
美 [sʌtʃ]英 [sʌtʃ]
  • adj.这样;这种;〈口〉非常;某某
  • pron.这;这样的人[物];…的人们[东西]
  • adv.非常;(指上文)这样的;下述一类的



1.(指上文)这样的,那样的,类似的of the type already mentioned

2.(指后文)这样的,那样的,下述一类的of the type that you are just going to mention

3.~ (is, was, etc.) sth that…(强调程度)这样,非常,如此程度used to emphasize the great degree of sth

The passing of an Extraordinary Resolution shall be conclusive evidence that the circumstances of such resolution justify the passing of it. 特别法庭决议的通过将是决定性的事实证据,并依照决议的详细情况来证明决议本身的通过。
The results of such marriages of stage and stardom have not always been ideal, as this past season alone can testify. 这种明星与舞台联姻的结果并不永远都是理想的,正如上一季度的证明。
The complexity introduced by such a mixed system makes the integration of a business rules system that much more challenging. 由此类混合系统引入的复杂性使业务规则系统的集成变得更有难度。
Even written works that do not permit you to create new editions do not allow direct attachment of such plain text . 即使是撰写的作品如果不允许创建新的编辑内容,也不能直接附加这类无格式文本。
Their decision to sign onto such a document was surely not taken lightly, and their words should not be so brusquely brushed aside. 他们决定签署这样一个文件,肯定不是轻而易举,因此他们的话不应那么坦然地被置之不理。
the drug store is only around the corner . such a stupid guy ! 药房就在转角而已,真是个大笨蛋!
It was such a fine day that nobody wanted to stay at home. 天气这么好,没有人愿意呆在家里不出去。
Administrators often encounter in the working hours of such a problem: is the main incentive-based or to punish. 在管理员工时往往会遇到这样一个难题:是以激励为主还是以惩处为主。
Then he shows how dressing and undressing works. Brilliant! ! I never have seen such a thing before in a concert. 随后他表演如何在后台换衣服,太棒了!!我从来没有在演唱会中见识过任何类似的环节!
I asked her once, and allowed her to not reading, did not expect such a trivial matter, are being written into the letter of her. 一次我就询问她的情况,并允许她不用早读,没想到就这么一件小事,竟被她写进了信中。
He is such a peculiar person that I have never been able to figure him out. 他是如此地古怪,我一直都没能有办法琢磨透他。
You may be able to slim down your stuff or reorganize it in such a way that you don't need storage outside your home anymore. 你可以通过这个办法精简物品或者重新整理一番,这样你就有空间摆下它们了。
It would be a crime to send the boy out on such a cold, wet night. 在这样一个寒冷、潮湿的夜晚把这男孩送出去真是罪过。
But such an action could be only a revision of the U. S. rating outlook to negative from its current stable position. 但上述行动可能只是将美国评级展望从目前的“稳定”调降至“负面”。
All the young mice came out to admire such a large mouse, at which point the cat tried to leap upon them. 所有的年轻老鼠出来欣赏这么大的老鼠,这时的猫试图对他们的飞跃。
Widely touted forecasts such as for 200m climate refugees in the next few decades seem to have been plucked from the air. 广为流行的诸如未来几十年里将出现2亿气候难民的预测似乎都是空穴来风。
There's something in her eyes wakes such a dreadful fear in my heart, that drives me mad. 她的眼睛里有种东西,在我心里唤起那么一种可怖的恐惧,简直逼得我要发疯。
In real systems, such a stage would correspond to times of the order of a few microseconds after the initial contact. 在实际系统中,这样一个阶段将符合时代的顺序数微秒后的首次接触。
It shall perform such other functions as are specified elsewhere in the present Charter or as may be assigned to it by the General Assembly. 本理事会应履行本宪章他章所特定之其他职务,以及大会所授予之职务。
He gave me such a look, as if I was being really disgusting. 他那样地看着我,好像我真的十分令人厌恶。
For the purpose of this Regulation, "international voyage" means a voyage from a country to a port outside such a country. 就本规则而言,“国际航行”系指从一国到该国以外的一个港口的航行。
John is such a know it all when it comes to history. I wonder if he majored in history, or if it's just his hobby. 当谈到历史方面的内容时,约翰真是无所不知。我很想知道他是否专修过历史,或者仅仅是他的业余爱好。
In bathing others in such a vibration, it gives others total permission to be who they are in the moment and express their unique truth. 以这样一个振动沐浴他人,完全容许别人去成为他们在当下所成为的,并表达他们独特的真相。
Great mind, should show such a spirit - with smiles to meet a tragic fate, with a hundred times the courage to deal with all the misfortune. 伟大的心胸,应该表现出这样的气概——用笑脸来迎接悲惨的厄运,用百倍的勇气来应付一切的不幸。
Nature. It is possible to live such an air-conditioned existence that you are barely. 生活在一个空调房间你很有可能几乎意识不到四季的存在。
Only the fast-breeding rabbits, hares and partridges , and for a while gazelles, could cope with such hunting pressure. 因此只有繁殖快的兔子、松鸡和短期出现过一阵子的瞪羚能提供所需求量。
Nobody really knows if China is trying to acquire such a capability. 没有人知道中国是否真的试图获得这种能力。
Bernard Shaw: An American has no sense of privacy. He does not know what it means. There is no such thing in the country. 美国人没有隐私,他们知道它的含义,它在这个国家根本不存在。
Red Riding Hood, however, was confident enough in her own budding sexuality that such obvious Freudian imagery did not intimidate her. 可是小红帽青春萌动极其自信,以至于对大森林产生的弗洛伊德式的恐惧心理意象没有吓倒她。
As you can see the workshop covers such a wide array of topics that the audience has to be just as broad. 可以看到,研讨会涵盖的主题是如此的广泛,因此参与者的范围必须同样地广泛。