you are the one

  • 网络你是唯一;二分之一缘分;你是我的唯一

you are the oneyou are the one

you are the one


Sunday_新浪博客 ... I'm never gonna let you go 我再也不会让你走 You are the one 你是唯一 And only now I see 现在我才知道 ...


二分之一缘分》(you are the one)国语 英文字幕rm(1--25集全)[TVRip]《纵横天下》(40集全)双语版[TVRip] 《爱在星光灿烂时 …


The One For You... ... I can't do much but follow 只能随波逐流 You are the one 你是我的唯一 You are the one 你是我的一切 ...


音频——《得... ... But I'll say honestly 但是我要诚实的说 you are the one 你就是唯一 I should have known before 我早该明了 ...


嫣然一笑_新浪博客 ... (Come on, come on)( 来吧,来) (You are the one)( 你是第一个) Am I lost? 我迷失了? ...


经典小诗... ... Reach for Rainbows 触摸彩虹 You Are the One 全在于你 ★有声学习材料★ A Smile 笑 ★有声学习材料★ ...


爱神的黑白羽翼... ... You fly like an eagle 像翱翔的苍鹰 You are the one 你怎能不是唯一 I've seen every sunset 无数次落日 ...


You are the... ... You are the one 你是独一无二的 Why make it harder than it has to be 为什么一定要让这一切变得无比艰难 ...

I wanna you know that you are the one I cherish the most in my life, I just want to be stay with you. 哇好浪漫~!我想要你知道你是我生命中唯一珍视那个人,我只想和你在一起。
I plan to move out to Thailand in 7 years and if you are the one, I can visit a few times a year in the meantime. 我想七年后就搬到泰国去定居,希望你会在那等着我。我可以一年去很多次那里旅行的!
It's easy to call global warming junk science as long as you are the one benefiting from burning fossil fuels to extract their energy. 如果你是烧别人的石油的受益者,你就称称全球变暖是科技进步表现。
Deadly don't change in love with you, because you are the one that I'm going to be looking for. 死性不改的爱着你,因为你才是我要寻找的那个唯一。
You are the one to be blamed: he is willing to let us be friends, at least; Linton and I; and you are not. 你真的不肯。你才是该受责备的人哩;他是愿意让我们作朋友的,至少是林惇和我;而你就不。
now , i am getting to understand and realize that you are the one who i desire to stand by your side to the end of all my life . 现在,我渐渐的明白和意识到你就是我那渴望去站在你身旁至死不渝的唯一。
He said the city network to the Internet to see, thank you, if you are the one. 就说在同城网网上看到的,谢谢,非诚勿扰。
Start caring what you think of yourself, because you are the one that has to look in the mirror each day. 试着开始关心你对你自己的想法,因为你是那个每天必须得照镜子看自己的人。
A contestant on "If You Are the One" declared that she would rather cry in a BMW than smile on the back of a boyfriend's bicycle. 一个参与者在《非诚勿扰》上宣称,她宁愿在宝马车里哭,也不愿在男朋友的自行车后座上笑。
You are the one who gets to decide what you get out of life. 你自己决定你从生命之河获取何物。
Shortly afterwards, one of China's most controversial and most widely watched shows - If You Are The One - was taken off the air. 自此之后不久,一个在中国最受争议和收视率最高的电视节目-非诚勿扰,被停播。
However, the greater frequency of these farewells does not make them any easier to deal with, if you are the one doing the leaving. 然而,如果你是那个将要离开的人的话,参加的欢送会次数越多,并不能让你应付起来越容易。
And now, Lord Father, I thank You that You are the One who loves to bless, and I now open my heart to You. 现在,亲爱的主,父神,我们感谢你,因你是喜爱赐福的神,我们把心打开给你。
"You Are the One" by the host as a non-famous news anchor Bangladesh, and the character color field experts Roca, was the guest consultant. 《非诚勿扰》主持人由著名新闻主播孟非担任,而性格色彩专家乐嘉则担任场上顾问嘉宾。
Remember, you are the one who goes up to New York every month and brings back a thousand dollars worth of stuff. 你每个月都得去一次纽约,而且每次总要买一千多美元的东西!
We had never met each other, but I believe you are the one that I've been waiting for so long. 虽然我们从未相见,但我坚信你就是我一直等着的人。
Well, at least you are the one who got robbed, not the one who robs others. 这样想好了,至少你是被偷的人,而不是偷别人东西的人。
No offence, but to be honest with you I dont think you are the one I am looking for. 不是冒犯你,但是说实话,我认为你不是那个我要找的人。
Everyone knows you are the one who will fail first, and worst, if the three of you set out to seek your fortunes. 最糟的是,当你们三姊妹不得不自谋出路的时候,人人都确信你会是最先失败的一个。
Notice that you are the one holding on to it; it is not attached to your hand. 请注意,你是举着它的人,它并不附属于你的手。
The company claims some of its movies, such as "Assembly" and "If You Are The One, " were broadcast on the sites without authorization. 华谊兄弟称,这些网站未经许可,就擅自播放《集结号》、《非诚勿扰》等该公司出品影片。
After all, you axe the one with a message to deliver or a goal to achieve, and you are the one with the responsibility to make it happen. 毕竟,只有你才是那个想要传达信息的人,或是去完成一个目标的人,而且你对让这一切都顺利进行要付全部的责任。
If you are about to lose your home, job, etc. make sure you are the one to tell your child. 如果你失去了家,工作等,保证你是会把事情告诉你的孩子的其中一人。
I was silent; I would not open my mouth, for you are the one who has done this. 因我所遭遇的是出于你,我就默然不语。
If you are the one just contact me is okay, I do not wanna say too much others here! You see, the feeling is important for us too, isn't it? 不需要在这上面写太多,如果你对我的感觉还不错请联系我吧,感觉很重要不是吗?。
If you are the one who has the same belief as us, we welcome you to join us to make a great future! 如果您有相同的信念,我们热忱欢迎您加入我们的团队,共创辉煌的未来!
Hokkaido is a famous place in China because part of the movie 'If You Are the One' was filmed there. 在中国北海道很有名,因为一个电影《非诚勿扰》的一部分被拍摄在那里。
In the blue corner, making your long awaited return, you are the one, the only, The K. 在蓝色的角落,让您期待已久的回报,你是一个,也是唯一的高小子!
Because even though you are the one on stage, you're still a man of the people, right? 因为即使你是一个人在讲台上,但你仍然是大家中的一员,对吗?
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. 一直生气就好像抓着一块燃烧的煤,想把它丢向其他人;你自己却是那个最先被烧着的人。