
美 [ɔn]英 [ɒn]
  • adj.在进行;在发生;在活动;点着
  • adv.向前;向着;进行着;上去
  • prep.在(某日);在(某日的晨,午,夜);和…同时;依据
  • n.【板】(打球人的)左边
  • 网络英国国家统计局(Office for National Statistics);英国统计局;一夜情(One Night Stand)

过去分词:onned 现在分词:onning 第三人称单数:ons



英国国家统计局(Office for National Statistics)

英国国家统计局ONS)周二(5月21日)公布的数据显示,...[详细]央行行长周小川建议三年内实现人民币资本项目可兑换 穆迪 …


英国统计局(ons)周二(5月21日)最新公布的数据显示,因全球原油价格下滑,英国4月通胀降温。而剔除波动性较大的能源、食 …

一夜情(One Night Stand)

...了最全的一夜晴交友qq群信息,是 寂寞男女寻找同城一夜情(ons)的最佳平台!

对象名解析服务(Object Name Service)

  2)产品命名服务器(ONS) 产品命名服务器ONS(Object Name Service)主要实现的功能是在各个信息采集点与PML信息服务器之 …

Find Updates to Add-ons lets you know if updates to any of the currently installed add-ons are available. FindUpdatestoAdd-ons允许您了解当前已安装的外接程序是否有更新可用。
The new lock-in offer is part of a series of optional add-ons airlines have been rolling out in an effort to increase revenue. 这个全新的票价锁服务是其中一个航空公司为了增加盈利而推出的一系列附加服务选项。
There is still a chance that the divorce statistics might turn out to be better than the gloomy prediction from the ONS in coming years. 不过,在未来几年中,离婚数据仍有可能强于国家统计局的悲观预期。
Install add-ons to agents: This menu option enables you to push the base software bundle (and any other add-ons) out to the existing agents. Installadd-onstoagents:这个菜单选项允许您将基础软件捆绑包(和其他附件)推到现有的代理。
It moves forwards when the vehicle is parked, so that it tip ons on to a pair of "landing wheels" at the front. 当车子停下时它朝前移动,结果倾置在车子前部的一对“着地轮”上。
In that case , the add-on might not show up in the lists of add- ons or you will not be able to enable it . 这种情况下,禁用的加载项可能不出现在加载项列表中,或者说您将无法启用它。
Without these extreme weather conditions, the ONS said, the economy would probably have been flat. 国家统计局说,如果没有这些极端天气状况,英国二季度的经济走势很可能是持平的情况。
Tool add-ons contain ready-to-use tools that you can launch from the workbench. 工具外接程序包含可从工作台启动的即时可用的工具。
In the Show list, click Add-ons that have been used by Internet Explorer to display all add-ons. 在“显示”列表中,单击“InternetExplorer已经使用的加载项”以显示所有加载项。
It's great to simply have your favorite programs and add-ons with you, especially in the case of browsers. 随身携带一些喜欢的程序或者插件是多么好的事情,特别是对于浏览器来说。
The ONS said the rise reflected both an increase in the number of women of child-bearing age and in fertility. 英国国家统计局表示,这既反映出育龄妇女数量上升,也表明生育率有所上升。
Firefox allows you to have one or more profiles, and each profile can have its own set of add-ons. 火狐允许您有一个或多个配置文件,每个文件可以有它独立的组建配置。
Hamlet is. usually played as a sorrowful person who cannot make decis. ons or take action. “哈姆雷特”这一角色常被表现为一位优柔寡断的悲剧式人物。
It may be a plugin. To be sure, disable the suspect through the new Plugins page in the Add-ons Manager . 它也许是一个插件引起的.诚然禁用扩展可以在新增加的附加组件管理的扩展页面进行操作。
So you would think. But you're wrong: Now EVERYONE will be trying to squeeze their junk into their carry-ons to avoid the fee. 你可能会这样想,但是你错了:现在所有的人都试图将自己东西塞进随身行李中来逃避托运费用。
The ONS said the latter is being replaced by oven-ready joints, as people move towards more prepared foods. 国家统计局称随着人们倾对预制食品日益青睐,后者正逐渐被即烹即食的猪肘取代。
Also, I greatly valued the fact that when I brought new add-ons or upgrades for my PC, I could pay to have them installed on the spot. 还有一点让我非常看重的是:每当我购买新的附加软件或是将我的个人电脑升级时,我只需付些费用就可以让他们在现场给我安装完毕。
Now, with all of XML's bolt-ons, the complexities of the two technologies are at least comparable! 现在随着XML的完善,这两种技术的复杂性至少是相当的!
Adding other pages like a page of freebies for your visitors or even simple interactive add-ons to make your site "sticky" . 为你的访问者放置一些关于赠品的页面,或是其他一些交互式附件可以使你的网站更加吸引人。
Chrome is a barren wasteland at the moment - it's literally a browser and nothing more - whereas Firefox is riddled with add-ons and tools. 目前,Chrome还是一片荒地——只是一个单纯的浏览器——而火狐已经拥有很多插件和工具。
In particular Firefox, with it's easy extensibility and huge range of add-ons, is rapidly displacing the remaining features of the desktop. 尤其是Firefox,由于拥有易扩展性和大量插件,它正在迅速取代桌面的残留特点。
One of your installed add-ons might be causing the ieframe. dll issue. 其中一个安装的插件可能会造成ieframe.dll问题。
But it has not been reported for the effect of low energy N~+ i ons implantation on molecular structure and the activity of enzyme protein. 但关于离子注入对酶蛋白大分子构象及其活性的影响研究还未见报道。
At least four other major DOSadd-ons that let users run multiple programs in "windows" had already arrived. 至少,其余四个主要的DOS系统附加程序能够让用户在Windows里实现多任务操作。
If the company decides to make money on top of the base by offering add-ons, good for the company. 如果公司决定在基准软件的基础上通过提供附加来赚钱,那么这对公司就会有益。
Download the desired product add-ons from IBM into a local repository within the workbench. 将所需的产品外接程序从IBM下载到工作台中的本地存储库。
In October this year, the ONS will produce a detailed report on how it proposes to measure these factors. 今年十月,国家统计局将出一个如何衡量这些因素的详细的报告。
To download Add-Ons 1: Right-click here and save the file to disk. Choose a location that will be easy to find again. 如果要下载的加载项1:右键单击这里并将该文件保存到磁盘。选择一个位置,将可以很容易地找到。
Torres is not weak in the air at all. Look at how many flick-ons he wins. He has scored some fantastic goals with his head. 托雷斯在空中完全不吃亏,看看多少他争顶下来的头球,他已经用头打进了许多漂亮的进球。
The new add-ons manager, which loads in a tab of its own instead of a separate window. 新的附加组件管理器,将会在标签页中打开,而不是像之前那样新开一个窗口。