
美 [oʊ'keɪ]英 [.əʊ'keɪ]
  • adj.〈口〉好;不错;可以;行;〈口〉好;对;可以;行
  • v.(O.K.'d) 签上 O.K.;(签上 O.K.)承认;批准;(O.K.'d) 签上 O.K.;同意;批准;核准
  • n.【女名】女子名;许可;阅讫;【女名】女子名;同意;阅讫;【女名】女子名;签认;阅讫
  • 网络确定;好的(Okay);好吧

第三人称单数:OK’s 现在分词:OK’ing 过去式:OK’d



1.对;好;行yes; all right

2.(用以引起注意或引入话题)好了,对了used to attract sb's attention or to introduce a comment

3.(用于弄清别人是否赞同或明白)好吗,行不used to check that sb agrees with you or understands you

4.(用以制止对方争辩或批评)得了,行了,好了used to stop people arguing with you or criticizing you




矮人狙击手_百度百科 ... "Locked and loaded." 上膛完毕! "Ok." 好的 "I'll take care of it." 我会处理的 ...


接待英语对话练习3 - 豆丁网 ... Dialogue 2 of OBE10-3 1.A:I insist. 我坚持。 B:OK. 好吧。 A:Here's the car. 车子在这里。 ...


七年级(上)英语单词表一. ... 121 thanks n 谢谢(只用复数) 122 OK adv (口语)好,对,不错,可以 123 thank v 谢谢 ...


七年级(上)英语单词表一. ... 121 thanks n 谢谢(只用复数) 122 OK adv (口语)好,对,不错,可以 123 thank v 谢谢 ...

英文字母_百度百科 ... NBA 美国篮球协会 OK 好, PE 体育 ...

七年级(上)英语单词表一. ... 121 thanks n 谢谢(只用复数) 122 OK adv (口语)好,,不错,可以 123 thank v 谢谢 ...

Hope to hear from you soon, I want you and I love you too, I want a serious relationship with you if you are interested, ok. 希望能很快听到你的回音,我想要你,也很爱你,如果你愿意,我想认真的和你保持关系好吗。
OK, let me show you around the rest of the office. 你要带我去看看这公司的大楼,那太好了。
It's a long time since I last played, but I am happy first of all that we won the game, and also that I feel OK in terms of the injury. 这是一个漫长的时间,因为我最后一场比赛,但我感到欣慰的是我们赢得了比赛,并首先,我感觉美好的伤害的条件。
Ok. I'm glad to see that you've had a heated discussion. Now I'd like to summarize your opinions. 好了,我很高兴你们讨论得很热烈。现在我来总结一下你们的观点。
In a shop a client says: "Just one week, only a week. . . " (The boss shakes his head) "Three days, is it OK? " 在一家店里,一位客人说:“一个星期就好了,一个星期……”(老板摇头)“三天时间,三天时间好不好?”
Ok. I'd like the express one. How much ? 我买直快的吧,票价多少?。
Is be pregnant wherefrom day calculate case? How much day is OK does medicine flow? 怀孕是从那天算起?多少天可以药流?
Well, welcome to New York. OK, just a second. [He takes out a reflector to have more light for his photographs. ] I'm almost ready here. 那好,欢迎你们到纽约来。好,请稍候一下。[他取出反光板,好给照相加强亮度。]我马上就准备好了。
Ok. Thank you. Oh. And could I ask how much the fare is? 好的,谢谢。能不能告诉我车费是多钱?
It is OK to disagree but don't show it in an interview because people are not ready to deal with different opinion in an interview. 有不同意见没问题,但不要在面试中表现出来,因为一般人不愿在面试中处理意见不和的问题。
You think of a way, you say I give money to Hang Leba not OK, Miss said we did not have that power. 你想办法,你说我把钱给杭乐岜不行,小姐说,我们没有这种权力。
I was watching the discussion of focal points when Mr A came to my home. he said going out and walking , i said OK. 小A晚上来找我的时候我正在看焦点访谈,他说出去走走?我说好。
The changing of clothing makes my ears ache as the clothes keep on scraping my ears. Anyway, it is all over now. I am very happy! OK! 然后换到我的耳朵很痛,因为衣服一直在刮我的耳朵,不过还是结束了,很开心,OK!
Ok. We should be able to give you a briefing on what ideas we have come up with in a few days. 好的.过几天我们会给你一份我们想出的点子的汇报。
I'm sorry. Look, it's not so bad. I bet in a year he'll look back on this whole thing and laugh. Ok, maybe, chuckle. 抱歉。瞧,这也没那么糟。我敢打赌一年以后当他回头看这整件事的时候会大笑,好吧,或许,窃笑。
Chandler tries to save face and makes the 'OK' sign with his hands, while obviously unable to breathe. 钱德勒想保持正常表情,做了个“没事”的手势,但很明显已不能呼吸。
NO01, OK. How much does it cost? 好。这个要多少钱?
Please ask her to call back my parents tonight, ok? 请你转告她今晚给我父母回电话,好吗?
At least one commenter was convinced the company would be OK. 至少有一名发表评论的用户相信苹果将不会有问题。
i miss you so much, but, i can't speak to you, i can only care about you silently, don't push me out of the door, ok? 我真的好想你,但是,却不能对你说,只想默默的关心你,不要把我拒之于门外好吗?!
Chris: OK, OK. First, put your feet here. Here. Then, sit on the side of the boat. Now, sit on the dock. Don't stand up! 克丽丝:好的,好的。把你的脚放在这儿,然后坐在船的一边。现在,坐到码头上,不要站起来!
OK, I'll be back in about an hour. If you think of anything else you need, give me a call. 好的,我一个小时后回来。如果你想到有什麽其它需要的话,打电话给我。
But because gravitationally attracting matter is embedded in this space, it tends to slow down the expansion of the space, OK. 但是因为制造引力的物质嵌在这个空间中,它(暗物质)倾向于减慢空间扩张的速率。
After this, you can graduate to the next step, or if you'd like to stay in this step for a week or two longer, that's OK. 这以后,你可以进入下一个步骤,不然,若你想在这一步多花费一到两周时间,也行。
If your doctor says it's OK, you may be able to stop taking blood pressure medication temporarily to see if your sex life improves. 如果医生同意,你可以暂时停止服用控制血压的药物,看性生活质量是否改善。
"We need to say ok to it and put the ball in the regime's court, " says one of the few veteran dissidents left in Damascus. “我们必须赞同倡议,并把球踢给该政权的法院系统”,少数几个留在大马士革的资深异见人士中的一位这样说道。
OK, then I'll introduce her to you. She has big eyes, and is blonde and a little shorter than I am. 好,到时我再给你介绍。她个子比我矮一点儿,金黄色的头发,大眼睛。
Ok, if I or some other stranger hit you in the head with a water bottle, you'd be totally cool with it? 如果我或者其他某个陌生人把一个水瓶砸到了你的脑袋上,你能完全保持冷静么?
"I'd like to tell you all that you know about me -- all you've learned about me. If that's OK with you. " “我愿意告诉你一切你想知道的关于我的事情——一切你已经知道的关于我的事情。如果这样对你可以的话。”
'Maybe it's been a fashion no no but it's a fashion OK at the moment. ' 也许这谈不上什么先锋时尚,但在目前而言,还是一种说得过去的潮流。