
美 [hɪr]英 [hɪə(r)]
  • n.这里;这一点
  • adv.现在;向这里;在这一点上;给某人东西或指出某物时说
  • int.嘿;主动提议时说



1.(用于动词或介词之后)在这里,向这里used after a verb or preposition to mean ‘in, at or to this position or place’

2.现在;在这一点上now; at this point

3.(给某人东西或指出某物时说)used when you are giving or showing sth to sb

4.~ to do sth(表示某人的作用)used to show your role in a situation


by here

在这里;到这里here; to here

here and there

在各处;到处in various places

here goes

(宣称即将开始令人兴奋或危险的活动)看我的used when you are telling people that you are just going to do sth exciting, dangerous, etc.

heres to sb/sth

(祝酒词)为…的健康(或胜利)干杯used to wish sb health or success, as you lift a glass and drink a toast

here, there and everywhere

在很多地方;四处in many different places; all around

here we go

(某事)开始了said when sth is starting to happen

here we go again

(尤指坏事)又开始了,又一次发生了said when sth is starting to happen again, especially sth bad

here you are

给你used when you are giving sth to sb

here you go

给你used when you are giving sth to sb

neither here nor there

不重要not important

Your mama know you're out here? - His mother ain't looking for nothing but her crack head boyfriend. 妈妈知你在这里吗?-他妈除那白痴男友什么都不关心
"What we're beginning to see here in Asia is no different from what is going on in Europe and what has already happened in the US. " “我们在亚洲开始经历的,与正在欧洲上演和已经在美国发生的事情没有什么不同。”
To be here for this game means to be on top of the world and to be able to play in a game like this gives the team a great feeling. 来到这里参加这项比赛意味着我们站在世界之颠,能够参加这样的比赛也让我们感觉非常不一样。
Today is Sunday. Gloomy November, probably, with you, but here the weather is splendid, not cold enough to need a fire. 他还说,加州的天气真的很好:「今天是星期天,你那里可能是阴沉的十一月,但是这里却是阳光普照,没有冷到需要暖炉。」
Sally: It's a very exciting place. But I don't like the word "foreigner" . My visit here is all about making friends. 莎莉:这是一个非常令人激动的地方。但是我不喜欢“外国人”这个词。我在这里的访问都是为了交朋友。
SongYingJie take back to the house package station is hot, found XingZiYu give he said here is not easy to stay. 宋英杰回屋里取包时发现电台是热的,邢子玉给他说此地不易久留。
Now in terms of the removal of heat we've got to not only take that fluid, it's possibly as you can see here a liquid metal. 现在关于热量的除去,我们必须,不只是使用液体,它可能,正如你们在这看到的,液态金属。
Ltd. . . Senior hairdressers are employed here to be always ready to create you with a freshly new image. 持聘资深发型师主理,能给你塑造出另一番的崭新形象。
Hear here, cold float in the sky not to talk. As if deep in thought of hoped an eye wood to slowly retreat own body so. 听到这里,寒飞扬不说话了。若有所思的望了眼林偌,缓缓撤离自己的身体。
Here's a quick roundup of the latest and greatest developments, with a bit of local color thrown in. 这里有一个具一点地方特色的关于最新和最好进展的简要综述。
Ah, Dad had a little border. Flowers here, grass there. Next-door neighbor had the same thing, you know? 哈,爸爸有一条小边界,花在这,草在那。隔壁邻居的都是一样的,明白吧。
We'll fly outside it here, just to see this sort of containment. 我们飞离这里,也只看到这个天穹。
Okay, what else goes in here? -And then we need to put in uhm, just some water, to make it a paste. -That's it? 好的,还要些什么?-然后我们需要放入,嗯,一些水,让它成浆糊状。-就这样吗?
Wish to join me in expressing sincere thanks to you and your wife and extending good wishes to all the . . . friends present here. 都希望与我一起向…表达真诚的感谢并向在座所有的…朋友表达我们美好的祝愿
To see the data that the error report contains, click the click here link at the bottom of the message box. 要查看错误报告中包含的数据,请单击消息框底部的“单击此处”链接。
Contrast is very low, and here the light of the sun and that of the sky are very close in intensity as they shine on these rocks. 对比很低,照到岩石伤得阳光和天光的强度很接近。
The cinema was not as far away from here as you think. 电影院离这儿并没有你想像的那么远。
A point just came up on WAU, and I thought maybe it would be useful to speak about it here as well, in more detail. 一个想法在WAU上萌生了,我想在这里更详细得讲一下应该对大家有所帮助。
Here in Misasa, however, nationalist rhetoric is often tempered by pragmatism. 然而,在Misada民族主义者的花言巧语经常被现实主义者所遏制。
Here the madman fell silent and looked again at his listeners; and they, too, were silent and stared at him in astonishment. 疯子说到这停下来,看着听众;而他们也愕然注视着他。
We are here to travel with you, and even beyond as you make your way through the next level of dimensions. 我们来到这里是为了和你们一同旅行,甚至更多的是,由于你们在以自身的道路进入下一个维度层次。
If you really want to get out of here and get away from it all the flight to Anchorage, Alaska, is actually boarding. 如果你真的想搭乘航班离开这里,所有到阿拉斯加的安克雷奇市的航班实际上都是在登机状态。
And as you think of the implications of that, here's a brief history of the universe. 你在想那些事情的含义时,这里有个宇宙的简史。
All right if I could get you to just come and stand out here as well. 好的,如果你能出来站在这里就好了。
Oh, you know the stories about the supernatural hound. I wondered if it had been here tonight. ' 噢,您知道关于那只鬼怪似的猎犬的种种故事的。当时我正在纳闷它今晚是否就在此地。
Here the Column3D. swf has been used but any other type of single-series chart could also be generated by just changing the swf filename. 这里我们已经使用了Column3D.swf这个文件名,但是也可以生成任意名字的其他任何单系列的图表。
During the time she was here, I invited her to attend my undergraduate class in international business. 她在(我校)期间,我邀请她参加我为本科生主讲的国际商务课程。
The First time I saw him, when England against Portugal, I looked at him and I thought, 'United have got someone special here'. 我第一次见到他,是在英格兰对垒葡萄牙的比赛。
"Every morning I see you sitting here with a smile on your face. " he said. "You seem to content. What is your secret? " “每天早晨我都看见您面带微笑的坐在这里,您看起来好像很满足,您保持快乐的秘密是什么呢?”他问。
If I try to describe him here, it is to make sure that I shall not forget him. 我之所以在这里尽力把他描写出来,就是为了不要忘记他。