
美 [ˈʃʊɡər]英 [ˈʃʊɡə(r)]
  • n.食糖;一匙糖;一块方糖;(植物、水果等所含的)糖
  • v.在…中加糖;在…上撒糖;给…裹上糖衣
  • int.真是的
  • 网络砂糖;白糖;糖类

复数:sugars 现在分词:sugaring 过去式:sugared

white sugar,raw sugar,physical sugar
buy sugar,refine sugar,sell sugar,use sugar


1.[u]食糖a sweet substance, often in the form of white or brown crystals , made from the juices of various plants, used in cooking or to make tea, coffee, etc. sweeter

2.[c]一匙糖;一块方糖the amount of sugar that a small spoon can hold or that is contained in a small cube , added to tea, coffee, etc.

3.[c][usupl](植物、水果等所含的)糖any of various sweet substances that are found naturally in plants, fruit, etc.

4.[u](informal)(爱称)宝贝儿,亲爱的a way of addressing sb that you like or love

2012雅思词汇大全_百度文库 ... table salt 食盐 sugar vingar 醋 ...


焙烤相关词汇_专业词汇_专业英语_食品伙伴网 ... strawberry 草莓 sugar 砂糖 salt 盬 ...


关于早餐食物的英文单词_百度知道 ... 食盐 salt 白糖 sugar 主食 Staple food ...


食字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 食堂〖 mess;canteen;cafeteria〗 食糖sugar〗 食无求饱〖 behalffed〗 ...


出口商或代理商信息表 ... 饮料类 soft drinks and drinking water 糖类 sugar 蔬菜及制品类 vegetable and vegetable products ...


交易产品详情 | FOREX.com嘉盛集团 ... 美国软商品期货( NYB-ICE) 蔗糖( Sugar) 500(手)或250,000( oz) ...


洞口三中吧_百度贴吧 ... 菜心_ Boy 白砂糖_ sugar 玩世不恭_ home ...

