
美 [tʃeɪndʒ]英 [tʃeɪndʒ]
  • n.变化;改变;变革;变更
  • v.变化;改变;变更;转换
  • 网络零钱;更改;修改

第三人称单数:changes 现在分词:changing 过去式:changed

change mind,make change,change order,change money,change plan
sudden change,major change,great change,radical change,fundamental change
completely change,quickly change,dramatically change,fundamentally change,radically change


v. n.

(使)变化become/make different

1.[i]改变;变化to become different

2.[t]~ sb/sth使不同to make sb/sth different

3.[i][t](使)变换,改换,变成to pass or make sb/sth pass from one state or form into another

4.[t]~ sth转换;变更to stop having one state, position or direction and start having another


5.[t]替代;替换;更换to replace one thing, person, service, etc. with sth new or different


6.[t]互换;交换to exchange positions, places, etc. with sb else, so that you have what they have, and they have what you have


7.[i][t]换衣服;更衣to put on different or clean clothes


8.[t]~ sb/sth更换(衣服或尿布)to put clean clothes or a clean nappy / diaper on a baby


9.[t]~ sth换(床单等)to put clean sheets, etc. on a bed


10.[t]把(货币)兑换(成另一种货币)to exchange money into the money of another country

11.[t]换零钱to exchange money for the same amount in different coins or notes


12.[t]~ sth (for sth)退换;掉换to exchange sth that you have bought for sth else, especially because there is sth wrong with it; to give a customer a new item because there is sth wrong with the one they have bought


13.[i][t]换乘;转乘to go from one bus, train, etc. to another in order to continue a journey


change hands

换主人;易主;转手to pass to a different owner

change horses in midstream

中流换马;中途变卦;转而支持另外的人(或事)to change to a different or new activity while you are in the middle of sth else; to change from supporting one person or thing to another

change your/sbs mind

改变决定(或看法、主意)to change a decision or an opinion

change your tune

改变口风;转变态度;变卦to express a different opinion or behave in a different way when your situation changes

change your ways

开始过另一种生活;换个活法to start to live or behave in a different way from before


字典中 回 字的解释 ... (8) 还,返回[ return] (11) 改变[ change] (13) 违背[ go against] ...


变化change)的寒风吹来时,有些人选择低头躲避、包团取暖,而有些人却选择独辟蹊径、创造生机。最近,关于公司裁 …


四年级下册英语单词_百度文库 ... carrot 胡萝卜 六字母 ? ? ? ? ? ? change 零钱;找头 coffee 咖啡 ...




庚字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 赔偿,偿还〖 compensate〗 变更;更换。通“更”〖 change〗 ...


CATIA软件的10个使用技巧 —— 机械英才网 ... chamfer 倒角 倒角 change 修改 变更 character 字符 字元 ...


...环境的解冻(unfreezing);第二阶段是产生变革change)或变迁(movement)的活动,最后使新行为产生和采用,即最 …


字典中 爰 字的解释 ... (3) 曰;称为[ say;call] (4) 改易;更换[ change] 于;从[ in;from] ...

