
美 [hɜrz]英 [hɜː(r)z]
  • pron.她的;属于她的
  • 网络都市主妇;Home Energy Rating System;是她的



1.她的;属于她的of or belonging to her


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Home Energy Rating System

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My ex-girlfriend said that when she would work at the public library and open hers, people would back away as if it might have bed bugs. 我的前女友说,当她在图书馆打开她的电脑工作时时,人们会像它有臭虫一样离她远远的。
I didin't invite her to my party because she didn't invite me to hers. It's was just tit for tat. 我没有邀请她来参加我的聚会,因为她没有邀请我,这只是以牙还牙而已。
Youth had been a habit of hers for so long that she could not part with it. 年轻早已经成了她的一个习惯,她跟年轻分不开了。
As it turns out, I was more excited to wear my gift than she was to wear hers. 结果,穿上睡衣的我比戴上项链的她还要兴奋。
A woman wants to be determined and you bid good-bye, do not presumptuouslythink to be possible again stay behind hers person and the heart. 一个女人要决心和你分手的时候,你就不要妄想可以再把她的人和心留下。
In truth, she was no lady, but he could not bring himself to mouth that silly name of hers, and he was not about to call her girl or dwarf. 实际上,她算不上什么小姐,但是对于她那愚蠢的名字他依旧说不出口,而他也不准备叫女孩或者侏儒。
He can tell by the look in her eyes. . . the smile on her face. . . the glow on her skin that he is hers. 他能从她的眼……她脸上的微笑……和她皮肤上的红晕中辨别出来,他是她的。
Hers had been a lonely sojourn, and for most of it she had been hurt and hungry . . . yet despite it all she had been strangely happy here. 她在龙石山的旅居是孤单的,而大部分时间也都在疼痛和饥饿中度过……但尽管如此,她仍然有一种奇特的快乐感。
She would stare all the more doggedly at her image in an attempt to wish them away and keep only what was hers alone. 她更固执地盯着镜子,希望母亲的影子消逝而只留下她自己。
Sally has mental models as well; hers lead her to frame leaders as different than managers. Sally也有她的思维模式,所以她描述说领导者与经理人不同。
They said they were horrified by the error, with one saying she would consider a DNA test once her baby was born to check if it was hers. 他们说他们被这个错误吓坏了,其中一个人说一旦她的孩子出生了他将考虑通过DNA测试以便确定孩子是不是自己的。
Mr Anelli was the only constant witness of the entire performance; it was a test of his endurance as much as hers. 安内尔利先生是整个演出唯一一位不间断的观众。这对他和她都是一次对耐性的考验。
She was the maid of honour at my wedding and I was hers this past weekend. 婚礼上她是我的伴娘,上个礼拜我也荣幸的作了她的伴娘。
So when one monkey was handed a grape in exchange for her token, the second was reluctant to hand hers over for a mere piece of cucumber. 所以当一只猴子用一个代币换回一颗葡萄时,第二只猴子就不愿意用自己的代币换回一片黄瓜。
Once in a while, after some witticism, he would look down, and his eyes would meet hers. 每隔一小会儿,说了什么俏皮话以后,他就低下头,和她目光相交。
she's got a goat as well, so she can take mine out with hers and I won't have to go on wearing myself to a shadow like this. 她有一只山羊一样,所以她可以带着她我出去了,我不会去穿自己这样的影子。
China is known to be very rich in natural resources, this puts her in a good position to develop hers industry and agriculture. 众所周知,中国的自然资源十分丰富,这使得中国具备良好的条件发展工农业。
and on the table stood a china bowl which had been hers, filled with a great bunch of her favourite violets. 她的肖像就挂在床边的墙上,桌上摆着她曾用过的瓷钵,里面装着她心爱的紫罗兰花。
Youth have been a habit of hers for so long that she can not part with it. 青春曾经是她长期以来的习惯,因而舍不得把它放弃掉。
And, had it not been for a fortuitous discovery long after her death in the attic of their house, hers would have been a supporting role. 而正是她死后多年在他们家阁楼的一次幸运发现,使得她的声音也成了本书的主角。更详细。
She told me she would never trivialise my pain, that it must have been horrible for me, and that it was just as valid a reason as hers. 她告诉我她不会在我的伤口上撒盐,那个曾经让我恐惧的伤口,而这只是作为她的一个有效地理由。
Later, I got to know that she had charged that hour to a client of hers, in the time sheet. 后来,我得知她把那个小时算进了她的一个客户的时间表里。
I had counselled Catherine to get hers upstairs; but, as soon as he perceived her vacant seat, he sent me to call her. 我已经劝凯瑟琳在楼上吃饭,可是,他一看见她的空座位,就叫我去找她。
If his aspiration cannot match hers then he will by his own choice be placed in a cycle more attuned to his spirit's needs. 如果他的愿望无法与盖亚的一致,那么他将会根据自己的选择被放置于一个更与他的灵性需要相对应的循环之中。
He shouldn't take profits of hers even if she intends to marry him. He feels very ashamed for his behavior is as if to loot a burning house. 就算她想嫁他,也不该占这种便宜,他对自己这种类似趁火打劫的行为,感到羞愧难当。
She knows thunder Gu any can't pass hers, whatever don't narrate to, she had not wanted as well to drift onward favor this of on the hoof. 她知道雷孤凡不会放过她的,不过没有关系,她也从来没有想着这样苟且的活着。
read, and it was easy to tell that books are a great love of hers. 我们还谈到大家都读过的作家作品,不难发现她非常喜欢看。
As he spoke he felt that she was looking at him, and he turned his eyes to hers in order not to appear to be avoiding them. 他说话时觉得她在盯着他,于是他把目光对准她的眼睛,以免显得在回避她的注视。
The woman was still haggling with me about the cost of the bag when she discovered the money and said the money was hers. 当时女人在跟我就包的价格讨价还价,她发现了钱并声称是她的。
The fact that the CRD today is completely David Cameron's shows how much more he is master in his own house than she was mistress in hers. 如今,大卫·卡梅隆已经完全展示了自己在这个部门里的主人身份,而她更像是这里的主妇。