here on earth

  • 网络人间天堂;这一片恋土;爱在地球尽头

here on earthhere on earth

here on earth


人间天堂》(Here on Earth) - 成语 - 发音 - 释义 - 示例共被2位作者编辑2次,最新版本由 wealthxiaoxi 于2006年07月28日编 …


二十世纪福克斯电影公司 - 豆丁网... ... 甜心伊人 Where the Heart Is 这一片恋土 Here on Earth 远看像朵花 The Closer You Get ...


2000年,哈奈特出演爱情悲剧片《爱在地球尽头》(Here on Earth),受到美国校园少女追捧。2001年拍摄了《千方百计》(O), …


Last Night On Earth_百度百科 ... Here on earth 在这地球上 I'm sending all my love to you 我会将我所有的爱都传达给你 ...


精华区文章阅读 ... ) Heaven and Earth( 天与地) ) Here on Earth( 爱到地球尽头时) ) Hollow Man( 透明人) ...


here 这里_英语 English... ... 73. here it is 在这里 74. here on earth 这里在地球上 75. here on tour 来这里旅游 ...


... Flannery)的一本关于地球自然历史的新书《地球此次》(Here on Earth)提供了精装本、平装本、kindle电子书,并且有点 …


电影译名对照表 ... Hercules 大力士 1997 Here on Earth 真心实地 2000 Hero Interview 星空下的恋情 1995 ...

Some people talk of marriage as a safe haven, heaven even, but for me it has turned out to be nothing less than purgatory here on earth. 有的人说婚姻是安全的避难所,甚至说是天堂,但对于我来说,它简直是地球上的炼狱。
Christ made several promises while He was here on earth. He said He would rise again. 基督在世的时候,曾作过数个应许,他说他必从死里复活,结果他真的复活了;
He said that ghosts simply did not exist, God brought everyone to heaven or sent them to hell, and no spirits remained here on earth. 他说鬼魂根本不存在,上帝要么把人送往天堂,要么就是地狱,没有灵魂留在这个地球上。
One of his first designs was an extrapolation of a Star Wars-style swamp boat, inspired by the fan boats used here on Earth. 他最早的设计之一是一种后来很有《星球大战》风格的沼泽艇,其灵感来源于在地球上使用的风扇机船。
Astarquake is thought to be the tearing apart of the surface of a neutron star, much like an earthquake here on Earth. 恒星地震拒信可以撕裂中子星表面,其所能产生的破坏力很像地球上的地震。
So, Kibo, where is the room for proof here, since if I exist or not, does not really matter for you here on earth. 那么,Kibo,证据的空间何在,因为不论我是否真的存在,对地球上的你都并不重要。
We dare not to waste a single second to do nothing before the sun comes out in the early morning since our life time is short here on Earth. 我们不能浪费一秒,在早上太阳出来之前什么也不做,我们生活在地球上的时间是短暂的。
And just like the volcano here on Earth, shockwaves can be seen when the black hole pumps energetic particles into the cluster gas. 并且就像地球上的火山喷发,当黑洞向星团气体注入高能粒子时,我们可以看到冲击波。
Do not store up riches for yourselves here on earth, where moths and rust destroy, and robbers break in and steal. 不要在地上为自己积攒财宝,这里有虫、锈的侵蚀,还有盗贼的偷窃。
Davies: You'll need people with real research skills, not a dreamer using up the resources. I'm very happy with my life here on Earth. 戴维斯:你需要具有真正研究水平的人,而不是一个梦想家去浪费资源。我对我在地球上的生活很满意。
My grandma is no longer present here on earth, but she will always remain present in my heart. 虽然奶奶已经不在人世了,但她永远活在我心里。
But as the only life we know of exists here on Earth, it's not a bad assumption to make. 但是,作为我们已知的唯一一种存在在地球上的生命,这并不是个荒谬的假设。
Lulu: Well, you'd better come down. There's work right here on Earth for you to do. 露露:嗯,妳最好下凡来。妳在地球上还有工作要做呢!
What can we learn there, or learn just by trying to get there, that will make life better here on Earth? 或是单单学会去那儿就可以让我们在地球的生活更美好。
Pennies do not come from heaven. They have to be earned here on earth. 钱不会从天上掉下来,必须脚踏实地去挣。
Very few of us have ever come up to that standard but that is what Christ was like while here on earth. 我们当中很少人能够达致这个标准,不过,这却是基督在世时的表现。
Some critics point out that the money could usefully be redirected to pressing problems here on earth. 有的批评家指出,钱应该转用到地球上的紧迫问题,
Some of them don't like the idea of spending any money on outer space when there are so many problems remaining here on earth. 他们之中有些人认为,仅地球上就有诸多问题尚未解决,因此不应该再在外太空耗费财力。
We all receive radiation here on Earth from the sun, from cosmic rare and from radioactive minerals. 在地球上,人人都接受来自太阳、宇宙射线和放射性矿物的辐射。
Teach me to honor and bless our lord every minute of my life here on earth. 教导我荣耀和我在地球这里生命中每一分钟祝福我们的主。
We here on Earth obey the same laws of light and gravity as someone in a far off corner of the universe. 我们在地球上的所依从的有关光和引力的规律同它们在遥远的宇宙角落里是一模一样的。
I will strive to ensure that our connection remains like this or becomes even better, here on Earth and later on the fifth level. 我会尽力保持它,甚至使之更为美好,于尘世这里以及将来的第五界天堂。
Whether or not it portends catastrophic consequences for us here on earth is subjective until that happen. 无论它预示着我们在地球上灾难性的后果是主观的,直到这种情况发生。
Most people will likely move on to other, more immediate concerns of life here on Earth while scientists get down to work. 当科学家们埋头工作时,大多数人将可能移居另外的星球,这是地球上的生命更为直接关切的事。
It may be that today, this very day, could be the last one in our time here on earth. 原因就在于,不管是那个今日还是这个今日,都有可能成为我们在地上的最后一天。
Sure, things here on Earth have been pretty stable over the past few millennia, allowing human civilization to gain a foothold. 当然,地球上的东西在过去数千年中都非常稳定,使人类文明得以立足。
We've explored only a sliver of our seas. They're really our final frontier here on Earth. 我们现在还只是对海洋的表层进行了探索,它最终一定会成为人类研究的前沿阵地。
Any creatures who witness the sun's demise, here on Earth or far beyond, won't be human. 任何能见证太阳死亡的生物,无论是在当今的地球上或是遥远的它方,都不会是人类。
God longs for you to discover the life he created you to live-here on earth, and forever in eternity. 上帝希望您去发现他创造您去生活的生命—在地球短暂的及未来永恒的生命。
But occasionally we get glimpses of the answer here on Earth, and that alone is enough for me. 但有时候,我们在地球上瞥见了那答案,仅仅这些对我来说已经足够了。