
美 [haɪ]英 [haɪ]
  • adj.高的;有某高度的;(离地面)很高的;海拔很高的
  • adv.在高处;向高处;(成本、价值)高;(数量)大
  • n.最高水平;最大数量;高气压区;反气旋
  • 网络最高价;高级;高位

比较级:higher 最高级:highest 复数:highs

high speed,high school,high quality,high temperature,high yield


从底到顶from bottom to top

1.高的measuring a long distance from the bottom to the top

2.有某高度的used to talk about the distance that sth measures from the bottom to the top

离地面远far above ground

3.(离地面)很高的;海拔很高的at a level which is a long way above the ground or above the level of the sea

超出常规greater than normal

4.(数量、质量、体积或程度)高的,超乎寻常的greater or better than normal in quantity or quality, size or degree

含量多containing a lot

5.~ (in sth)含某物多containing a lot of a particular substance


6.上层的;地位高的near the top in rank or status


7.价值高的of great value


8.高尚的;崇高的morally good


9.十分赞同的;非常尊敬的showing a lot of approval or respect for sb


10.高音的at the upper end of the range of sounds that humans can hear; not deep or low

时段of period of time

11.[obn]中间的;全盛的used to describe the middle or the most attractive part of a period of time


be/get on your high horse

趾高气扬;自命不凡;自以为了不起to behave in a way that shows you think you are better than other people

have a high old time

玩得很开心to enjoy yourself very much

high and dry

高出水面;搁浅in a position out of the water

high and mighty

趾高气扬;神气活现;自高自大behaving as though you think you are more important than other people

high as a kite

(尤指因酗酒或吸毒)异常兴奋,神情恍惚behaving in a very excited way, especially because of being strongly affected by alcohol or drugs

in high dudgeon

愤然;怒冲冲in an angry or offended mood, and showing other people that you are angry

smell, stink, etc. to high heaven

发出难闻气味;难闻透顶to have a strong unpleasant smell

字典中 岑 字的解释 ... (4) 古国名[ Cen state] (1) [ high] (3) 山石险峻的[ high and precipitous] ...


四年级下册英语单词_百度文库 ... half 半 high 高的;高高地 joke 开玩笑;笑话 四字母 ? ? ? ? ? ? ...


高度HIGH):12.5cm杯口直径:9cm 含盖高:14cmPACKING: 成交记录 共条 订购说明

批 …



由前一时期的最高价High)、最低价(Low)、收盘价(Close)修正推算出的高概率价格点位,是日内多空双方争夺的分水 …


加拿大联邦技术移民申请条件 - 太平洋加达移民 ... Test Results for each Ability 项目评分方式 High 高级 Moderate 中级 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... herself pron. 她自己 high a. 高的;高度的 hill n. 小山;丘陵;土堆;斜坡 ...



