
美 [ɪmˈpoʊz]英 [ɪmˈpəʊz]
  • v.推行;迫使;强制实行;把…强加于
  • 网络征税;利用;欺骗

第三人称单数:imposes 现在分词:imposing 过去式:imposed

impose tax,impose penalty,impose ban,impose fine,impose burden



1.[t]~ sth (on/upon sth/sb)推行,采用(规章制度);强制实行to introduce a new law, rule, tax, etc.; to order that a rule, punishment, etc. be used

2.[t]~ sth (on/upon sb/sth)迫使;把…强加于to force sb/sth to have to deal with sth that is difficult or unpleasant

3.[t]~ sth (on/upon sb)使(别人)接受自己的意见to make sb accept the same opinions, wishes, etc. as your own

4.[i]勉强(某人做某事);硬要…和…在一起to expect sb to do sth for you or to spend time with you, when it may not be convenient for them

5.[t]~ yourself (on/upon sb/sth)使接受,使意识到(自己的在场或想法)to make sb/sth accept or be aware of your presence or ideas


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... expose v 暴露;揭露 impose v 强加;征税 juxtapose v 并列,并置 ...


六级高频词汇 - 豆丁网 ... immerse v. 使浸没 01-6-51 impose v. 把……强加于 89-1-57 93-6-67 induce v. 劝诱,诱导 99-1-69 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... expose v 暴露;揭露 impose v 强加;征税 juxtapose v 并列,并置 ...


雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法 ... implement n. 工具,器具; impose v. 征(税);把…强加于;利用 impressive a. 给人深刻印象的,惊人的 ...


英汉字典_爱问知识人 ... imply 暗示 意味 impose 强加 欺骗 impress 留下印象 印 ...


加_百度百科 ... (6) 放在上面,加上[ put on] (8) 施加;强加[ impose;exert] (11) 凌驾,侵凌[ bully] ...

