
美 [ˈflaʊr]英 [ˈflaʊə(r)]
  • n.花;花卉;开花;花状装饰物
  • v.开花;用花装饰;使开花;成长
  • 网络鲜花;花朵;繁花

复数:flowers 现在分词:flowering 过去式:flowered

red flower,yellow flower,fresh flower,purple flower,blue flower
grow flower,send flower,bring flower


长门裕之_百度百科 ... 3、迈向荣耀之路 Puraido 1 、 FLOWERS 1、银座沙漠 Ginza no sabaku ...


wuyandezhufu的博客 - wuyandezhufu - 网易博客 ... Special guest star 特邀演员 Flowers 花卉 amaryllis 孤挺花 ...


手捧鲜花(Flowers),将迷人的气质显现的淋漓细致。在繁多心腹的见证下,德门蒂耶娃与阿菲诺格诺夫对互相许下信誉,合伙 …


artmi夏季发布会-artmi旗舰店- 天猫 ... 菱格纹 Ling plaid 花朵 Flowers 印花 Printing ...


英文网名_2013年最新版英文的个性网名_沪江英语 ... Mo Maek 莫陌 Flowers 繁花 The sky 天空 ...


爵士酒吧 - 博客大巴 ... 02 吉祥天 The Lucky Spirit 03 花儿 Flowers 05 决斗 Duel ...


...Colin Hendry)、萨顿(Sutton)、弗劳尔斯(Flowers)、勒索克斯(Le Saux)、亨宁.伯格(Henning Berg)、里普利(Ripley)等一大批 …


首页-阿汤画馆-淘宝网 ... 油画 风景- scenery 油画 花草- flowers 油画 人物- people ...

