
美 [ˈhaɪr]英 [ˈhaɪə(r)]
  • v.雇用;聘用;租用;录用
  • n.租用;租赁;租借;新雇员
  • 网络雇佣;租金;出租

第三人称单数:hires 现在分词:hiring 过去式:hired

hire car,hire someone,hire employee,hire staff,hire person


v. n.

1.[t]~ sth租用;租借to pay money to borrow sth for a short time

2.[t][i]~ (sb)聘用;录用;雇用to give sb a job

3.[t]~ sb/sth临时雇用to employ sb for a short time to do a particular job


高考英语考试大纲核心单词汇总(985个) - 豆丁网 ... highway n. 公路, 大路 hire vt. 雇用 honey n. 蜜, 蜂蜜, 甜, 甜蜜 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... himself pron. 他自己 hire vt. 租用 his pron. 他的 ...


字典中 假 字的解释 ... (4) 代理,非正式[ informal] (3) 租赁;雇佣[ hire] (5) 凭借[ depend on] ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... hint 暗示,示意 hire 雇佣;租借 his 他的 ...

租金租金(hire)…………………………………………………(308)船东的收益账号(earnings account)……… …


出字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 出走〖 leave;flee〗 出租〖 rent;hire;let〗 出租汽车〖 taxi,taxicab〗 ...

If all they needed was a code robot, it would be easy to hire someone in another country to do that kind of work. 如果他们只想找个懂代码的机器人,那不如雇个外国廉价的程序员。
And her place would be filled up by advertisement. The boss would make an ad to hire someone else to take her place in the store. 她的位置将会通过招聘广告让人顶替。
water and tents and things. I suppose if we were to do it all again we'd probably hire donkeys along the way. 我必须说有两个,和我们在一起长期受苦的帮我们运水和帐篷等东西的驴。我再让我们做一次,我路上要雇驴子。
The hire of a cart at any time, might not be so easy as you suppose; our farmers are not in the habit of letting them out. 不论什么时候,雇马车都不象你想的那么容易。我们的农民没有把马车雇出去的习惯。
How much does it really matter if an entrepreneur can't spell, as long as she can hire a copywriter who can? 一个创业者真的写错字了,又有什么关系呢?只要他能聘请一名不会写错字的文案员就行了。
You can save the money in the bank and also hire a manager to run your company. " The businessman talked with great passion. " 你可以把这些钱存到银行里面再请个经理人来经营你的公司。
He hopes getting his robotics degree will persuade Volkswagen to hire him for the factory it has planned for Chattanooga, Tenn. 他希望通过获得机器人学位,能到计划在田纳西州东南部城市查塔努加设厂的大众汽车公司工作。
After argy-bargy they hire a boat pricing 300 yuan for a day. The whole family get on the boat. So the travel on the sea begins. 经过讨价还价,终于以300元一天的价钱选定了一条游艇。一家人登上了游艇,远航开始了。
Thus, you hire the box and a film or two, watch it at your place and return the stuff to the conductor at the end of your journey. 这样,你可以租下这个小盒子和一两部电影在你的座位上观看,并在你的旅程结束前把它还给列车员。
He said he might hire a car. 他说他可能会租用一辆车。
If you hire somebody with a set of skills for today, but they have no development potential, then tomorrow they are going to be a problem. 如果你雇用的人有今天所需要的一些技能,但是没有发展的潜力,那么明天他就会成为问题。
The hope was that private employers finally were ready to hire enough to bring unemployment down steadily, even if not rapidly. 人们寄希望于私营企业终于可以雇佣足够多的员工以使失业率稳步下降(即使不能快速下降)。
Unless she is a very odd woman indeed, she would not pick the newest hire, and a young man at that, as a confidant on matters of the heart. 除非她真的是一个非常古怪的女人,否则她不会选择最新的下属——偏偏又是一位年轻男性——作为倾诉衷肠的密友。
In other words, they need to think about how easy it is to hire someone just like you, and how much you'll expect to be paid. 换句话说,他们需要考虑如何轻松雇用像你一样的人,还有你期望多少工资。
After reassuring police that his inventions were to help, Li was able to hire seven workers from the area. 李荣标向警察解释他的发明对社会有益后,总算能在当地雇用七名员工。
You hire a sitter because you haven't been out with your husband in ages, then spend half the night checking on the kids. 你雇来保姆,因为你已经许久未与丈夫单独约会了,回来后却要花上大半夜的工夫查房。
"Folks who used to provide goods and services to me started to hire me to do their marketing, advertising and brochures, " Cordes says. 过去那些为我提供货物和服务的人们开始聘请我为他们做市场营销、广告和宣传册。
He tried every restaurant in the town, but no one wanted to hire a helping hand. When night fell, he felt he was at the end of his tether. 镇上每一家饭店他都去试了,但没有人要雇帮工,夜色降临,他感到山穷水尽、走投无路。
When difficult actor Michael Doresey (Dustin Hoffman) can't get anyone to hire him, he decides to try out for a soap opera. . . as a woman. 当困苦的演员迈克尔•多洛西(达斯汀-霍夫曼)没人雇用无计可施时,他决定试试看演肥皂剧……里的女性角色。
Another hinted that the company needed to hire a chief operating officer 'to help manage all the complexity. ' 另一个人暗示,雅芳应聘请一位首席运营长来帮助解决这一团乱麻的局面。
He refused to hire a wet-nurse, insisting that his wife suckle the child herself. Fortunately, she had enough milk. 他因为爱孩子,不愿意雇奶妈来喂奶,要他的妻自己抚养孩子,好在妻的奶汁也很够。
They hire a woman to go up to college men and ask them to sleep with her. More than half the men say yes. 研究人员雇下一名女性,让她去大学里找那些男生,要他们跟她上床,超过一半的男生都同意了。
Benny Goodman, a preeminent white bandleader and clarinetist, was the first to hire a black musician to be part of his ensemble. 贝尼·古德曼是一位杰出的乐队领导和单簧管演奏者,也是首位在团队中雇佣黑人的音乐家。
Well. Since it appears nobody is eager to hire my services, could you favour me with a little money instead? 嗯。您看,几乎没有人愿意聘请我,我,我想你能否帮帮忙借我一点钱?
Given this reach, I knew Kroll could hire someone with a medical background, legal training, or at least some familiarity with Ecuador. 有这种影响力,我知道Krol应该雇用有医学背景、法律素养,或者至少熟悉厄瓜多尔的人。
Some parents hire private tutors at the end of summer to help prepare their children for the new year, she said. 她说,有些家长会在暑假的尾声请家教来帮助孩子们为新的一个学年做准备。
Some hire people to be mere order-takers or cash register operators. But that's not what selling is all about. 有些商店请人来接受顾客购买或操作收银机。但那不是销售的全部。
He could then hire a coach, and brief him or her to change the mindset of his direct subordinates on a one-to-one basis. 那么他就有可能聘请一位教练,要求教练以一对一的形式改变直接下属的思维方式。
These three rulers used for the goods you buy can also be used for the goods you get on hire, or for the goods you get as part of a service. 这三条规则适用于你所购买商品,也是用于你租用商品,也适用于你所购买的产品的售后服务。
Mr. Cameron conceded that in hindsight it had been a mistake to hire Mr. Coulson. 卡梅伦事后承认,聘用库尔森是一个错误。