Any change to a database and every application using it had to be updated, individually. 任何一个(程序)改动了数据库,其他程序都会各自更新.。
Change in the organization structure - At the heart of every SOA is a Centre of Excellence (COE). 组织结构的改变-在每个SOA的中心都有一个卓越中心(COE)。
Mr Xiong said the deal would not change Rio's corporate strategy, the way it operates its business or the pricing of its products. 熊维平表示,此笔交易将不会改变力拓的企业战略、经营方式或产品定价。
What if you just made one little change to the ad text? Could you squeeze just a little more juice out of that lemon? 你能稍微地对广告本文作出一个小的变化吗?能从其中获得更多些的效益吗?
I kept trying to do everything I could and I wanted to be somebody, somebody called Miss Big who could change the world. 那时我对新鲜事物都愿意去了解、去尝试,因为我梦想成为一名大人物——一名可以改变世界的大人物。
He says they found there was no significant change in the number of heart attack hospitalizations in these areas. 他说,他们发现这些地区因心脏病入院的患者数量无明显改变。
That China's policy makers might be considering such a change isn't out of the question. 中国的决策者并非毫无可能考虑进行这种改变。
The global carbon budget that will lie at the heart of any future global deal on climate change is being used up a little more each day. 全球碳预算作为未来任何一个全球气候变化协议的核心问题正在一天天的耗尽。
There's the obvious and rather glib reason for this: an Obama victory would be a win for 'change' just as Cameron hopes to be. 这里面很明显的有相当圆滑的原因:奥巴马的胜利将带来“改变”,这对卡梅伦来说正中下怀。
I wish I could change all that, but many things to do with software technology are still quite difficult. 我希望可以改善这一现状,但是与软件技术有关的很多事情仍然很困难。
The number of the days had risen to ten, when I saw a greater change in him than I had seen yet. 当时间到了第十天的时候,我看到在他身上起了一种巨大的变化,这是前所未见的。
Such a failure of imagination has been at the heart of the debate about climate change. 这种错误的观念一直围绕在导致气候改变的核心议题。
So it was no longer necessary to change the water in a tank for fish to live there. This led to the building of the first public aquariums. 所以,就没有必要再对养鱼缸中的水进行更换,这导致了第一批水族馆的兴建。
If you really hate change and don't like the idea of figuring things out all on your own, then studying abroad may not be for you. 如果你实在讨厌改变,不喜欢什么事都自己来,那你可能不适合去留学。
It works with your existing MDI applications: Just add the controls to your forms, change a few properties, and you're ready to go! 它与您现有的MDI应用领域:刚才添加到您的控制形式,改变少数物业,您准备好去!
Monetary policy did not change. Banks were all positioned the same way, he says. 货币政策并没有改变,银行也在原来的轨道上运行,Richards说。
Products with a strong acid-resistant, anti-pollution, anti-aging, over the years do not change color, no peeling. 生产的产品具有耐酸性强、抗污染、抗老化,多年不变色、不剥落。
Let me start by saying that if I had my life to live over thousand times, the one thing I would not change would bey race. 让我以说如果我能活一千年,有一件事我不会改变的是我的种族这样的话开头。
Designer idea: When a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, the change takes place in the chrysalis. This metamorphosis is fascinating. 设计构思:当毛毛虫蜕变成蝴蝶时,这种美妙的变化就发生在蛹中。
to see an unsettling change made at a time when the battle is at its climax, swaying to and fro. 当战事正酣、胜负未卜的时候,进行摇摆不定的变革,实非我的意愿。
It is powerful to have common understanding of the goals and direction of your change program across the organization. 对您的组织的变化计划的目标和方向有一个普遍的理解是非常有力的。
Record annual increase, does mean that remarkable, and all the signs indicate that this price trend will not change over time. 创记录的年度涨幅,确实意味非凡,而且种种迹象表明这种价格上涨趋势在一段时间内不会改变。
Radcliffe himself doesn't seem to be bothered by his change of appearance. 雷德克里夫本人似乎并未因自己外貌的变化而感到苦恼。
You are about to embark upon the last episode that will see an end to duality, and all will eventually change from what you know it as now. 你们即将开始最后一段将看见一个二元性终结的情节,并且一切最终将改变你们现在所认识的它的样子。
for the Seigneur had commanded him to change all the lake into a meadow, covered with grass and clover, and he was not able to do it. 庄园主要他把整面湖都变成牧场,满是绿绿牧草,油油苜蓿。他根本做不到。
The resolution, Rice said, lays the foundation for a durable cease-fire and a decisive change from the status quo that produced the war. 赖斯指出,这项决议为实现持久停火并根本改变导致战争爆发的现有局面奠定了基础。
For economic growth to be sustainable in the long term, Geithner said, the pattern of global growth must change. 盖特纳表示,为了保证长期持续的经济增长,全球增长模式必须改变。
She did not tremble before her father's anger; she opposed him with courage and at last made him change his mind. 玛丽•卡萨特面对愤怒的父亲没有恐慌,她以勇气与父亲抗争,最终使得他改变了主意。
Yesterday I had my fortune told to see if I would make a fortune or if my fortune could change better. 昨天去算命,看看我是否能赚大钱,或改变我的命运更好。
There will be vigorous debates on how much change is needed. 对需要多大的变化会有激烈的争论。