you live

  • 网络你所生活过的;你住在;你活

you liveyou live

you live


求《魔兽智慧》视屏的中的... ... You see 你所看到过的 You live 你所生活过的 You learn how to feel people 你学着如何感受他 …


暑期与孩子一起学拉丁语_轻舟一叶_新浪博客 ... We live( 我们住在) You live你住在) You all live( 你们都住在) ...


信心就是神掌管你,在祂里面(In Him )你活you live),你就得著祂的生命。你不需去问,主神你究竟关不关心我?

Well in case you live under a rock, you undoubtedly heard that Apple came out with a new iPhone yesterday. 如果你还是活在石器时代,你肯定已经听说苹果发布了新iPhone。
It is possible that California is going to get hit hard, so if you live there, be in preparation. 加州是可能的,所以如果你住在加州,请做些准备。
People you live with will not be terribly happy with you regardless of what you do this week. 本周,不管你做什么,与你一起住的人都不会特别开心。
Sometimes, when you live through an unbelievable, traumatic experience, your brain sort of covers up the darker bits with false memories. 有些时候,在经历过超乎寻常的悲惨事件后,你的大脑会屏蔽那些阴暗面,自己造一些虚假记忆来替换。
Christ Michael is all of you and is constantly learning and experiencing life as you live it. CM是你们全体,他不断地通过你们而学习和体验生活。
You know that you live in a war zone when you realize that the greatest fears of the children are of what they know only too well. 而当你意识到孩子们最恐惧的恰恰是那些他们最为熟知的事物时,你知道你是生活在战区。
You may not know it, but if you live in a developed economy chances are that you will have been served at some point by the Carlson Group. 你可能从未听说过卡尔森,但如果你生活在经济发达的地区,它有很多机会在将来的某一天为你服务。
Also what you can tell to me about a place in which you live? You have been born there, or you have moved? It is big or not? 你所能告诉我你住的地方吗?你一直在那里出生的,或是你偷走?它是大?。
You shall do no work at all. This is to be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you live. 你们什麽工都不可做。这在你们一切的住处作为世世代代永远的定例。
This will take me to the, you know, next two years, especially if you live in Katmandu. (laughter) Maybe not. (laughs) Maybe not. Maybe not. 这可以让我过两年特别是如果住在加德满都的话(笑声)可能不够(笑声)……可能不够。
We are often caught off guard this time, the beginning of endless complaining, oh, life ah, why you live like this! 这个时候我们往往措手不及,开始无止境的抱怨,哦,生活啊,生活你为什么是这个样子!
If you live life in a rush, dashing from one thing to the next, it's no surprise that you find yourself frazzled and unable to focus. 如果你在生活中总是从一件事冲到另一件,精疲力尽和无法全神贯注就一点都不奇怪。
It seems I can only bring disappointment and frustration out of school, you live up to my hopes. 看来我只能带着失望与无奈离开学校,辜负了你们对我的希望。
If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right. 如果你把每一天都当做生命中最后一天去过的话,那么有一天你会发现你是正确的。
You must be happy, because I hope you happy, I remember I said to you as long as you live better than me is enough. 你一定要幸福,因为我希望你幸福,记得我曾对你说过只要你过得比我好就足够了。
A MONTH ago we asked if you could tell us how much a Big Mac costs where you live, to compile a crowdsourced version of our Big Mac index. 一个月以前,我们向读者询问了他们居住地巨无霸的价格,目的是编写一份巨无霸指数的众包版本。
And what, for me, is not important, as the lyrics read: " as long as you live better than me, what can do, until the old. " 而自己怎样,对我来说,并不重要,正如歌词里写的:“只要你过得比我好,什么事情难不倒,一直到老。”
Keep in mind, however, that skin color, where you live and how much skin you have exposed all affect how much vitamin D you can produce. 不过,还应切记,皮肤颜色、生活地点和暴露在外的皮肤面积大小,都会影响你的身体所能产生的维他命D的量。
So as you live this 'present' life in the perceived time of today, you also live all your existences at once. 所以当你存在你目前所感知到的“当下”时,你也同时存在于所有的存在层面。
As Harvey tells the Caped Crusader, "You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become a villain. " 正如哈维对所说的,“你要么成为一个英雄死去,或活着看到你自己变成恶棍。”
His mother came and washed the sheet for you and said only when the room is clean, can you live comfortably. 他妈妈过来,给你们洗了床单和被套,说,屋里要保持整洁,住着才舒服。
If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you will most certainly be right. 把每一天都当作生命中的最后一天,总有一天你会发现自己是对的。
He was like a cat, if I may put it this way, whom you live with for years but who never allows you to get under his sacred skin. 他像只猫,如果我可以这样说的话,你和他生活了多年但绝对不会允许你令他不开心。
If you live in a historic town you may be able to research town history and discover enough interesting stories to put together a real tour. 如果你住在一个历史悠久的小镇,你也可以搜寻你那里的历史平且发现足够多有趣的事情,所有的这些在一起就能形成一个真正的旅行。
Just as you can hear the wind but can't tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can't explain why you live in this world. 你不能解释为何自己会生存在这世上,这就好比你能听到风,但不知道它从哪里来,也不知道它要往哪里去一样。
When someone answers the door, smile and introduce yourself; say you are a volunteer and, if it helps, tell where you live. 当有人来开门,微笑并介绍自己;说你是一个自愿者,并且,如果这有帮助的话,告诉他你住哪。
The sense of belonging to a community tends to disappear when you live fifteen floors up. 如果你住在十五层以上高的楼上,就丧失了属于某―社会群体的感觉。
How much carbon dioxide you save, if any, depends on how far you live from work and how you get there, among other things. 如果真有的话,你可以节约多少二氧化碳?它取决于你住得有多远还是你如何完成目标抑或其他因素?
If you live near the beach, you know how much fun playing near the ocean can be. 假如你住在海边,你知道在海边玩耍有多快乐。
you know painters , then ? you live in their milieu ? " she asked , her eyes full of interest" . “这么说你认识画家?你生活在他们的环境里吗?”她满眼兴致地问。