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Netor万家姓首页@网同纪念 ... 才 cai chu 忽 hu ...

“王”字英文怎么写?是WONG还是WANG?感谢_百度知道 ... 周 Chow Chu 戴 Dai ...

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中华大学(Chung Hua University)

注册页面 ... 4.从不 Never CHU 中华大学 CYCU 中原大学 ...

中国联通(China Unicom)

中国联通广东省分公司发布声明,称有关中国联通(CHU)用100亿元人民币,向苹果公司采购500万部iPhone的报道失实 …

正确的中文名翻译英文名_在线英语词典 ... CHU 柱 CHU CHU 曙 ...

Jing-Chu network news (AFP) with China as the only two players to be called "masters" who can be against Marco Fu shows. 荆楚网消息(楚天都市报)同为中国选手中仅有的两位能称得上“大师”的人物,傅家俊对可谓惺惺相惜。
Donna Chu visited him in Guangzhou and filled in a part of our missing memory with valuable first-hand sources. 朱顺慈专程去广州访问老人家,为我们留下了珍贵的一手资料,弥补我们缺失了的记忆。
Mr Chu was not very clever. He did not know how to read maps. 朱先生不是很聪明。他不会看地图。
He thought of his native land --- Hubei Province, the cradle of his childhood as well as one of the origins of Chu culture. 他想到了自己的家乡湖北,那里不但是他童年的摇篮,更是楚文化的发祥之地。
On his way, somebody asked him where he was heading, he replied loudly in the coach, "To Chu State. " 路上,有人问他要去哪里,他坐在车上大声回答:“去楚国。”
Chu sun flurried find tissue for me until I unrecoverable wiped, deep down, he with a sigh, looking at me, Mimi. 楚阳慌忙找纸巾替我擦拭,等到我平复下来,他沉沉地叹了一声,直视着我,米米。
Without any modesty, Chu Jen Wang sat down in the seat of honour. 王举人也不谦让,一屁股在上首坐了。
Up to the time of Chu Xi that he just formed a set of perfect theory for the theory of "mind dominated character and sentimental" . 直至朱熹出现,才为「心统性情」建构出一套完善的理论。
Auspicious Chinese knot connection with a pair of Heaven (and) one of the Chu Pui, the symbol of a harmonious China, one heart and one mind! 吉祥中国结连接一对天人合(和)一的珠贝,象征和谐中国、万众一心!
As he was lying home sick, a little serving boy came in, and said, "Mister Chu, my master has sent me to invite you to eat with him. " 一天他卧病在家时,来了一个小仕童,说,“楚先生,我的主人派我来邀请您去和他一起吃饭。”
Mr. Chu said he believed the accident was 'more serious' than the 1979 partial core meltdown at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania. 朱棣文说,他认为与1979年美国宾夕法尼亚州三里岛核电站发生的堆心部分熔解事故相比,日本此次核事故要“更加严重”。
He committed suicide by drowning himself in a river because he was disgusted by the corruption of the Chu government. 他犯的河中溺死自己,由于他是由政府的糜烂深恶痛绝楚自杀。
Let me give a hand to gently places her Fukai of a pre-Chu short hair, hold her chin, she was very careful to look at her eyes. 再举起手来,轻轻的拂开她额前的一儊短发,托起她的下巴,她很仔细地看她的眼睛。
A man from the state of Chu was crossing a river. In the boat, his sword fell into the water. Immediately he made a mark on the boat. 来自初州的一个男人正要过河。在船上,他的剑掉入河水中。他马上在船上做个记号。
Chu-ke Liang went up to the altar in a Taoist robe and with a sword in his hand. 诸葛亮穿着道士法衣,手执宝剑,上了七星坛,开始作法。
Like the President, Secretary Chu has demonstrated a deep commitment to tackling the interlinked problems of energy and climate change. 与总统一样,朱部长已显示出深刻的承诺,解决能源和气候变化相互关联的问题。
As a woman looking at Madam Chu's situation, I sympathize her even though I do not know her personally. 从一个女人看朱丽倩的处境而言,尽管我不认识她本尊,但是我很心疼朱丽倩。
A man of the state of Chu had a spear and a shield for sale. 楚国有一个人在出售矛和盾。
Yet it was a manly face, serious and intelligent, and Chu judged him to be in his middle twenties. 可是,那是个男子汉的面庞,严肃而聪颖,朱德看他象是二十年代中期的打扮。
Mom smiled, and said that I said was the truth, because the kids like to play the best and told me to play Chu Mingtang have a happy. 妈妈笑了,说我说的是心里话,因为小孩最喜欢玩了,并告诉我玩出名堂就有了幸福。
Unfortunatley, yes. This was the only bird that Lin Ben Chu photographed last spring that I failed to see! 很不幸的,是的。这只鸟也是去年春天唯一一只林本初拍到而我没有看到的鸟。
Victor Chu, First Eastern chairman, said the bank would also seek to list Chinese companies on the Dubai stock market. 第一东方董事局主席诸立力(VictorChu)表示,该银行还将推荐中国公司到迪拜股市上市。
The first one was an old man from the Chu State, with a family name of Li, given name Er, and a studio name of "Bo Yang" . 第一个老子是春秋末年楚国人,姓李名耳字伯阳,曾担任周王朝的“守藏室史”,相当于皇家档案馆或图书馆的馆长。
Once upon a time, a man from the state of Chu was going to cross a river. In the boat, his sword fell into the water. 有一个楚国人要坐船过一条江,他的剑从船上掉进了水里。
At the investor conference, Mr. Chu repeated the companys previous statements that it had done nothing wrong. 在投资者会议上,朱尤提重申公司之前的声明,称三星没有做错任何事。
He wanted to talk to me, I said after the old non-stick string for me, I quickly open to Chu son in sichuan LaoGua hello! 他想跟我强老木里、我说不粘弦我木快、我待开待儿蜍川喂老鸹里!
But he brought to life after ten seconds, big eyes and was hard to believe a ground of Zheng, is grandson Chu's guess right? 但十秒钟后他就复活了,难以置信地睁大眼睛,难道孙子楚的猜测是对的?
Both Mr. Chu and Mr. Jaczko said the U. S. government had sent experts and equipment to help the Japanese. 杰索科和朱棣文都说,美国政府已派出专家并提供设备帮助日本应对核灾害。
To be able to trust and be so supportive of a man, Madam Chu is indeed a very generous woman. 能如此信任与支持一个男人,朱女士真的是很大方。
Old Chu thought it would be a shame to eat such a beautiful fish, so he bought the carp for a good price and put it in a pond. 老楚觉得把这么美丽的鱼吃掉太可惜了,于是他高价买下鱼,把它放到池塘里。