out of nowhere

  • 网络突然冒出来;莫名其妙的出现;不知打哪儿来

out of nowhereout of nowhere

out of nowhere


... spring up 迅速或突然的出现,发生,长出 out of nowhere 不知打哪儿来,突然冒出来 look into 调查,仔细检查 ...


Opus3 成立三十周年纪念精选 ... 4. Cliffhanger 扣人心弦的比赛 1. Out of Nowhere 莫名其妙的出现 2. Crazy Rhythm 狂热的旋 …


... spring up 迅速或突然的出现,发生,长出 out of nowhere 不知打哪儿来,突然冒出来 look into 调查,仔细检查 ...


老友记学习笔记_文档下载_文档资料库 ... out of nowhere,.... 不知道从哪里冒出来的,莫名其妙的出现 alumni n. 男毕业生, 男 …


陈绮贞老师推荐的电... ... Out of nowhere,out of my thoughts 长歌无端,源自心头 About this one night stand 为了这一夜的停留 ...


... 268.the acting bug never end: 对表演的热爱从来没有减轻 269.out of nowhere: 无缘无故 271.dream catcher: 追梦人 ...

And then, out of nowhere, the pain in his scar peaked. As he clutched his forehead and closed his eyes, a voice screamed inside his head. 接着,伤疤的痛陡然加剧。他按住额头,双目紧闭,似乎听到脑中有个声音在尖叫。
Then, when you least expect it, a WIG will leap out of nowhere and overwhelm you in one breathtaking burst. 然后,在你最意料不到的时候,一个WIG不知道从哪里就跳了出来,以一次惊人的爆发扑面而来。
"When all of a sudden, out of nowhere, a vile old woman with a massive bag on wheels threw herself under my car, " Miro wrote on her blog. “不知从哪儿冒出来一个卑鄙的老婆子,推着一辆车,车上还有个大包,突然就往我车底下钻。”米罗在她的博客上写道。
Then out of nowhere, and from the deepest depths of his soul, he envisioned his mother. 然后很突然地,或许是从他灵魂的最深处吧,他想到了妈妈。
He had assumed, Duo thought, that the cathedral was empty. He must have been scared of his wits when both boys materialized out of nowhere. 迪奥想,他原本以为这个教堂没有人的吧,他一定是在害怕这两个男孩是凭空幻化出来的。
Oh, you know, because every time I talk to a beautiful woman, my wife will appear out of nowhere! 喔,因为每次我和美女讲话时,我太太就会出其不意冒出来!
There seems to always be a nomination that creeps up out of nowhere, for a movie not many people saw. 在奥斯卡历史上提名时总会冒出一个师出无名的人选出来。这部电影通常受众比较少。
I mean, I'm trying to do you a favor here by finding a use for your brain and out of nowhere you turn on me like a wild dog. 我在这里是帮你的忙想出一个方法使用你的大脑不知道为什么,你像条疯狗一样蹿过来。
I looked through the frame, and after a second, I saw the word you. It was magical, appearing as if out of nowhere. 我对着构架看了一会儿,“你”这个字就像魔术一样,凭空出现。
"We were just about to park our car. We are turning home and out of nowhere a huge white GMC came up, " the woman said to the dispatcher. “我们正要公园的车。我们是将置出一条巨大的白色的GMC来到了,”女人说的调度。
It was a rumour that appeared out of nowhere a while ago leading many to believe this piece of news. 前一段时间的流言让许多人以为这是电影的名字
All this from a performer who, Mr. Cowell maintained, truly came out of nowhere. “所有的这一切都来自那些不一定从哪里来的表演者。”科威尔先生继续说。
It had been no easy matter when he first drifted in mysteriously out of nowhere to their little mountain cottage. 然而事情并不总是如此简单,当雾虎第一次不知从什么地方神秘光临他们的山间小屋时。
She said that the truck appeared out of nowhere, and she thought she was going to die. 她说卡车突然冒出来出现,并且她认为她打算死。
My, how quickly it happened. Often it seemed as if the anger came out of nowhere. 愤怒经常看起来好像无处不在,它发生得太快了。
thousands, maybe millions, of dragonflies showed up out of nowhere. They were delicate and beautiful and I put one in a jar. 成千上万,或许上百万只蜻蜓,不知从哪里冒出来,他们如此精致美丽。
People might remember a few years ago, we had a fantastic comet, called Comet Hale-Bopp; suddenly came out of nowhere. 人们可能还记得几年前,我们发现一个壮观的彗星,也就是海尔-博普彗星,它的出现突然间让世人震惊。
Then out of nowhere, and from the deepest depths of his soul, he pictured his mother. 然后无处不在的深处,从他的心灵深处,他描绘他的母亲。
"The Japanese came out of nowhere and really caught people off guard, " Mr. Feng said. "With China, you could see this one coming. " 冯先生表示,“当年日本不知道从哪里冒出来,但确实让人措手不及。而看看中国,你会看到让世界吃惊的事情又来了。”
However, in January Bagle reappeared out of nowhere, and one variant of this worm was the most widespread malicious program in mail traffic. 但是,1月份Bagle没有再出现,它的一个变种在邮件传输中是传播最广泛的恶意程序。
I acknowledge that this rumor did not come out of nowhere and I'll try to reflect on what might've started this rumor. 我知道这些传闻不会无处衍生出来的。我会尝试去理解究竟什麽形成了这传闻的开端。
Out of nowhere, he went into a western medicine shop, observing intensively all varieties of western medicine with his mind in total blank. 他鬼使神差地走进了一家西药房,怔怔地望着各式西药,脑中一片空白。
They appeared seemingly out of nowhere in the forms that they had which could not be linked to any other known animal form. 他们的出现表面看来不属于与他们的其他所被知道的动物的形式有联系。
I still remember the day when their brains to reply that he does not know from where you come out of nowhere? 是否还记得每天总要我绞尽脑汁,去回答不知道你从哪里冒出来的吗?
[ Looks into rearview, sees God who just appeared out of nowhere ] God : Let it out , son. Its the beginning of wisdom . 埃文·巴克斯特(从倒车镜里看到了无处不在的上帝):上帝:喊出来吧,我的孩子,也许这就是智慧的开始。
Harry had pulled off the Cloak: The idea had come to him out of nowhere, born out of a desire to make absolutely sure. 哈利已经脱掉了隐形衣。这个念头是突然冒出来的,因为他希望确保万无一失。
I mean, it's pretty surprising to see that minus sign come out of nowhere the first time you see it. 我的意思是,这令我们非常惊讶,因为先前负号无处可寻,现在却突然出现了。
"MY MOTHER died, " said the female boss of a Japanese software company, seemingly from out of nowhere, during an interview. “母亲死了。”这位日本软件公司的女老板在接受采访时,突然冒出这么一句。
The thought swam into her mind out of nowhere and she realized it was a great relief to have this as an excuse . 这想法不知从何处涌入她的脑海,她意识到有了这种理由心里觉得大大地宽慰了。
Yeah, we were on a putting green and the next thing you know there was a seven-iron and it came out of nowhere and it hit me in the head. 当时我们正在果岭上,接着你知道吗,不知从哪飞来一个7号铁头球棒,正好砸中我的头。