First came the post-Iraq realisation that it is not that easy to impose them at the point of a cruise missile. 先是西方在伊拉克战争过后认识到,依靠巡航导弹把价值观强加给别人并没那么容易。
On the eve of a special EU summit on Georgia, he warned that Russia was ready to retaliate against any sanctions the EU might impose. 在欧盟即将召开格鲁吉亚问题特别峰会前夕,梅德韦杰夫警告说,俄国做好了准备,将还击来自欧盟的任何制裁行动。
To me, what we cannot do is to provide a 'guarantee' or to 'impose a demand for absoluteness upon a concept', to quote Stanley Cavell. 对我而言,我们不能做的是--引述斯坦利•卡维尔的话--“认证[某一概念]”或“要求一个概念有绝对性”。
If the American Dream is not real, why do our leaders impose it upon the general public so much? 如果美国梦不是真的,为什么我们的领导人们把它如此强加于公众身上?
Mike: Oh wow. You know it never occurred to me to impose on you guys. Morning, mum. 迈克:啊噢,我从没有想过要卡你们的油。早上好!妈妈。
Trying to impose hard and fast limits on reserve accumulation would be both futile and undesirable. 试图强行采取立即限制外汇储备增长的举措既于事无补,也非明智之举。
trying to impose what you think is order upon disorder. 不想要把你认为的秩序施加于混乱之上。
Imagine bribing an Alzheimer's patient to keep her dementia from worsening, or threatening to impose a penalty on her if it did. 试想,你能否贿赂一个阿尔茨海默氏症患者让她减少痴呆,或者威胁她如果情况继续恶化就对她施以惩罚。
and respect the diversity of the world and attempt to impose uniformity are sure to run themselves into a stone wall. 不承认,不尊重世界的多样性,企图建立清一色的一统天下,是必定要碰壁的。
Bilic is mistaken if he truly believes that Capello has been trying to impose a wholly alien style on England. 如果比利奇真的认为卡佩罗将其他异域的风格完全的强加于英格兰之中,那他一定大错特错了。
I press him gently on the reasons for the implosion of his premiership, starting with his attempt to impose a "mining supertax" . 我先从他试图征收“资源附加税”说起,委婉地追问他突然辞职的原因。
His previous attempt at this almost led the Constitutional Court to ban the AKP on the ground that it was trying to impose sharia law. 他之前试图强行实施伊斯兰教教法而差点被立宪法院取缔正发党(AKP)。
Relief worker Hamid Mehmood says, someone with authority needs to step in and impose some sort of order over the chaos. 救援工作人员迈赫穆德说,有关当局必须介入,对这种混乱局面采取某些维持秩序的措施。
The embargo was the only condition WikiLeaks would try to impose on us; what we wrote about the material was entirely up to us. 而“封口令”是维基解密给我们提出的唯一条件,至于新闻写成什么样,完全随我们的意。
How much plastic bag tax do you think the Government should impose? 您认为每个塑胶袋应徵费多少才足够?。
Local districts would be allowed to impose tougher restrictions on the foods in their schools but states would not. 在学校饮食方面,允许局部地区强行做出严格规定,但是,做为一个州,将不允许。
The U. S. Congress has already rejected at least five bills that would impose Net neutrality regulations. 此前美国国会已经驳回了至少五次有关网络中立立法的提案。
So it's not trying to impose her values, but it's just looking for the betterment of values of other person that matters to us. 所以并不是说我们在强加她的价值观,只是在为对我们很重要的另一半,寻找更好的价值观。
Mladic also accused judges of trying to impose a lawyer on him, a charge judges denied. 姆拉迪奇还指控法官试图指派律师给他。法官否认这样的控诉。
As long as you do not impose your values and believes on me, as long as you do not interfere with me, I will not interfere with you. 只要你不把你的价值观,相信对我来说,只要你不干扰我,我不会干涉你。
The government is trying to impose new real-estate taxes, create a better social-safety net and encourage better worker pay, he said. 黄一庄说,中国政府正试图出台新的房地产税、完善社会保障体系并鼓励提高工人的工资。
And I'm sorry if I impose some clarity, some understanding on you. You'd better leave now if you don't want to know some of these tricks. 所以我对给你们做的分析和解释感到抱歉。如果你不想了解这些思维的秘密,最好现在就离开。
Some scientists believe that sleep is not important by itself in mammals and birds, and is just a way to impose a quiet and immobile state. 有科学家认为,对哺乳动物与鸟类而言,睡眠本身并不重要,它仅仅是一种强制动物进入静止状态的方式。
She said that many of her peers, male and female, accused her of trying to impose Western values on Iraqi society. 她表示,许多同龄人,无论男女,都指责她把西方价值观强加到伊拉克社会中。
Then physically lead your child to a time-out area. Do not impose a time limit, but let him rejoin you when he's regained control. 然后把孩子带去一个地方并计算时间,不要增加时间限制,但是当他恢复理智的时候就要让他重新加入你们。
Consumers may also prefer Apple's tightly integrated, easy-to-use devices and services, despite the restrictions they impose. 虽然有不少限制,但消费者仍可能会选择Apple的高度集成,易于上手的设备和服务。
parents tend to impose their own sense of value and philosophy on their children, which often results in an disharmony between them. 父母往往乐于将自己的价值观和人生观强加于子女,这往往会引发父母与子女间的不和谐。
A more radical French suggestion to impose absolute caps on bonus amounts seems to be headed for the long grass. 法国则提出更为激进的建议:设置奖金的绝对上限,但这一提议似乎被搁置了。
Hughes, who generally went out of his way not to impose himself on the candidate, cherishes the memory. Hughes通常行事低调,不会以候选人的声名“拉大旗”,不过他珍惜这段记忆。
Yet deciding to smoke or drink or not to exercise or to eat more steaks and less broccoli all impose end-of-life costs. 但决定吸烟、喝酒、不锻炼、多吃牛排少吃蔬菜,都抢占了生命末尾的成本。