A cow by itself is just a cow, the lawn by itself is just some grass and flowers, and the sun passing by the trees is just being a light. 一头牛只是一头牛,草坪只是一片长满草和花的地方,透过树枝的阳光,也不过是一束光线而已。
The other passengers whistled and clapped at him. Charlie bowed and waved the flowers before he sat down on his seat. 其他乘客都吹着口哨为他鼓掌,查理鞠了个躬,晃了晃手中的鲜花,然后坐下了。
I was just about to call to tell you how I appreciate the flowers you sent me. 我正要打电话告诉你,你送的花我真是太喜欢了。
When the children came into the garden on that afternoon, they found the giant lying dead under the tree, covered with white flowers. 那天下午,当孩子们跑进花园的时候,他们看见巨人静静地躺在那棵树下,已经死了,满身覆盖着白花。
That's nice. . . now, was that before or after you told him to stop calling, stop sending you flowers and to generally leave you alone, hmm? 真体贴。是在你跟他说之前还是之后送的,叫他别再打电话来,别再送你花,别再来烦你?
He always says to the rose-bush, "You give flowers all the time. I shall do more than to give roses. " 他总是对玫瑰花丛说:“你总是在开花,我要做比开花更有意义的事。”
And every spring people come from all over the city to see unusual flowers to boom, each one was four long white petals. 每到春天,所有人都会来参观一种不寻常的花:每一朵花都长着四瓣白色长长的花瓣,每当微风吹过的时候…
When she came near heR desk she was overjoyed to see a new bunch of flowers theRe. She quickly put them in the vase, replacing the old ones. 当她走近办公桌时,看到桌上放了一束新的鲜花,真让她喜出望外。她很快就把这束新花换下了旧的插进了瓶里。
Her ball- dress still lay on the sofa , and with a sort of fierce care she arrayed herself , took the flowers in her hand , and went down . 她赴舞会穿的衣服还摊在长沙发上,她鼓着一股猛劲,小心地穿上衣服,把花拿在手里,就下楼来。
I said to myself: 'My God, I must marry this man, he's the president and he knows everything about flowers as well. 我对自己说:‘天啊,我一定要嫁给这个男人,他是总统,还对花卉如此精通。
In that month, nature has charming gleams which pass from the sky, from the trees, from the meadows and the flowers into the heart of man. 大自然在这一月里具有多种感人的光泽,从天上、云端、林木、原野、花枝各方面映入人心。
Specifically, summer flowers - may bracts susceptible to wind down, the summer sun too hot, is often darken. 具体地说,夏季的花--五月的花苞易被狂风吹落,夏日的太阳过分炽热,又常被遮暗。
The long journey on the train exhausted this silly sister, who took flowers to home from thousands of miles away. 她坐火车回家,漫长的旅途,折腾坏了这位千里带花的痴姐姐。
No, no. You should have said the flowers look more beautiful with you as the background. 大牛:不,应该说是你被鲜花映衬得更好看了。
A cow by itself is just a cow. A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers. And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light. 牛只是一头牛,草地也只有青草和鲜花,而穿过树枝的阳光也仅仅只是一束光,但如果将它们放到一起,就会产生魔一般的魅力。
Flowers have long been a fixture at the Montgomery Farm Women's Co-op, but a certain crop has really turned heads since fall. 在蒙哥马利农场妇女合作社,鲜花长期以来都是一项装饰用品,但有一样东西改变了这一切。
Tured Mong, a pensioner, said she had driven 40 miles with her husband to bring flowers from her garden and a candle she wanted to light. 一位名叫TuredMong的退休女性说,她和丈夫驱车40英里带来了她花园里载种的鲜花,以及一支她想要点燃的蜡烛。
However, there is no doubt that this is there is a grid of flowers, will never be vulgar, and never so miserly toward the heart and life. 但毫无疑问,这是一朵有格的花,永远不会粗鄙化,永远那么孤寒而向着内心的生活。
I painted the walls in the warmest colors I could find and bought myself flowers every week, as if I were visiting myself in the hospital. 我把墙壁粉刷成我能找到的最温暖的颜色,每个礼拜给自己买花,仿佛去医院探望自己。
His opulence became so much that the flowers became diseased, becoming a parallel to the sickening of his mind. 他财富越丰,花朵病害亦越厉害,就像他病态心灵的一个反照。
Took a long time to answer, she said, yeah, can you help me carry some of these flowers, and she had five little bouquets of flowers. 她打了招呼,我问她,有甚么事情可以效劳,她想了很久才说,好的,请你替我拿著这些花,她共有五束花。
Hawthorn leaves, flowers and berries have been used for generations by herbalists as a cardiovascular tonic. 山楂叶、花和果,在草药学上已应用于心脑血管几十年。
A few magnolias , in the clearing before the front door, were in full blossom, and their white flowers gave out a heady fragrance. 门前土地上几株玉兰正开出满树的白花,一阵香气往人的鼻端送来。
Although flowers and chocolate are quite acceptable, it would be very nice if you could take something from your country. 尽管鲜花和巧克力容易被人接受,但是,如果你能带点从本国带来的东西就更好了。
in the afternoon. my farther asked me to help him water the plant. and i was happy to see the flowers smiling in the wind. 下午爸爸叫我帮他给植物浇水。看到那些在风中微笑的花儿我很开心。
There was a little path beside the rocky road, and Mrs. Flowers walked ahead of me, swinging her arms and picking her way over the stones. 石头路旁有一条小路,弗劳尔斯太太摆动着手臂走在前面,小心地躲过石头。
Country Style Flowers was an international success selling in Europe, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and South Africa. 她另著有《乡村风格花卉》,该书在欧美及南非非常畅销。
It was cold outside in winter, so he thought his flowers might be cold. He started the fire to heat a pot of water. 冬天外面很冷,他认为他的花可能会冷,于是他打开火烧开水。
She did not carry the flowers in her car but she carried them in her heart. 她没有将花放在车里带来,但她把它们放在心里带来了
As an old Chinese saying goes, "One single flower is not enough to count for a spring, only a garden full flowers can be spring" . 正如中国俗语所说,“一枝独秀不是春,百花齐放春满园”。