
美 [wɪθ]英 [wɪð]
  • prep.用;和;有;具有
  • 网络和…一起;带有;以



1.和…在一起;和;同;跟in the company or presence of sb/sth

2.有;具有;带有having or carrying sth

3.用;使用;以;借using sth

4.(表示以某物填充、覆盖等)used to say what fills, covers, etc. sth

5.与…对立;反对in opposition to sb/sth; against sb/sth

6.关于;对于;对…来说concerning; in the case of

7.(涉及一事与另一事的关系)used when considering one fact in relation to another


9.(表示行为方式)used to show the way in which sb does sth

10.因为;由于;作为…的结果because of; as a result of

11.由于;随着because of sth and as it happens

12.与…方向一致;顺着in the same direction as sth

13.由…持有;由…负责used to show who has possession of or responsibility for sth

14.为…工作;受雇于;利用…的服务employed by; using the services of

15.(表示分离)showing separation from sth/sb

16.虽然;尽管despite sth

17.(用于感叹)used in exclamations

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... history n. 历史 with prep. 与……一起;;使用……(工具);有;附有 actor n. 演员 ...

牛津小学英语5B单词、词组归纳_百度文库 ... bend 弯曲 with 以,,和 everybody 每人 ...

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... history n. 历史 with prep. 与……一起;和;使用……(工具);;附有 actor n. 演员 ...


白面葫芦娃的博客 - lil82 - 网易博客 ... (each) 每个,各 (with) 具有 (without) 没有 ...


大学英语四级考试大纲(W)|英语四级词汇 ... wit n. 智力,才智,智能 with prep. 和…一起;具有 within prep. 在…里面 ...


初一英语下册单词表(外研版) - 豆丁网 ... president n. 总统 * with prep. 带有;和……在一起 store n. 商店 ...

牛津小学英语5B单词、词组归纳_百度文库 ... bend 弯曲 with ,用,和 everybody 每人 ...


新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... shine 照耀 with 和…在一起 family 家庭(成员) ...

"There was no way I could walk around with two kidneys and he had none, " she said. "It was the right thing to do. " 她说:“我不可能眼看着他死,而自己却留着两个肾。这么做是正确的决定。”
The title use the name same as the film, but it has nothing to do with the film, still talking about the father-son hood. 题目借用电影的名字,但是和电影本身没有太大的关系,但说的也是父子情。
It takes no extra space in your pocket and is always with you. Use it as night light. 它需要在你的口袋里没有额外的空间,并始终与你同在。使用它作为夜间照明。
The problem with him was that he was willing to sacrifice principles too easily for political advantage. 他的问题是他愿意为了政治利益而如此轻易地牺牲原则。
That's why I propose you. And it had nothing to do with your looks. 那才是我向你求婚的原因,和你的外表无关。
I would be remiss if I did not specifically acknowledge the patience that each of you has shown with my inability to speak Mandarin. 另外,还有一点我必须要提,那就是感谢大家对于我不会中文而给予我的包容。
Faith, walking in the dark with God, only prays Him to clasp its hand more closely. --Phillips Brooks. 信心,在黑暗中与神同行的时候,只求一件事:求神紧紧握住它的手。——白罗克斯。
An attack by 100 RAF Lancaster bombers played havoc with its attack and it did not roll forward until the early afternoon. 他们遭到了皇家空军100架兰开斯特重型轰炸机的轰炸,直到午后才开始向前推进。
I think all those unicorns and werewolves and whomping willows around the place would be very difficult to deal with. 我想城堡周围的独角兽、狼人以及打人柳很难对付。
For the specifics you can read his full review but here are my own impressions of the S710 after playing with it for a month now. 关于细节你可以阅读他的完整评论,而这里是我在摆弄了一个月S710后目前自己对它的印象。
He was looking at me with his arms across. 他双手交叉地看着我。
Pippo Inzaghi was back on the pitch, his fans welcomed him with a standing ovation, hoping this was the right time. 菲利普。因扎吉回到了赛场,他的球迷起身狂欢希望这次是一个及时的回归。
Consequently, information can be read out with high precision with no influence of surrounding metal. 根据所述特征,能够不受周围的金属的影响以高读取精度来读取信息。
Republicans picked up at least 60 House seats and, with more than a dozen races still too close to call, the number probably will rise. 共和党至少获得了60个众议院议席,而由于还有十余场投票依然是势均力敌,这一数字可能还会上升。
Theyoung man then began to remove the stone. He had to push or pull with all his strength to move it to one side. 然后,这个年轻人便开始搬这块石头。要想把这块石头移到一边去,他必须使出全身力气连推带拉。
How much did Kissinger know about Chinese history and culture when he set off for his first rendezvous with Zhou? 第一次启程去与周恩来会面的时候,基辛格对中国历史和文化了解多少?
I laid him out in a second with a stick, and Jim grabbed pap's whisky -jug and begun to pour it down. 我抄起一根棍子,一刹那间打死了它。只见杰姆抓起爸爸那个酒罐,大口往嘴里灌。
I rather believe that this gentleman came here with you because you found it tiresome to come alone. 我看您是因为一个人来觉得无聊才请这位先生陪来的。
When people ask what's the matter with my generation, part of me wants to say: Have you seen the economy you created? 当被问到我们这代人到底怎么了时,我有种冲动想质问:看你们对经济做了什么?
New Delhi has interpreted this as a challenge to its sovereignty over Kashmir, the subject of a dispute with neighbour Pakistan. 新德里视这种行为是对可是米尔地区主权的挑战,引发其与邻国巴基斯坦的争端。
"Hai Bao" in the name easy to sing, but also, and his body color echoes, in line with the principles of Chinese folk auspicious title. “海宝”的名字朗朗上口,也和他身体的色彩呼应,符合中国民俗的吉祥称谓原则。
This sort of exercise is an established way of priming people with feelings associated with the subject written about. 这种练习是一种已建立的方法来给人们提供与问题相联系的感受。
It's kind of you to help me with the problem. 你帮我解决这样的问题真是太好了。
and yet we escaped with nothing but a few scrapes. 我们却生还了,虽然身上有几处擦伤
Part of Mr. Li's agreement with Mr. Munger was that the fund would be closed to new investors. 李路与芒格达成的协议中有基金将不再向新投资者开放的内容。
It may be that an exact answer to the riddle requires future experiments with an authentic chameleon and many more controls than I had. 可能要等到将来使用真正的变色龙,并进行更多的对比实验,才能真正破解这个谜题。
If you could please send through a quote with your suggestions on the above, that would be fantastic. 如果你能请发送通过与您的建议对上述报价,那将是非常美妙的。
Law of encounters: The probability of meeting someone you know increases when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with. 相遇法则:你越不想被人碰到跟某人在一起,就越是会被人碰到。
Teams with too many developers who program for its own sake often frustrate the rest of the company for a variety of reasons. 如果团队中有太多开发人员为自己的爱好而编程,他会因各种原因打击公司中其余的员工。
A few days ago he was Yang Liwei, the pilot, with a wife and a young son. 几天前,他还只是杨伸伟,一名飞行员,有妻子和一个儿子。