when i was young

  • 网络当我年轻时;当我小的时候;当我年轻的时候

when i was youngwhen i was young

when i was young


★朝花夕拾 ... “Blowin' In The Wind 风中吹舞 When I was young 当我年轻时 I'd listen to the radio 我喜欢听电台广播 ...


风月神 ... Just like before 就像从前一样 When I was young 当我小的时候 I‘d listen to the radio 我聆听收音机 ...


BJ单身日记_百度百科 ... All by Myself 孤单一人 When I was young 当我年轻的时候, I never needed anyone 我谁也不需要, ...


the daydream... ... 03 Happy Spring 在春天欢笑 04 When I was Young 年少的绮想 05 Morning of the Provence 普罗旺斯清晨 ...


最伤感的歌曲... ... I feel so old before my time 如今我感觉如此的未老先衰 Yesterday,when I was young, 昨日,当我轻狂年少 ...


Yesterday Once... ... YESTERDAY ONCE MORE 昨日重现 When I was young 在我年轻时 I'd listen to the radio 我喜欢听收音 …


这几首儿歌名字翻译成英... ... 小小白船 little white boat 小时候 when i was young 有只雀子掉落水 a bird fell in the water ...

When I was young , they taught me to be knd to others and do things kindly, which had a great effect on me. 在我很小的时候他们就告诉我要诚恳地做人和做事,这些都深深地影响着我。
When I was young, I found a pigeon with a broken wing, nearly dead, lying on the side of the road. 小时候,我发现了一只鸽子,它的翅膀受伤了,好像快要死了,在路边躺着。
when i was young , i used to have so much time , but these days i get up early and stay in school all day. 在我年纪小的时候,我常常有那么多的时间,但现在我早早起床,并且一整天都呆在学校里。
A fierce negotiator and man of strength, he terrified me with his discipline and stern nature when I was young. 在我年幼的印象中,他不仅是一名谈判高手,也是一个身强力壮的勇士,他的严厉和毫不妥协曾让我害怕。
When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. 当我年轻时,有一个惊人的出版称为地球目录,这是一个圣经的我这一代。
Mather once was a competent head of a kindergarten, she stressed to cultivate me with every respect when I was young. 妈妈曾是一位优秀的幼儿园园长,在我小时候就重视培养我全面发展。
I used to be a terrible hypochondriac when I was young and a great reader of medical dictionaries. 我年轻时曾患有可拍的忧郁症,很爱读各种医学词典。
I wanted to be a headbanger when I was young but my mom would not let me grow my hair long enough. 小时候,我想成为一名摇头音乐手,但是我妈妈不愿让我把头发留那么长。
I want to teach others what I was not taught when I was young, and that message is to save at least twenty percent of your income. 我想把我年轻时无人传授的经验教给别人,亦即至少省下你20%的收入。
When I was young, I didn't like to help my mother with the cooking, but in a way it has been useful as I am now able to make delicious food. 当我年轻的时候,我并不乐意帮我妈妈做饭,但是这却在某种程度上帮助了我,现在我能做可口的饭菜啦。
All the kids used to call me a chicken when I was young. 小时候所有的孩子都叫我胆小鬼。
When I was young, I used to spread my homework out on the floor; somehow it felt more expansive, more conducive to creative thought. 稍长一点,我常把作业本平铺在地上写作业;不管怎样,那让我有种更易拓宽思路,更有助于记忆,更富于创造力的感觉。
When I was young, Iused to think myself to be a little Red Cap, because there used to be Big Wolf in the dream. 小时候,我总以为自己是小红帽因为梦里总是会有大灰狼。
So it's fun to be able to share with my family and my kids the excitement that I had when I was young. 因此能和我的家人,我的孩子一起分享我小时候曾拥有过的兴奋感,十分有趣。
When I was young I wished to be a happy kid forever under your shelter. Now I can only fulfill it in my dream. 小时侯我有一个愿望:我愿在你的庇荫下做一世的孩子。现在只有让梦来满足这个愿望了。
When I was young, I would not like to help my mother with cooking which helped me in some way. Now I could make delicious meal. 当我年轻的时候,我并不乐意帮我妈妈做饭,但是这却在某种程度上帮助了我,现在我能做可口的饭菜拉
When I was young, I used to have this thing where I wanted to see everything. 在我小时候,我很向往能看到一切事物。
When I was young, my parents had eagerly hoped to make another Einstein, Picasso, or Newton out of me. 在年幼的时候,父母曾望女成凤的想让我成为第二个爱因斯坦,第二个毕加索或第二个牛顿。
Kite flying was one of my favorite sports when I was young. 放风筝是我小时候最喜欢的运动之一。
There is no road back to the scent of the Julys when I was young and leapt from a boulder into the ice-cold meltwater of a Norwegian fjord. 再也回不到那个芳香的七月,那时我还年轻,我从一块冰砾上跳进了挪威峡湾冰冷的融水里。
Because when I was young, I dreamt become just a professional player for Sao Paolo and play just one game for the national team. 在我地孩提时,我曾梦想着能成为圣保罗的1名职业球员,为巴西国家队效力,那怕是一场比赛也就足够满足我的梦想。
When I was young, my parents always brought me to Yu Garden to celebrate the lantern festival which is one of its special landscapes. 记得小时候,每逢元宵节,爸爸妈妈都会带我去豫园逛元宵灯会。这也是豫园的一大特色景观。
When I was young I dreamt of flying, but never to go into a geode internally covered with transparent crystals. 年轻时候我梦见自己在飞翔,但从来没有进入到透明水晶簇晶洞里面去。
Whatever challenges the logos bring, I can often rely on the little doodles that I used to do in school when I was young. 徽带来任何挑战,我可以常常靠很少用来做面条,我小时候上学。
When I was young I gave her no peace , constantly asking her to tell me stories. 小时候我总是缠着她,要她给我讲故事。
The same reason as if my mother give me away when I was young, and I was raise by my foster family. 同一个原因,好象我的母亲给我诞生,当我是年轻的和我是培养由我的养育家庭。
When I was young I was told it was impolite to ask westerners about their age and salary. 小时侯就有人告诉我向西方人打听他们的年龄和工资是不礼貌的。
When I was young, my ambition was to be one of the people who made a difference in this world. 当我年轻的时候,我的企图心是做使这世界变得不同的人之一。
When i was young you were always told me to pay attention to details, but i feit bored. 在我小时候,你们总叫我注意细节,我却觉得你们很烦。
Jin Yu: When I was young I heard that calligraphy is the quintessence of Chinese culture and it has several thousand years of history. 锦玉:我小的时候就听说书法是中国的国粹,有几千年的历史。