one more time

  • 网络再一次;再来一次;再一次拥抱你

one more timeone more time

one more time


关于Cleanin Out My Closet歌词大意_百度知道 ... Verse 1 第一段 One More Time 再一次 I said, 我说 ...


几个句子翻译成英文_百度知道 ... 又赢了! Win again! 再来一次One more time! 请你说! Speaking,please! ...


怎样听英语_怎样学英语_新浪博客 ... 雪绒花 Edelweiss 再一次拥抱你 one more time Bressanone 布列瑟侬 ...


飞时唱片... ... 06. COUNT ON ME 走近我 07. ONE MORE TIME 再来玩一次 08. MASTER MIX MEDLEY 猛士狂龙 ...


Kenny G的全部歌曲 - 一听音乐网 ... 西班牙之夜 spanish nights 再爱一次 one more time 马里布之梦 malibu dreams ...


恶魔之灾 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... silently: 沉默地 one more time: 再次 among: 在..之中 ...


谁知道布兰妮的相关资料啊?_百度知道 ... 公司出的第一张个人专辑《……宝贝,再爱我一次》(“… Baby,One More Time”) ...


360教育网--最大的免费教育资源网 ... write to me 给我写信 one more time 再多一次 Pardon? 抱歉,再说一遍。 ...

Now, I'll wait one more time, write down what you think a woman WANTS to feel, what feeling will create ATTRACTION in her. 现在,我再等一会,写下你认为女人想得到什么感觉,什么感觉会对她造成重大影响。
If I hear, "make a date night, " one more time, from one more relationship expert, I'm going to throw the aphrodisiac in her face. 如果我再从一位恋爱专家那里听到“制造一个约会之夜”,我会把春药直接扔在她的脸上。
"I want to take a look, one more time, " he said. "I'm not going to see this again. " “我想再看一眼,”他说。“我不会再看到这样的场景了。”
Someone once told me that the ". . . Baby One More Time" video should be me as a superhero fighting a giant robot monster. 有人曾告诉我,“…婴儿一次”的视频应该是我阳光明媚了打斗巨型机器人怪物。
All that said, Google probably could have had Groupon if it had upped its offer one more time. 尽管如此,假如谷歌再一次提高价码的话,那可能就把Groupon纳入麾下了。
But she tried one more time to be reasonable about something she knew in her heart had no reasonable core. 但她再一次尝试接受她在内心知道的没有合乎情理的核心的事情。
He wanted to be sure and tell his mother one more time just how much he loved her. 他想亲口再跟他母亲说一次,他有多么爱她。
It's more like a take in filmmaking - I can always try one more time and start all over again, but I never return to a painting. 这与拍电影比较象-我总是可以再来一次,然后重头开始,但我在绘画时从来不重新再来。
For all the mothers who read "Goodnight, Moon" twice a night for a year, and then read it again. "Just one more time. " 会每年读两次“晚安,月亮”,年复一年。并说“只要再一次”的妈妈们
Tell you what, let me go back to them one more time, let me see what I can do for you with them. 这样你看行不行,我回去再跟他们谈谈,我看能不能为你争取点什么。
Could I love you one more time, baby? I would abnegate all, just for you. And I'll go with you and take care of you in all your life. 问题补充:让我在爱你一回好吗?用日语,英语怎么写?我愿意为你放弃一切,愿意照顾你一生!日语怎么写?
In it her mother wishes to see Fujiki (Sanada of Twilight Samurai fame) one more time beneath the wishing cherry tree. 在信中,她的妈妈希望自己能够再与藤木先生在许愿樱花树下见一次面。
If I have to read about how much someone loves their kids one more time, I'm gonna puke. Because we all know that parents love their kids. 我将会呕吐如果我还得再读一次关于某人有多爱他的孩子的文章。
She loved to hear me, often switching off the radio to beg me to sing it one more time. 她喜欢听我唱歌,常常关掉收录机,央求我再唱一遍。
He may have his hands full as he tries to demonstrate his wizardry one more time. 他试图再次展示自己的金融奇才,不过这次他可能要好好忙上一阵子了。
Baby One More Time finally started to lose steam on the singles and album charts, Spears was ready to release her follow-up. 当…婴孩再次最后开始丢失在选拔和册页图的时候蒸汽,矛准备发布她的后续。
The Chief sat in the grass. "One more time, " he said, "explain it to me, please, Doctor. Slowly. " 军士长坐在草地上。“再一次,”他说,“请解释给我听,博士,慢慢的。”
She gets very cross about this, and if he says "Yeah but check out the season poll! " one more time, he will not live to write another word. Susan对此十分愤怒,而如果Steve再对她说一次“你先看看观众投票啊”,他就活不到写下一个字了。
He told me that if I showed up late one more time, he'd fire me. He's so mean! 他告诉我,如果我再迟到一次,他会炒了我。他太苛刻了。
You got out of a bad habit or addiction, but you still long to rey it just one more time. You lete the devil leave his bags. 未戒掉了一类好习或者毒(酒)瘾,你仍然盼望再主尝试。于是魔鬼乘机留下了他的背囊。
As she ran back to join her family, they all waved one more time before the door closed. 然后她转身回到家人身边,他们向我再次挥手道别,急诊室的门在他们出去后关上了。
One more time around is all I ask for now, a star to steer by, wind to take me home again. 多一次我现在问,带领由一个明星,风带我回家一次。
Rolling to her side, she glimpsed one more time at what was left of his. 转身侧卧,她再一次瞥见他留下的东西。
I've learned . . . That I wish I could have told my Dad that I love him one more time before he passed away. 我明白了…我真希望在父亲去世之前能再说一次我爱他。
If I catch you one more time sneaking in and drinking my whiskey, I promise you I'll wring your neck. 要是我再看到你溜进来偷偷喝我的威士忌的话,我可饶不了你!
If he does this one more time without telling me, Ill break his head. 如果他再不跟我说一声就做这种事,我会砸烂他的头。
He touches his wife shoulder, and asks, "Honey, please. . . just one more time before I die. " . 他抚摸着妻子的肩膀问,“亲爱的,能不能……死之前再作一次?”
Be sure that you're going to do it at least one more time. 确信你至少会再做一次。
I think only one is perfect. once I said but I try try one more time . 我认为只有一个是完美的。曾经说过,但我尝试,再尝试一次。
He walked up the rocks to the time of he searched a dry hole , safe from the rain, and he slept one more time. 他立刻沿着岩石向上走,直到找了唯一没去外国疑问蔽雨的干燥的山洞,他再接着睡。