As high resolution for photos might be limited, so we might have to use smaller pics like we did for the calender. 高分辨率的照片可能有限,所以我们可能要使用较小的照片一样,我们为日历。
The results have shown that this digital control system has advantage of simplicity, reliability, easy operation and high interference etc. 使用结果表明该数控系统具有简单、可靠、易操作、抗干扰性强等优点。
The next day, Toby walked on the street with his head held high and his tail up. 第二天,托比头抬得高高的翘着尾巴走在街上。
High Court in London has ruled the two Caribbean registered investment funds are entitled to claim payment of a large debt owed by Liberia. 伦敦高级法院裁决,两家加勒比海注册的投资基金有权向利比里亚追讨巨额债务。
The seamless process accommodates very heavy wall or high pressure applications but is expensive and tends to have concentricity variances. 无缝工艺适合重型墙壁或高压应用领域,但是很贵,有同心性变化。
A young woman named Melanie visited, along with her mother, on a high school graduation trip. 一个叫Melanie的年轻妇女,和她母亲一起来这度过了她中学毕业旅行。
Foreign policy is not an explicit part of the brief: that will be the responsibility of a yet-to-be-appointed High Representative. 对外政策不是这篇短文详述的部分:那将是尚未任命的高级代表的职责。
If I were you I would fly up in the sky as high as I could, then drop the nut onto the rocks. 如果我是你,我就会尽我所能,飞向高空,然后让坚果掉在石头上。
But what actually interests me a lot more is the fact that in the tip of each controller is a relatively high-performing infrared camera. 但其实更让我感兴趣的,是这个遥控器顶部的一个比较高性能的红外照相机。
Despite all of the turmoil facing the capital markets, the VIX has failed to break out to the upside despite the very high levels. 尽管面临资本市场的动荡,波动率指数已出非常高的水平,尽管未能突破上行。
Although many countries around the world now have bullet trains, the United States still has no high-speed train system. 虽然世界上很多国家都引进了高铁,但美国仍没有高铁。
Despite being a woman herself, Miss Fan did not have a very high regard for the transcribing abilities of other members of her sex. 范小姐虽然自己也是个女人,对于同性者的记录本领,估计并不过高。
Of course, the Bellaire High School ninth-grader's first choice would be playing tennis or hanging out with his friends. 当然啦,贝莱尔高中高一的学生在假期中首选的休閒活动仍然还是打网球或是和朋友一起閒晃。
Under State Department rules, foreign students can only attend public high school in the United States for a year. 这里有一个死结。按照州立法,国外学生只能进入公立学校学习一年。
Life is like the stars in the sky: sometimes Starryland bleak, sometimes high spirits. Life sometimes is like a journey. 人生如空中的繁星:有时星途暗淡,有时神采飞扬。人生有时就像一场旅行。
The system which has the merit of high integration, small volume, light weight and easy to carry, has a good prospect and practical value. 该系统集成度高、体积小、重量轻、易携带,具有良好的应用前景和实用价值。
An aircraft-leasing unit that was valuable to AIG when it had a high credit rating but has been a drag ever since will be offloaded, too. 另外一家飞机租赁部门在评级高的时候对AIG来说很值钱,但是危机之后却变成了集团的拖累,该部门也将被出售。
By the time she graduated from high school, at the age of twenty, she had scarcely ever heard anyone speak ill of Scientology. 她20岁从高中毕业之时,她还几乎从来没有听过任何人说山达基有什么不好。
His mother bought him a computer when he graduated from high school. 高中毕业时他妈妈给他买了一台电脑。
Supporters for legal divorce also point to the high number of battered wives who feel trapped, unable to leave their husbands. 合法离婚的支持者们还提出一点,有大量遭遇家庭暴力的妻子们感觉被困在婚姻里,无法离开她们的丈夫。
They both require high degree of dedication, passion, the desire to be really good and perfect in what you are doing and actually logical. 这两者都需要很高度的投入、激情,以及对所做的事情有高标准的要求,甚至完美的愿望,它们都应是很合乎逻辑的。
The proposal plan is like any other plan and has a set of high-level activities that are broken down into a set of tasks. 提案计划和其他计划一样,都含有一组高级别的活动,这些活动又被拆分为若干任务。
Than the day of such high thick than to owe, we can appreciate how much? 对这种比天高,比地厚的恩情,我们又能体会到多少呢?
Our parents also included teachers and doctors, and one of us had an uncle who had been a high official in the Ministry of the Interior. 我们的长辈们还包括教师,大夫,我其中的一个叔叔就是内政部的一名高官。
Holding his head high, he walked past the pole and the soldiers as if they didn't exist. 他昂着头从旗杆和卫兵身旁走过,就像他们不存在似的。
It was a risk for me to push her along this path-what if some snarky high schooler did make fun of her efforts? 我逼着她一路走下去是在冒险——要是某个刻薄的中学生确实取笑女儿的付出该怎么办?
In light of my personal teaching practice, learning disabilities turn out to be a widespread problem in high school physics teaching. 学习困难也是高中物理教学中学生所面临的一个普遍的问题,本人在教学过程中深有体会。
However, Mr. Rojas said the rate of deforestation is still very high in many areas. 但是,罗哈斯指出在很多地区森林砍伐率仍然很高。
Today I'm in high spirits and I'm going to take you for a nice stroll in the forest to let you know what a magic tropical rain forest is. 今天我的心情好,我就带你在森林里好好转转,让你见识见识什么叫神奇美丽的热带雨林。
You know, my mother used to make me clean my room every night when I was in high school and that drove me nuts. 我念中学的时候我妈妈让我每天晚上打扫房间,让我很受不了。