top of the world

  • 网络世界之顶;世界之巅;世界之颠

top of the worldtop of the world

top of the world


经典英文歌词 ... 91 亲爱的 Sugar,Sugar 92 世界之顶 Top Of The World 93 你照亮我的生命 You Light Up My Life ...


美国乡村歌曲经典(2CD)-音乐-亚马逊 ... 10 别哭,强尼 Don't Cry Johny 11 世界之巅 Top Of The World 12 白鸽 Ahinestone Co…


美国乡村音乐_爱问知识人 ... Green Sleeves( 绿袖子) Top Of The World( 世界之颠) Tennessee Waltz( 田纳西华尔兹) ...


亚悦有限公司 ... 2.We’re Only Just Begun 我俩才刚开始 5.Top Of The World 世界的顶端 6.Sing 歌唱【欢唱】 ...


外语 受欢迎顺序 ... 18 GOOD-BYE LITTLE FISH 再见小鱼儿 19 TOP OF THE WORLD 世界之最 20 COME TO THE ZOO 来 …


品冠最新歌曲,品冠的所... ... Now and Forever / 现在到永远 Top of the World / 我站上全世界的屋顶 Dancing Queen / 舞后之后 ...


亲们,我想知道bigbang的所有英文歌名的中文... ... 13. Wonderful 极好的 2.Top of the world 世界顶端 2.Heartbreaker 心碎的 …


欧美怀... ... when a child born( 当孩子出生时) top of the world( 世界之颗) I just can't stop loveing you( 我无法停止爱你) ...

I felt as if I were at the top of the world. 我觉得自己是世界上最快乐的人。
Only Ms. Table was able to climb the last 70meters. She was standing on top of the world. She was the first woman there. 只有Table女士完成了最后70米的攀登。她登上了世界之巅。她是第一个登顶的女人。
So I decided to do this symbolic swim at the top of the world, in a place which should be frozen over, but which now is rapidly unfreezing. 所以我下决心要进行这次象征性的游泳,在世界之巅,在一个本该冰封,不幸却在快速解冻的地方。
I read an account of a man who made it to the summit. And standing there at the top of the world, he experienced this profound silence. 我以前看过有个登顶珠峰的人这样写道,在脚踏世界之巅的那刻,他才体会到无与伦比的寂静。
I was only teasing you. You see, we have our clients eating out of our hands now. Both Mark and I are feeling on the top of the world. 我只是在逗你玩儿。你看,我们现在已经有了许多回头客了。马克和我都感到非常高兴。
And for a short few months, his computer company was on top of the world, with one of the steepest revenue growth curves ever seen. 在仅仅几个月的时间里,他的电脑公司成为了世界顶级,给他带来了前所未见的丰厚回报增长。
I just told him to never forget that the guys who put you on the top of the world can put you under, too. 但我要说的是,你永远不要忘了那些将你托起到世界高峰的队友,他们也可以将你打入深渊。
If I could win your hand , I would be on the top of the world , I love you with all my heart forever! ! 如果今生能与你牵手走过,我将站在世界之巅(征服世界或拥有整个世界),我全心爱你到永远!
It was a very intense time that came with its share of challenges, but I was so happy I felt like I was on top of the world. 在那段时间里,一切都是紧张并且充满挑战的,不过我还是很开心,因为我感觉我站到了世界的巅峰。
Having been elected chairman, he felt as if he were on the top of the world. 被选为主席后,他感觉似乎站在了地球之巅。
To be here for this game means to be on top of the world and to be able to play in a game like this gives the team a great feeling. 来到这里参加这项比赛意味着我们站在世界之颠,能够参加这样的比赛也让我们感觉非常不一样。
ANDY Roddick believes the new complexity and dimension he has added to his game has made him capable of returning to the top of the world. 安迪Roddick认为新的复杂因素,他又说他游戏,使他能回到世界顶级的。
"I was a healthy person, " and he was on the top of the world. Happily married, father to twin girls and a best-selling author. “我当时身体很好,”是命运的宠儿,有美满的婚姻,是双胞胎女儿的夫妻,同时也是位畅销书作家。
I had no idea of the circumstances. behind the gossip, but I think this dribs and drabs let me feel on top of the world. 闲谈之后关于环境我已经没有什么想法了,只是这些单调的点点滴滴让我感觉到自己来到了世界的顶点。
I was on top of the world when I knew that your parents approved of our marriage. I can't wait to see your family! 得知你父母同意了我们的婚事,我极为高兴。我迫不及待地想见到你的家人。
The sexual man is very poor. The loving man is richer comparatively. The man of compassion is the richest - he is at the top of the world. 只有性的人很可怜,有爱的人比较富有,而慈悲的人最富有,他处在世界之巅。
This remote island at the top of the world is home to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault (colloquially known as "The Doomsday Vault" ). 这个在地球顶部的偏远小岛正是斯瓦尔巴全球种子库(通俗来说就是世界末日时的诺亚方舟)。
Sometimes, you feel as if you were on top of the world. 有时候,你觉得似乎是站在世界之巅。
As he told the Reuters news agency, it has been "an amazing journey, and I'm on top of the world. " 他对路透社采访人员说:“整个比赛过程是一个神奇的旅途,因为这一刻全世界都在关注我。”
If I could live in such a beautiful place, I would be on top of the world. 如果能住在这么美丽的地方,一定幸福极了。
It's not easy to go on top of the world and what happened in Japan has no precedents in football history. 这并不容易去上面的世界和所发生的事情在日本没有先例的,在足球的历史。
It is an amiable illusion, which the shape of our planet prompts, that every man is at the top of the world. 我们星球的形状让我们产生亲切的幻觉:每个人都站在世界之巅。
Among the countries enacting reforms to make doing business easier, Egypt ranked at the top of the World Bank's list. 在为营商提供便利而实施改革的国家中,埃及在世界银行的排行榜中名列第一。
Mr Carroll wears six ID bracelets to allow him to visit his newborns and told The Birmingham News he was 'on top of the world'. 卡罗尔先生戴着六个编号手环探视了他的宝宝,他告诉伯明翰新闻说他当时“幸福到了极点。”
I silly, I break down on top of the world, I decided to give up quit. 我傻了,我精神崩溃到了极点,我决定放弃不干了。
But my mother, at the age of 10, felt on top of the world about her soldier brother going off to war. 但是我的母亲,在10岁时,她感到士兵兄弟准备上战场了。
Comparing to the old capitalistic countries, America was weak in military affairs, but his economy was on the top of the world. 作为新兴的资本主义国家,较之老牌资本主义国家来说,美国的军事力量相对较弱,但经济实力却位居世界前列。
I hope you feel on top of the world with a spring in your step all day. 我希望你感觉到无人可企及的幸福,脚下踏着春天渡过一整天。
In recent years, ships have made summar passage across the top of the world in locations not previously possible. 在近几年,船舶在夏季的通航到达了原来不可能到达的地球极点区域。
Lifelong batchelor , Jack Nicholson came top of the world's sexiest men poll . The actor has always had a charismatic quality women love . 获得过奥斯卡终生成就奖的杰克·尼科尔森在世界性感老牌影星排行榜男星中居首位。尼科尔森身上总是具有一种让女人魂不守舍的魅力。