
美 [ˈsaɪk(ə)l]英 ['saɪk(ə)l]
  • n.循环;自行车;摩托车;整套
  • v.骑自行车;骑自行车旅行
  • 网络周期;套曲;周波

复数:cycles 现在分词:cycling 过去式:cycled

economic cycle,vicious cycle,hydrological cycle,reproductive cycle,current cycle
break cycle,shorten cycle


n. v.

1.自行车;摩托车a bicycle or motorcycle

2.循环the fact of a series of events being repeated many times, always in the same order

3.整套,整个系列(如机器的运转)a complete set or series, for example of movements in a machine


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高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... gift n 礼物;天赋 cycle n 周期;循环 fool n 愚人;白痴 ...


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人教版高一英语单词表_百度文库 ... persuade 说服.劝说 cycle 骑自行车 graduate 毕业 ...


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机械制造专利翻译词汇、翻译公司-天译翻译公司 ... cyaniding 氰化 cycle 周波 cycle of motion 运动周期 ...

A set of edge-triggered (or equivalent) latches which jointly store the state of a binary value through a clock cycle is termed a register. 用一组沿触发(或等价的)锁存器在一个时钟周期内共同地存储一个以二进制数表示的状态,就称为寄存器。
Dramatic times lay ahead, but all point towards the end of the cycle and your opportunity to leave duality in its present form. 戏剧性的时刻就在前方,所有重点都朝向这次周期的结束,以及你们以它展现的形式脱离二元性世界的机会。
You'll discuss with your doctor the symptoms you're experiencing, their relation to your menstrual cycle and any other relevant information. 你可以与医生讨论你的症状,以及它们与你月经周期的关系还有其它的相关信息。
Exit criteria (Figure 7) can be used to specify the conditions to meet for a particular test cycle to be considered complete. 退出标准(图7)可以用于指定达到考虑要完成的特殊测试周期的条件。
The oceans are a key part of the natural carbon cycle, in which carbon dioxide is circulated between the land, seas and atmosphere. 在自然的碳循环中,二氧化碳于陆地、海洋和大气中流通,海洋是其中一个关键的环节。
If Spain and Italy were to get into a vicious cycle like Greece, Mr Tilford warns, "the future of the euro would be very much in doubt" . 如果西班牙和意大利步入和希腊那种恶性循环,Tilford警告道,“欧元的前途堪忧”。
I cycle lots and my observations while on the road reveal that around seven out of every 10 cars that pass me have only one person inside. 我骑自行车观察到,在公路上,经从我面前经过的车辆里,70%的车里面只有一个人。
Again a very self-willed people who are close to anger, do not know what reason, there is always a periodic cycle. 又开始很任性地激怒身边的人,不知道什么缘故,总会有个周期性的循环。
You are at the end of your yearlong cycle, almost ready to start a new birthday year, and you are ready to start fresh. 你是在你的为期一年的周期结束时,几乎准备好开始新的一年的到来,你准备重新开始。
Affirmation this cycle: - Well-planned strategies are now ready to be implemented! There's strength in faith that all will turn out well! 周期预测:-精心策划的战略,现在已经准备好实施!有实力的信心,都将变好!
portfolio generating algorithm somewhat simple, as long as you cycle, it would not be engaging halo! 组合的生成算法有点简单,只要你会循环,相信不会被搞晕的!
But trying to make sense of the heavens gave us more than the natural cycle of day and night. 探究天空的欲望告诉我们的还不止日夜的自然更替。
To determine the reversal error, the loading cycle is to be absorbed up to the nominal force. 为了确定反转误差,载重循环要能承受起标准力。
Natural or artificial cycle of light and darkness alternation to which living organisms may be exposed . 自然界或人造的能够影响生物有机体的亮暗循环。
So when a friend called to ask if I would like to cycle home from Switzerland with him, my hesitation was brief. 所以,当一位朋友打电话问我,是否愿意和他一起从瑞士骑自行车回家,我稍微迟疑了一下就答应了。
I don't suppose that anyone under the age of eighty remembers any of this, though there remain a few devotees of the Kondratief cycle. 我认为任一个八十岁以下的都不记得任一个周期,虽然有一些康德拉捷耶夫周期的拥护者。
Similarly, says Fisk , it "doesn't make sense" to turn off Ulysses just as the Sun comes to the end of a 22-year magnetic cycle. 与此相似,此时关闭尤利西斯也“毫无意义”,因为太阳正迎来其22年磁周期的终结。
We desire to see you all moving out of this cycle with ease and without complication. 我们渴望看见你们所有人都轻易地毫不混乱地脱离这个循环。
The mammal is distinguished by an unusual breeding cycle that occurs every 18 months and has pups suckle for a year and a half. 这种哺乳动物的显著特点是不同寻常的繁殖周期,每18个月一次,并且要给幼儿海狮哺乳一年半。
She further subtracts 11 days from her longest cycle to find the last "unsafe" day of her present cycle. 进而用最长周期天数减去11,即为现在月经周期“不安全的”最后一天。
The answer is not to scale back the stimulus but to make it, so far as possible, self-correcting over the course of the cycle. 答案不是削减规模,而是尽可能使激励方案在整个周期中实现自我调整。
And it was a vicious cycle, for I felt so weak I could not find the courage to break out of it. 这是一个恶性的循环,因为诺是我自感懦弱那么我就不可能找到勇气去突破它。
This would place that person's age within a cycle of 12 years, and with a bit of common sense, we can deduce the exact age. 知道了他的属相在十二生肖中的位置,以及所具有的常识,就能推算出他的确切的年龄了。
As long as it does not result in a cycle, membership of a role can be granted to another role. 只要不会导致循环,就可以将角色的从属关系授给另一个角色。
But I wasn't in the mood, not after repeatedly getting lost while trying to cycle out of Vienna earlier that day. 但是那天上午我骑车离开维也纳时几次迷了路,变得一点没有情绪。
Leaving Bavaria we were once again treated to flat roads, easy-to-follow cycle paths, courteous drivers and the warmth of an Indian summer. 在离开巴伐利亚的时候,我们又一次骑行在平坦而易于识别的自行车专用道上,驾车人都很彬彬有礼,天气像印度一般炎热。
I never expect to call a market bottom, and certainly not for long-cycle assets like houses, but I seem to have come pretty close. 我从未指望能预测到市场底部,当然对楼市这样周期较长的资产更是如此,不过看起来我的预测非常接近事实。
It is part of a natural meteorological cycle that happens roughly every 3-7 years and affects weather worldwide for a year or more. 厄尔尼诺现象是自然气象周期的一部分,大约每三至七年发生一次,对世界气候产生一年或更长时间的影响。
This information is in the GlobalContext, and is called during the secure phase of the request life cycle shown earlier. 这个信息存储在GlobalContext中,它在请求生命周期的安全阶段被调用。
The Tibetan Plateau (TP) is usually called "water tower of Asia" due to it's active water cycle. 青藏高原由于其非常活跃的水分循环而被称为“亚洲水塔”。