There the child fared well, ate sugar-cakes, and drank sweet milk, and her clothes were of gold, and the little angels played with her. 孩子在天堂过着舒适的生活:她整天吃着香甜的蛋糕,喝着香甜的牛奶,穿着精美的金衣服,和小天使们一起嬉戏。
He began to exercise, drink a sugar drink, do not eat junk food. 他开始运动、不喝有糖饮料、不吃垃圾食物。
Sweet heart to think: he should not have to ask me to drink sugar water, right? 心里甜甜地想:他该不是又要请我喝糖水吧?
As you know, I have my own ration of sugar, and I must not deprive you of yours[3]. 正如你知道的,白糖,我有自己的定量,我不应该取你的。
IT IS no exaggeration to say that the foundations of the modern globalised world were made of sugar. 可以毫不夸张的说,糖奠定了现代世界全球化的基础。
"It was just sitting on the bottom and nibbling on the sugar like a couch potato, " Hackett says. “他们只是坐在箱底,像一群懒汉那样啃噬蔗糖”,哈科特表示。
How much green tea and sugar is required to make the Ghost Dress? 做连衣裙需要多少绿茶和糖?
By the time I return with the sugar and a banana for her cereal, Mom has thrown off self-pity. 我拿着糖和香蕉回来时,母亲已经抛弃了她的自怨自艾。
If you've got a favor to ask of a sibling or neighbor, here's a tip: Put a little sugar on it. 桔解:如果你对一个手足或邻居有所求,你要做的就是施放一点香甜。
and the throat-soothing candy can be also used as a sugar core, and is wrapped with sugar coating to be made into a soft-centered candy. 也可以将以上所得的润喉糖作为糖芯,外面包裹糖衣制成软质夹心糖。
ready - to - use - food is usually a sweet spread made with peanuts , dry milk , sugar , vegetable fat , minerals and vitamins. 这种即食食品通常用花生,干奶酪,糖,蔬菜油脂,矿物质和维生素等物质做成的甜味酱。
A filly named Sugar was out for a ride with her owner when something spooked her, sending her falling into a canal. 一匹名叫“糖糖”的小母马在和主人出去遛弯的时候被什么东西惊吓到了,掉进一条小沟里。
Fruita Blanch's new product line is here to let you know about their low-sugar, chemical-free preserved products. 地图漂白的新产品线在这里让你知道他们的低糖,不含化学保存产品。
In nature, there is usually a somewhat fixed relationship between the sugar and acid contents of a fruit species. 在自然界,水果中的糖和酸的含量具有固定关系。
In fact it was just a placebo, a pill with no medicine, a sugar pill, like a homeopathy pill. 然而实际上,这些药片只是一种宽心剂,一种没有药物成分的糖片,类似于顺势疗法的药片罢了。
Let me tell you to make tomatoes with eggs-a healthy and delicious dish. You need two eggs, two tomatoes, some oil, sugar and salt. 让我来告诉你如何做又健康又可口的西红柿炒土豆,你需要两个鸡蛋,两个西红柿,一些油,糖和盐。
Pour yourself one cup of skim milk. Believe it or not, milk has enough fast-acting sugar to help you out in a hypoglycemic jam. 喝一杯脱脂牛奶。牛奶中含有可快速作用的糖分来有效用于低血糖救急,当然,信不信由你。
If she touched one of them, I told her it was wrong and did not give her any sugar. 如果她碰了他们的其中之一,我告诉了她它是错误的而且没有给她的任何糖。
Add steamed lotus seeds and bring to boil. Remove from the fire, add white sugar, ready to serve. 加入蒸熟的莲子、再次煮开。熄火、加入适量白糖、开动!
When high blood sugar levels damage nerves in the body, especially the arms, legs, and feet, the condition is called diabetic neuropathy. 当高血糖水平,身体损伤神经,特别是手臂,腿,脚,这种情况被称为糖尿病神经病变。
You know, you can try a little sugar water on the bottle, just until he gets used to it. 你们可以试着在奶瓶里放点糖直到他习惯为止
Turn and ask the people sitting around you, do they know how much sugar costs. 去问问坐在你周围的人,他们是否知道糖价是多少。
I'm about to call it a night with a dish of strawberries graced by celery leaves frosted with sugar, and a crystal goblet of beetroot froth. 享受着一餐优雅拌上芹菜叶糖霜的草莓和一水晶杯装着甜菜泡沫,我将结束今天的工作。
Get rid of all the juices, the sodas, and the sports drinks. Liquid sugar is the last thing you need when you are trying to lose fat. 戒掉所有的果汁,苏打水,和运动员饮料。如果你在试图减肥,那么饮料糖份是你最坏的食物。
Dust heavily with icing sugar (confectioners sugar). Slice into finger lengths or long triangles. It is now ready to serve. 最后一步,在蛋糕上撒上糖粉,切成手指大小或者三角形,就可以开动啦!
His father was a wealth sugar planter and his mother came from the Cuban landed gentry. 爸爸是富裕的甘蔗种植园主,妈妈来自古巴地主阶级。
The court said the Agriculture Department needed to perform a complete study of the environmental effects of the sugar beets. 法院表示,农业部必须就甜菜对环境的影响做出全面评估。
Before I move on to the next iteration example, you should know about one other bit of syntactic sugar regarding Maps in Groovy. 在继续研究下一个迭代例子前,应当了解Groovy中有关Map的另一个语法。
Yes, she was a beautiful horse. He would fix the loose shoe, brush her, and give her a taste of sugar now and then. 是的,这是一匹漂亮的马。他要固定一下那个松了的蹄铁,给她刷刷毛,偶尔给她一点糖吃。
"Sugar Daddy" Search: Some women continue their search for that elusive "sugar daddy" even after they marry men who do not fit that ideal. 寻找“甜爹”:有些女士在嫁给了自己并不中意的丈夫之后仍然继续寻找那求之不得的“甜爹”。