you too

  • 网络你也是;你也一样;你也一起来

you tooyou too

you too


“你也一样”翻译成英文 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... the same = 一样 You too = 你也是。 没有讲是一样 You = 你 ...


Office English 上班族常用口语 ... 123 Hope Not 希望别这样 124 You Too 你也一样 125 You've Got To Be Kidding 你在开玩笑 …


...在台上表演给台下群众观赏,而是希望能与听众互动的“你也一起来”(You too)哲学。


英语发音_百度文库 ... too eager 太急切 you too 同样也祝您 英语发音10日过关 Lesson02 练习一 ...


英语口语中:You too的用法小结 ... A:Have a good weekend. 祝你周末快乐。 B:You too. 也祝你周末快乐。 B:Not yet. 还 …


雅思口语突破:发音的五大要诀_新东方网 ... B:I appreciate your support.( 非常感谢你的支持) B:You too.( 你也做个好梦) ...


初中英... ... —Have a good weekend. 祝你周末过得愉快。 — You too也祝你周末过得愉快。 —Mind your own business. …


★欲擒故纵:留下“接头暗号”-英语口语-无忧考网 ... 黄小蓉:你也是,再见You too. Bye! 黄小蓉:谢谢! Thank you. ...

I love you too much to leave you for a minute. 我太爱你,一刻也离不开你
Sometimes I just hold you, too caught up in me to see. I'm holding a fortune that heaven has given to me. 有时我仅仅是抱着你,感受太多情意反而看不清。我正紧紧的抓住上帝赐给我的一大笔财富。
And finally I came back and said, "You know, I hope it won't make you too uncomfortable, but I think I'm going to come to lunch anyway. " 最后我走回来,说道:“好吧,我希望不会让你们太不舒服,但是我想我无论如何都要一起去。”
then , you , too , will be punished , for you did not do your duty as a priest - you should have prevented benedetto from killing me . 那么你也得受惩罚,因为你没有尽到你当教士的责任,你应该阻止贝尼代托,不让他来杀我。
Don't get all holy on me, James. This town called you, too. You and me are the same. We're not like other people. Don't you know that? 不要跟我讲大道理,詹姆斯。这个小镇也在召唤你。我们都是一样的。我们不象其他的人。你难道不明白吗?
However the matter gets along, I will never appreciate you too much, as well as XXX and all of you who have given me support and aids. 无论事情进展如何,我都十二分感激你,以及XXX还有你们所有人对我的支持和帮助。
I'm running away from an old woman, an old man and a little boy, and I can run away from you, too. 我在逃离一个老奶奶、一个老爷爷和一个小男孩的追赶,我也能逃离你的追赶。
Nicolas: Good to see you too, Henry. Been a while, hasn't it? 我也很高兴见到你,Henry。很久没见了。
Sometimes I just hold you too caught up in me to see. 有时我因抱你太紧而无法看清。
Hope to hear from you soon, I want you and I love you too, I want a serious relationship with you if you are interested, ok. 希望能很快听到你的回音,我想要你,也很爱你,如果你愿意,我想认真的和你保持关系好吗。
I do not know if I can carry on ~ ~ I owe you too much too much has been unable to compensate. 我不知道如果我能继续〜〜我欠你太多太多已无法弥补。
There are many possibilities, but your sibling does seem to be "in the news" this month, which will be very good for you, too. 一切皆有可能,但是你的兄弟姊妹很可能成为本月的热门人物,而这对你来说也是个好消息。
I really think he liked you, too. He was just trying to play cool, as silly as it may sound. 我其实觉得他也喜欢你的。只是他想装酷,虽然这样听起来蛮蠢的。
g: glad to see you, too. sorry, my business card is not with me. i'll give it to you sometime this evening. 我也很高兴认识您。对不起,我身边没有带名片。我今天晚上给您。
Resist the temptation to join in, add your own juicy piece of gossip, or talk about how much work you have and how hard it is for you, too. 抗拒加入其中的诱惑,不发牢骚,不讨论你做了多少事,你有多辛苦之类的事情。
I loved you too much to see what you were becoming. 我太爱你了,而看不到你变成了……
If you react only to that part of what I say, then you, too, are caught as much as he in the mire of blind emotion. 如果你们只对我所讲的一部分做出反映,那么你们也跟他一样掉进了盲目感情的泥坑。
"Mom's fine. It's good to see you, too, Dad. " I wasn't allowed to call him Charlie to his face. “妈妈很好。我也很高兴见到你,爸爸。”他们不让我当面叫他查理。
But I have news for you too, Copperfield! ' he said. ' The Micawbers are moving to Canterbury. ' “可我也有消息告诉你,科波菲尔!”他说,“米考伯一家搬到了坎特伯雷城。”
I said, "Daughter, I love you too, and I do like the flowers, especially the blue. " 我说,“女儿,我同样爱你!我真的很喜欢这些花儿,特别是蓝色的。”
And to be able to create something of this style, you too need to find a way to get there with your own resources. 并能够创建这种风格,你也需要找到一种方法去用自己的资源。
No-no-no, it's just a bit sudden. (Listens) No, it's great. Okay? . I'm totally on board I love you too, all righty . 不,不,不,只是来了太突然一些了。不,我认为那个很好。我在出差。我也爱你。可以。
the angel smiled at me in that I love you too silly, the distance between us is so far. 天使对我微笑,因为我非常爱你。我们之间的距离太远了。
It was a pleasure meeting you, too. Thanks for your help. And good luck! I've got to go. By the way, I'm Richard. What's your name? 我也很高兴认识你,谢谢你帮了我的忙,祝你好运气,我得走了。忘了告诉你了,我叫理查德。你呢?
Closet confession: I totally adored Blossom's skirt made of men's ties. (Still kind of do. ) Oh, you too? Well, that's why she's on here. 衣柜宣言:我很爱布鲁森那条用领带改成的裙子。噢,你也爱吗?这就是她上榜的原因。
when a feeling not belong to you, it was no value for you too, so you don't think it is a loss. 当一份感情不属于你的时候,它根本也对你没有一点价值,所以你也不必认为它是一种损失。
To do it well seems to me one of the most difficult things in the world, and probably seems so to you, too. 它可是我所认为的世上最难做好的事情之一。对此,你大概也心有同感。
It's good for me to be with people like that, and I'm sure it's good for you too. 和这些人在一起,会对我有益处,相信同样对你有益处。
Totally! I'm saying it from the bottom of my heart! And it's obvious that he's head over heels in love with you, too. 当然!我可是发自肺腑的。而且,很明显他也疯狂地爱着你。
On his way to finding a legend. He will become one. You too can be a great guardian. 在他寻找传奇的征程上,他也将成为传奇。你同样可以成为一位伟大的守卫者。