i want you

  • 网络我要你;我想要你;我需要你

i want youi want you

i want you


帕丽斯·希尔顿_百度百科 ... 3 Stars Are Blind 星星都醉了 4 I Want You 我要你... 5 Jealousy 相互猜忌 ...


帕丽斯·希尔顿_百度百科 ... 3 Stars Are Blind 星星都醉了 4 I Want You 我想要你... 5 Jealousy 为爱妒忌 ...


...量"较重的摇滚歌曲,但其速度只有每分钟80拍,<<我需要你>>(I want you)向来被认为是"重金属"的先驱之作,


电影激情意外I want you)(1998)中的插曲叫什么名字啊?哪里有的下载啊!


给我些好的摇滚歌曲_百度知道 ... High Hopes 高度希望(平克弗洛伊德) I WANT YOU 我想你(野人花园) I'm mine 我是我…


savage garden_百度知道 ... 17.The Animal Song 动物之歌 1.I Want You 渴望你 游戏 提供 2.Affirmation 认定 游戏 提供 ...


译言网 | AngelKat50的小诗:三句小巧可爱的话 ... I need you 我需要你, I want you 我渴望你, Life is short 生命是短暂的, ...


欧美群星 Within You’ll Remain歌词 ... (我爱你) I love you, (我爱你) I want you, ...

He looked at me in the eye. He said, "Son, I'm gonna buy you a car. " But I want you to bring me $2, 000 and three As. 他看着我的双眼说儿子,我会买辆车给你“不过你要有两千元和三个甲”
I want you to see how this illusion is constructed, and it's going to rotate so you see that it's inside out. 我给你看到这个幻觉是怎么构造的,物件旋转,你就可以看到这是一个自内而外的东西。
Come as quietly as you can, sir. I want you to hear, but Idon't want him to hear you. And sin-if he asks you to go inside-don't go! ' 先生,请您把脚步放轻点,我想让您听听,但您可别让他听见了。先生,要是他让您进去,千万别进去!
I want everybody to know--I want you to let me announce it this evening at the ball. 我想让每个人都知道——我要你允许我今晚在舞会上宣布。
Now, children, I want you all to sit up just as straight and pretty as you can and give me all your attention for a minute or two. 孩子们,现在我要你们都尽量地、端端正正地坐起来,集中注意力听我讲一两分钟的话。
I want you to know how much I am struggling for you and for those at Laodicea, and for all who have not met me personally. 我愿意你们晓得,我为你们和老底嘉人,并一切没有与我亲自见面的人,是何等的尽心竭力;
Before we begin this unit, I want you to tell me what you already know (or think you know) about this fascinating ancient culture. 在开始本单元之前,希望你们告诉我关于这个迷人的古代文化,你们已经了解(或想了解)哪些知识。
If you become a sailboat, 'said his mother'I will become the wind and blow you where I want you to go. 如果你变成小帆船,妈妈说,‘我就要变成风,把你吹到想去的地方。
Now I want them to say what I want to say to you to make you hear as I want you to hear me. 现在我要它们说出我想对你说的话为了使你听见我如同我想要你听见的那样。
I want you to thank your families for how much I appreciate your sacrifices. 我要您感谢您的家庭多少我赞赏您的牺牲。
And I said, "I'm Bill Strickland. I want you to teach me that. " 我说:“我是比尔·斯特里克兰,我想你教教我弄这个。”
I want you to see if it's a real hole across your little mouth. Ok, show the camera, please. 我请你看一下这里,在笑脸的嘴这里是不是有一个洞。
I know it's got to be somewhere around here, I want you to take a look at the sheets see whether you can dig it. 我知道它就在这一带,我想让你看看这些报表,看你能否弄明白。
When you think that something your professor said is clearly wrong, after class I want you to go argue the point with a classmate. 当你认为你的教授所说的话显然错误时,课后我想让你与你的同学继续讨论。
I want you to call your mother and ask her to send you another box of cookies. 我想让你打电话给你的母亲,请她再寄一盒饼干来。
He's destroying my team's morale . I want you to tell him to leave them alone . 他在挫我队员的锐气。我希望你能跟他说说让他别去惹他们。
The hotel manager said they only wanted girls to be receptionists, no boys. But I want to be a receptionist, so I want you to help me. 酒店经理告诉我,他们只想要个女的做接待员,不要男的,可是我想做个接待员,所以请你帮助我。
I want nothing but the best for you, and that's why I want you to always have me in your life. . . 我什么都不要只想把最好的给你,那是因为我希望在你的生命里可以一直有我陪伴…
Charley, good to see you! Say, let's do lunch next week. I have some idea I want you to hear. I'll ring you up to set a date. 查理,见到你很高兴,喂,下星期我们一起吃午饭吧!我有些新想法想讲给你听听,我会给你打电话再约定时间的。
I know. And I want you to make it up to me, said the salesperson. 我知道。所以我想让您帮帮我。这名销售人员说。
I said what I want you to do is take those green pieces of paper and put them in an envelope and on the envelope you write Soupy Sales. 我说了我要你做的是利用纸张的绿色碎片,把它们在一个信封,在信封上你写糊状的销售。
The syllabus you'll see notes the general topic of each lecture and the reading that I want you to have done for that day. 在教学大纲里,你们可以看到每次讲座的主题,以及当堂课的阅读要求。
Steve: Just a little Internet startup. I'm recruiting staff and I want you to come work for me. 史提夫︰只是刚起步的小网络公司罢了。我正在招募员工,而我想请妳来上班。
Today, the only girl I really loved said to me: I want you to be the father of my child, but I don't want to be your girlfriend. 今天,那个我深爱的女孩告诉我,她想让我当她孩儿他爸,不过她却不想当我的女友。
and how much I want you there, that's what I'll do. 以及我多希望你能去那我就愿意去做
Then he turned to the camera crew and said, "Tomorrow morning I want you to get me a beautiful sunrise over the sea. " 然后他对她的摄影人员说到,“明天早晨就把海对面的日出拍下来给我!”
I know it's only been a year, but please try not to grieve. I want you to be happy, even when you shed your tears. 时光只过去了一年,请不要悲伤,我要你即使是流泪的时候也是幸福的,这就是为什么玫瑰花将会年年送来给你。
"I've hurt you, " she said. "I feel so bad, I want you to be proud of me someday, Mom. " “我伤害了你,”她说,“我很难过,我希望有一天可以成为你的骄傲,妈妈。”
The only thing I want you know is how much I love you, and the only thing I want to know is how to love you more. 我唯一想让你知道的事是我有多爱你,而我唯一想知道的事是怎样才能更加爱你。
I want you to submit a report at the end of every month on the status of our orders. Any change must be faxed to promptly. Is that OK? 我们希望你们在每个月第递交我们的定单状况报告。有任何变化必须立刻传真给我们。可以吗?