department store

  • n.百货公司;大百货商店
  • 网络百货商场;百货店;百货大楼

复数:department stores

department storedepartment store

department store



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Not long ago I was at the checkout of a department store when the man ahead of me turned and made a joke about something he had bought. 不久前我在百货商店付款时,前面的一个男子转过身,就自己买的东西开了个玩笑。
Buying on the dips might make you feel better, just as it feels good to go shopping when a department store tacks up the sale signs. 逢低买进也许能让你感觉好一点,这就像在百货商场打折时购物感觉良好一样。
Chongqing Department Store the new century as one of the best, using a variety of promotional methods stand out among the many competitors. 而重庆新世纪百货商场作为其中的佼佼者,利用多种促销方式,在众多竞争者中脱颖而出。
I walk with our girls into Goodwill with my head held high, as proud as if we were in the toniest department store in town. 我和两个姑娘昂首走进Goodwill商店,就好像我们走进镇上最豪华的百货商店一样。
His mother worked in a department store and his father was employed as an explosives expert in the mining industry. 阿隆索的母亲在一家百货商店工作,父亲是矿山爆破专家。
After two years of medical school and a brief period as a photographer, he entered the fashion world as a purchaser for a department store. 他曾在医学院修业两年,并当过短期的摄影师,在一家百货公司担任采购的职务。
Her lawyer said the department store sent an insincere apology and they insisted that she may have been stealing. 书店做了一个虚假的道歉,他们仍然坚持她可能偷了东西。
Then, they went to the famous department store. Jane got her red coat and yellow skirt. Alice also found a beautiful pair of shoes. 然后,她们去了那家很出名的百货商店。简买到了红色外套和黄色裙子。爱丽斯买了一双漂亮的鞋。
That's why the men's department is usually on the first floor of a department store, two inches from the door. 那就是为什么男装要放在第一层,离门口只有两英尺的地方。
If you dress casual other more advanced situations, do not like to wear, such as to a casual restaurant or to the department store shopping. 如果在适宜穿其他更高级的便服的场合下,不要这样穿,比如去一家休闲餐厅或去百货商场购物。
The retired department store employee lived with her elderly mother for her entire life in Cadiz, in southern Spain. 鲍萨达是一名退休的百货商店雇员,她一直和她年迈的母亲住在西班牙南部的加的斯。
The department store chain found that forks were far outselling knives, with a peak of three forks sold for every knife in London. 结果发现,餐叉的受欢迎程度远远超过了餐刀,在伦敦餐叉的销售数量甚至是餐刀的三倍。
When he couldn't find his mother in the department store, the little boy began to whimper in fright. 当那个小男孩在百货商店里找不到妈妈时,吓得哭了起来。
She'd worked in a department store, had an unlucky marriage, could only make scalloped potato out of a box, never got a college degree. 她曾经在一家百货公司上班、有过一段不幸的婚姻、只会用烤箱做焗薯条、没拿到大学文凭。
I would like you to come with me to a department store sale. 我想请你跟我一起去逛百货公司的拍卖。
When he was a little boy he had made weekly trips with his mother to a local department store. 他还小的时候,每周都会和妈妈去一趟当地的百货商店。
From police sources said the victims also include retail giants, the general manager of the New World department store his wife. 来自警方的消息称,遇难者中还包括零售业巨头、新世界百货公司的总经理夫人。
The wallet still had family photos, old pay stubs and a couple of department store charge cards he had not seen in more than 40 years. 这个遗失了四十多年的皮夹里还放著家人照片、以往的薪资单及几张百货公司签帐卡。
Most men hate to shop. That's why men's department is usually on the first floor of a department store, two inches from the door. 大多数男人厌恶购物。这就是为什么男士用品部通常位于百货公司的一层,距离大门只有两英寸。
One day when women's dresses were on sale at the Far East Department Store, a dignified middle-aged man decided to get his wife a piece. 一天,当远东的一个商场在销售女式的服装时,一个高贵的中年男子决定给他的夫人也买一件。
The child clung to his mother in the crowded department store. 这个小孩在拥挤的百货公司中紧抓着妈妈不放。
Taking his hand, she led him into a nearby department store and bought him a new pair of shoes and a warm jacket. 并且牵着他的手,把他领到附近一个百货超市并买了一双新鞋子和一件夹克。
He was trailing after his mother, looking reluctantly over his shoulder at a display of remote control toys in the large department store. 声音的主人是位小男孩,当时他正在妈妈身后磨蹭着,脸上一副不情愿的表情,并不时回头看身后大型百货商店橱窗里的遥控玩具。
Sandra returned to her department store job, and she and Mark were able to enjoy a period without heavy financial pressures. 桑德拉又回到原来的百货商店工作,她和丈夫马克一起也从沉重的经济负担中缓过劲儿来。
Sacrificing time from one's busy schedule to give to another is often more meaningful than a pricy gift from an upscale department store. 从繁忙的日程表中牺牲一些时间来陪陪别人要比在高级的百货公司中买贵重礼物送人有意义多了。
If he visited a department store it WAS to lounge familiarly over the counter and ask some leading questions. 他上百货大楼时,总喜欢靠在柜台上和女店员像老熟人一样聊聊,问些套近乎的问题。
Fashion editors and department store buyers have long had the biggest say in what parts of designer collections make it to market. 设计师群体对于市场的意义——时尚编辑和门店顾客们在这一点上的颇有异议。
The department store was crowded with shoppers, so Joey kept walking into people as he tried to get to a restroom. 百货公司里满是购物的人潮,因此乔伊在试著要去洗手间的路上一直撞到人。
The department store posted a 9. 2% rise in sales at stores open at least a year in November. 11月份该企业旗下开业至少一年的百货店销售增长9.
The best place in the world was the Baodaxiang Children's Department Store on Nanjing Road. 世界上最好的地方是南京路上的宝大祥儿童百货商店。