐怕要挂科,活该滴——致经常跳课的童靴们 #--最新日志…


2011年中考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... heart 心脏 565. heat 热量 566. heaven 天堂 567. ...


托福听力词汇列表 - 豆丁网 ... Physics 物理学 Heat 热学 Optics 光学 ...

Barbara says that the heat collection system allows her to enjoy many hours of energy-free laundry. 巴巴拉说,集中热源的系统,让她能享受多小时的无能量洗衣。
The Heat sleepwalk through some games, look like world-beaters in others and seem to be biding their time until the playoffs. 季后赛到来之前,他们在一些比赛中梦游,在另一些比赛中又像是主宰,似乎在等待时机。
Germany and ourselves have great respect for each other and this was a thing in the heat of the moment. 德国和我们都非常的尊敬对方,而这只是激情的一刻。
Stephen fell asleep owing to the heat from the wood fires in the tobacco barn, and when he awoke the fire was almost out. 由于烟草谷仓烧材的热度,斯蒂芬睡着了,当他醒来时,火几乎快燃尽了。
Place in a dry sleeping bag and join him or her to maximize heat generation. 放置到干燥的睡袋中,以使病人产生热量。
Now, though, a pair of Canadian engineers have come up with an ingenious way of using the heat of the sun to drive the process. 但是现在有两位来自加拿大的工程师找到了一种独创性的方法-----用太阳的热能进行海水淡化。
Some of the heat radiates into space, but much of it bounces off the cloud layer and goes back into the ground. 大地释放的热量一部分会进入宇宙中,但是大部分都被云层反射并且回到地表。
Life depends on the balance between the heat received from the sun and the heat lost to cooler surroundings. 生命取决于热量接收来自太阳和热量输给了凉爽的环境两者之间的平衡。
The master of prose is not cold, but he will not let any word or image inflame him with a heat irrelevant to his purpose. 散文大师并不冷漠,但他也不允许那些满含激情,但又与他的初衷毫不相干的词语或形象来激发他的感情。
One man described the heat of the sun on the beach and an old fishing boat on the water and big brown rocks. 其中一位的描述是:阳光把沙滩照得暖洋洋的,海上有一只旧鱼船,还有褐色的大岩石露出海面。
Under restricted air inlet condition, the inlet angle has no influence on the air side performances of heat exchangers basically. 受限进风条件下,换热器空气侧特性基本不随进风角度的影响。
More to the point, NATO allies are turning up the heat on Germany to let its soldiers fight in Afghanistan's much more dangerous south. 对于更多要执行的任务,北约盟国也在为德国加温,让德军承担阿富汗南部更危险得多的战事。
He could feel the heat radiating from the floor and door, and figured the fire would burn its way through the cab in a matter of minutes. 他可以感受到从门以及地上传来的热,他估计火将在几分钟左右将驾驶室烧起来。
An infrared detector measures how the heat travels through the tooth while a light sensor picks up the fluorescent signal. 红外线探测器测量热量怎样通过牙齿进行传播,而光敏感元件可以发现荧光信号。
What appears to unite all those who can stand the heat is a passion and a sense of mission. 所有这些能忍受热的人的相同之处是一种激情和使命感。
And as their eyes met for a second, she felt the heat in her neck and breasts, and she flushed, turning away before he noticed. 当他们的眼光相遇的一刻,她感到她的胸腔和咽喉里发热,并激动的脸红了,在他注意到之前,她转开了。
He said he tried to show the light to the American people so that they could turn up the heat on Congress. 他说他尝试向美国人显示光明以便他们能督促国会。
Thatcher and Reagan were determined to go on the ideological offensive. Their political rhetoric began to heat up. 撒切尔和里根决定继续进行意识形态攻击,他们的政治甜言密语开始不断升温。
Liquid is usually withdrawn (or pumped ) from the side or bottom of the tower and is reheated by means of heat exchange. 一般是从塔侧或塔底部抽出(或泵出)液体,借助热交换进行再加热。
His own sweet sister had told him of the last, even offering to find him a bitch in heat if he cared to try it out. 他自己甜美的姐姐告诉了他最后一个,甚至暗示若他想试一试的话可以帮他找到个发情的婊子。
As you know, dark colors trap light and heat. But white reflects light and heat. 如你所知,暗色阻碍光和热,但白色可以反射光和热。
They also give off the heat, and, of course, the warm air rises into the living areas of the houses. 他们还放出的热量,而且,当然,到房屋的居住区暖空气上升。
The oil must be able to absorb heat from hot engine parts, pistons, rings, cylinders, and let go of the heat when it is in the pan. 石油必须能够吸收热量从高温的发动机零件,活塞,环,汽缸,并放开热时,它是泛。
The aircraft came down in flames, and the heat fused most of the parts together into a solid mass. 飞机冒着火坠落了,大多数部件因高温而熔成一团。
Recycling the heat of the total mine water and mine waste wind back is a new topic of the energy utilization of coal enterprises. 回收利用矿井水和矿井总回风中的废热,是煤炭企业能源综合利用的新课题。
The point is, if they have to show a Pepsi label now and then so Will Smith can keep the heat on in his Home, we're fine with that. 问题是,如果他们必须时不时的显示下百事的商标才能让WillSmith保持屋内的温度的话,这无可厚非。
The sun's heat had warmed the dark post, but not enough. The slot between the hard ice and the wood was too narrow for her body. 太阳的热能使黑色的柱子有了温度,只可惜温度不够,坚硬的冰层和木头之间的空隙不够让她爬上去。
Last night, on reflection I said things in the heat of the moment that came out of frustration at both our performance and the result. 昨天晚上我是因为对球队的表现和最终的比分太过失望才一时兴起说了那些话。
If you cant't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. 如果你受不了那份热,就从厨房出来。
It's the election season, U. S. jobs are a top political concern, and that means it's time to turn up the heat on China. 恰逢选举时节,就业成为美国政治首要关心议题,这意味着又到对中国施加压力的时候了。