
美 [ræp]英 [ræp]
  • v.包裹;缠绕;折叠;隐蔽(意义,真理等)
  • n.膝毯;披肩;围脖;头巾
  • adj.极高兴的;十分满意的
  • 网络有包装的;卷;裹着

过去式:wrapped 过去式:wrapt 现在分词:wrapping 第三人称单数:wraps

plastic wrap
wrap towel,paper wrap,wrap blanket,wrap bandage


1.极高兴的;十分满意的extremely pleased


《Friends》词汇表A ... restless adj. 得不到休息的, 不平静的, 不安宁的 wrapped adj. 有包装的,预先包装的 startle v. 震惊 ...


word28--Halloween flashcards | Quizlet ... tip 尖端,顶端 wrapped 包装,包裹 seal 密封,封条,图章 ...


本王子是要将乱世佳人背下来的男人 ... of pine 松树 wrapped 包装,卷,缠绕 and embraced 拥抱 ...

本王子是要将乱世佳人背下来的男人 ... of pine 松树 wrapped 包装,,缠绕 and embraced 拥抱 ...


...迷(Fan)料到的不是(Not)他的执教水平,而是裹着(Wrapped)阿玛尼(Armani)大衣的帅样;说到切尔西,球迷也不会太了解他 …


《Friends》词汇表A ... restless adj. 得不到休息的, 不平静的, 不安宁的 wrapped adj. 有包装的,预先包装的 startle v. 震惊 ...

I used to see him, but since he became wrapped up in business, I have lost touch with him. 我常常看见他自从他变得酷爱事业我已经很少接触他
Walk in the dark street, with rain and let me be overcome by one's feelings wind wrapped in a coat, and then hands her, like winter. 走在昏暗的路灯下,夹杂着细雨的冷风让我情不自禁裹紧了外套,然后双手环抱自己,恍若寒冬。
Much like the Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street's message has gotten wrapped up in stereotypes. 与茶党相似的是,占领华尔街运动的意义也没免于俗套。
Another major Hindu god, Lord Shiva, is usually depicted with a cobra wrapped like a scarf around his neck. 而印度教的另一主神湿婆神(LordShiva)的画像中总有一条眼镜蛇像围巾一样缠绕着他的脖子。
Shares still are sold at a discount, but the sale is often wrapped up in just a few hours after the market closes. 这些股票依然是折价出售,但往往是在收市之后几个小时之内完成交易。
In these countries "our objective is to develop the market for wrapped, sliced bread, and for that you need innovation, know-how and time. " 在这些国家中“我们的目标是开发包装良好的切片面包的市场,要完成那些,你需要创新、技术和时间。”
She no longer saw a little girl in a simple dress. She saw a child wrapped. . . in her mother's love. 她看到的不再是身穿一件简单的连衣裙的小女孩。她看到的是一个……被妈妈的爱裹着的孩子。
She was entirely wrapped up in her husband. 她把全部身心都扑在她丈夫身上。
But later in the morning, they found the inmate lying unconscious with a plastic bag wrapped around his head. Efforts to revive him failed. 但在接近中午时,他们发现该名囚犯头部被塑料袋缠紧,躺在地上不省人事,最后抢救失败死亡。
In the early morning, the beautiful South Lake, wrapped in a golden fog, is waking up from her colorful dreams. 清晨,美丽的南湖正从他多彩的梦中醒来,披被着金色的雾霭。
So she drove home and was in the garage with her lips wrapped around the exhaust pipe when her blonde neighbor came over to visit. 于是,她开车回家,并在车库与她的嘴唇包裹的排气管时,她的金发碧眼的邻居过来参观。
On four separate occasions, she burned herself on the stove when she let herself get wrapped up in thoughts of him. 她恍恍惚惚沉浸在对他的思念之中,有四次被炉子灼伤。
Next to them lay the body of a middle-aged monk, covered in a blanket wrapped by an elastic cord with his foot sticking out. 在他们旁边躺着一位中年喇嘛的尸体,尸体被毛毯包裹着,脚露了出来。
She thought she had wrapped it up the next point but a Hawk-Eye challenge from Venus showed the ball was out. 二号种子本以为已经拿下接下来的一分,但维纳斯挑战鹰眼的结果是球已出界。
When the family entered Ty's room, they found him wrapped in bandages with a tube protruding from his head. 一家人走进泰的病房,只现他浑身裹满了绷带,头部插着管子。
It's very easy to get wrapped up in things. 沉溺在一件事里很容易。
When detectives followed the lead, they found a replica of the comic's cover wrapped around a woman's underwear catalogue. 当警探循着这条线索(找到保险箱的时候他们找到了一张包裹在女性内衣目录外的该漫画书封面的复制品。
When I met her at the door her smile wrapped around me like a warm glove, just like yours used to do, my darling. 亲爱的,当我在门口遇到她时,她笑似春风拂面,就像你当初的模样。
Right or wrong, almost everything I' ve ever done has been wrapped up in readying him to be without me, and now I'm scared to death. 不管对不对,几乎我做过的每一件事情都在致力于使他准备和我分开,现在我怕得要死。
Typically, the malleable program of a theater is wrapped around the technical core of its auditorium hiding the characteristic features. 通常剧场的延展部分环绕在其技术核心――听众席――周围,而掩盖了自己的特征。
I lay down and Keith pulled the covers over us as I snuggled close and he wrapped his arm around me with his hand resting on my stomach. 我躺下,基斯拉过毯子把我俩盖好,我紧紧偎依他,他用胳膊搂着我,手放在我的肚子上。
As Rome became a powerful civilization, the Romans began to wear a long garment wrapped around the body and thrown over the left shoulder. 当罗马成了一个强大的文明国家后,罗马人开始穿一种长袍;他们将长袍裹身,再搭在左肩上。
Russia's Siberian reserves were once thought to be all but wrapped up in a deal for China, but now Japan may win the contract. 俄罗斯曾一度有意将西伯利亚石油储备的一揽子开发交给中国,但现在日本可能得到这张合同。
When I perched on the edge of the sofa in front of him, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against his chest. 我刚在他前面的沙发边缘定,他便用手臂环抱住我的腰,将我拉过去躺靠在他胸前。
And he took it down, and wrapped it in linen, and laid it in a sepulchre that was hewn in stone, wherein never man before was laid. 就取下来用细麻布裹好,安放在石头凿成的坟墓里,那里头从来没有葬过人。
You just have to see that it's wrapped in beauty and hidden away between the seconds of your life. 你只需看见它为美所包围,隐藏在你生命的浮光掠影之中。
Jarring new examples emerged: the same female soldier, holding a leash wrapped around the neck of a naked prisoner cringing at her feet. 接着新的证据又爆出来:同一位女士兵用皮带勒住一个裸体囚犯的脖子,让他伏在自己的脚边。
The house, wrapped in stone, opens to the sun all day; however, the house is denying all outside views. 这个被石头包围的住宅白天向着太阳敞开,但是它又拒绝任何外界的景色。
Future aviators will love to be wrapped up in this jacket while they daydream of one day being a pilot in the sky. 未来的飞行员将爱情被包裹在这件夹克,而他们遐想有一天,天空中的一个试点。
The father was terrified that the heart had not been cooked, that the sandwich was inedible, and he quickly wrapped the sandwich up again. 父亲惊恐不已,这颗心没有被做熟,三明治不能食用,他很块又把三明治包起来。