
美 [fil]英 [fiːl]
  • linkv.觉得;感到;体会到;给…感觉
  • n.触觉;手感;触摸;感受
  • v.感觉到;感到;触;摸
  • 网络一感觉

过去式:felt 第三人称单数:feels 现在分词:feeling

feel good,feel bad,feel ill,probably feel,well feel
feel pain,feel cold,feel need,feel warmth,feel shame


健康、不适、愉快、悲伤等well/sick/happy/sad, etc.

1.觉得;感到;体会到to experience a particular feeling or emotion

留下印象give impression

2.给…感觉;有印象;感受到to give you a particular feeling or impression


3.摸起来;手感to have a particular physical quality which you become aware of by touching


8gay同志网址导航 ... 21cn- 同志恋人 feel 感觉 memberisland 同志 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... make 使;促使;迫使 feel 感到;觉得 walk 走;步行;散步 ...


感受感受 (Feel)(Feel)• 我们感受到伤残人士被部分四肢健全的人岐视和欺凌。就是因为我们感受到 , 所以我们要改变 , 避免伤残 …


七年级英语单词表 ... make 使;促使;迫使 feel 感到;觉得 walk 走;步行;散步 ...


人教版小学英语六年级上、下册单词表_百度文库 ... wake up 醒来 feel 感觉到 think 想;思考 ...

英文字根_百度百科 ... 332、pact = fastened 紧的 333、palp = feel 感觉, 334、par = bring forth 生产,生出孩子 ...


...isten to) 三使” 两听” 三使 两听 “一感觉”(feel)。 一感觉” 一感觉 。

You might feel that the very repetitive nature of the test methods indicates that some refactoring should be possible. 您可能认为测试方法的高重复性特性指示能够进行某种的重构。
Red-eye because I never feel ready to teach, no matter how late I stay up the night before preparing for class. 熬红眼睛是因为无论上课前我熬夜备课到多晚,我从没感到准备充分。
Mais there should be something you feel really important, it will lead out a direction, and life will be easier for you to control maybe. 不过还是要有觉得重要的东西,有个方向,生活总会容易把握一些吧。
For the first time the mass of ordinary women had a reliable contraceptive about which there was no need to feel squeamish or embarrassed. 第一次,普通女性拥有可以信赖的避孕药具,不必再为此而感到困窘。
I can feel as if we are about to get into something a bit complicated regarding opportunities for everyone involved. 我能感觉到好像我们即将进入一个有点复杂的东西就得到了人人参与的机会。
"It's much better to be without shoes than without feet, " he thought. It was not right for hin to feel so sorry and sad. 他看着自己健康的双脚不禁感慨万千:“没有鞋终究还是比没了双腿要幸运得多”,他觉得自己根本就没资格抱怨不幸和悲伤。
Often it is only when people suddenly feel they are losing their partner that they realize how much they love them. 人们常常在突然感觉失去亲人时,才会明白自己有多么爱他。
It was as if I'd confided in her about my literacy problems or asked her to feel a lump. 就好像我跟她坦白我不识字儿或者让她摸个肿块儿似的。
Your look's full of passion. As the night kisses your skin You close your eyes and also let me feel our common will. 当死亡黑夜亲吻你的肌肤,你的外表看来充满热情,你闭上双眼,让我也感受到我们共同的决心。
This slow oxygenation helps to smooth out any rough textures that may exist in a young wine, giving it a rounder, fuller mouth feel. 这种缓慢的氧化有助于消除新酒中的粗涩的口感,使味道更加圆润,更有口感。
While you seem to be the big moneymaker in the relationship, this could suggest that your partner will feel deficient in comparison. 当你是关系内主要负责赚钱的一方时,这意味着你的另一半或许在比较之下感到不足。
Sometimes it really does feel like a fantasy, and yet our hearts seem to know it is a Truth. 有时候,它真的感觉像一个幻境,但是我们的心理知道它是真实的。
Perhaps a moment or two of allowing yourself to feel the feelings of being loved can change your disposition when it is in need of a change. 也许时不时地让自己感受被爱的感觉,当情绪需要改变的时候会对你有所帮助。
Let me know what you think of the web apps featured and feel free to share your personal favorites. 告诉我您对以上应用的看法吧,尽管分享您的私人最爱应用吧。
Please feel free to contact me at any time if I can be of further assistance in helping with a smooth transition. 如果我能为实现平稳的工作交接提供帮助,请随时联系我。
To do not consciously think of an important decision on behalf of you feel that they have a need to start to the next stage. 不自觉地想起要做的一个重要决定,代表你感觉到自己有需要起动到下一个阶段。
"I can't really feel bad for this rich kid with a weekend free in New York City, " said one teacher, paraphrasing some of her students. 一位老师转述学生的话:“一位富家子在纽约自由自在的过周末,我真的不会为此感到难过。”
"Now incredible changes have taken place in the quake-hit areas, I feel very relieved, " he said. 他说,现在难以至信的变化在地震灾区发生,我感到很放心。
I also believe our turnover situation and the fact that we always feel we have to force the ball down to Yao in the post have improved. 我还相信,我们的失误次数有了改善,还有我们也不再需要勉强把球塞给低位要球的姚明了。
If you imagine something bad happening to you, you will feel the emotions as if it is really happening. 如果你想象一些不好的事情发生到自己身上,那么你将会感受到好像它真的发生了。
The hostel is now transformed into a genuine palace, a place of safety and outstanding kindness for travellers and again I feel humbled. 这家旅馆现在变成了一座真正的宫殿,游客在这儿安全而得到善待,我又感觉很羞愧。
She says she began to feel "socially awkward" during A-levels and that this became worse at university. 在准备高级考试期间,她回忆说她感到了“社交障碍”,后来到了大学情况更加恶化。
Of course, it's the moment when investors start to feel confident that markets double back , leaving people with a case of whiplash. 当然,目前这种时候投资者也会开始认为,市场可能二次探底,让人们再次蒙受损失。
When you feel deeply hurt, and tears are about to drop down , then please take a glance at the sky that used to belong to you. 当你的心真的在痛,眼泪快要流下来的时候,那就赶快抬头看看,这片曾经属于你的天空;
But although I found it easy to learn this subject, I did not feel that I wished to devote my whole life to it. 虽然于我而言学起数学来十分简单,但是我仍然不认为我应该在之后的人生之中献身于此。
It's not easy when most of the people you know are married or in relationships and you feel like the odd man (or woman) out. 当你认识的大多数人已经结婚或确立恋爱关系,你就会觉得不安,觉得自己怪异,格格不入。
So it may have been the timing of the McChrystal affair that made him feel he had to insist on the resignation of the egregious general. 所以,这也许是麦克里斯特尔事件的时机,他感觉到不得不坚持辞去臭名昭著的将军一职。
I feel compelled to write and tell you how much I enjoyed your book. 我觉得必须写信告诉你我是多么欣赏你的书。
So the example would be, "I feel angry with you because you're not listening to me and I need you to listen to me. " 因此最好的情况应该是“我对你感到很气愤,因为你并没有听我的话而我需要你去听。”
Patients feel they deserve some sort of treatment reward for sitting and waiting to see a provider. 病人们都认为他们坐在那儿等着见一位医生他们就应该得到一些药物回报。