the contents

  • 网络内容;活动内容;目录

the contentsthe contents

the contents


尤其在《内容》(The Contents)这本书中,大家都知道近年来建筑界发生的一切,即建筑是否仅仅是为私人企业服务的呢? …


“contents”是什么意思?_百度知道 ... Contents tab: 选择内容标签 The contents: 活动内容 contents list: 内涵列表 ...


矮豆设计简报(9月上)_文档下载_文档资料共享网 ... THE CONTENTS 目录 THE SITE INTRO 矮豆的故事 ...


...妍遗书再添新爆点,遗书中首位大淫魔被爆出,该人正是张紫妍前经纪公司The Contents)的老板金承勋,也就是说金承勋 …

You probably can live off the contents of your fridge and cupboards for a few weeks without spending a dime. 你有可能依靠冰箱和橱柜里的物品,几个星期都不用花一分钱。
The water will make you feel better and will help when you start trying to throw up the contents of your stomach. 在你尝试将胃部的东西吐出来的时候,水会使你感觉更好,帮助你达到这一目的。
The form of state structure, as the contents of a constitution should have it as a goal to carry out constitutional politics. 国家结构形式作为宪法的内容,也应以实现宪政为目标。
This event is often used to modify the contents of a row when the row is bound to data. 此事件通常用于在行绑定到数据时修改行的内容。
And yet I am stunned whenever I happen to go back to a book for a second or even a third time how little I remember of the contents. 即便如此,在我偶然拿起一本书读第二遍甚至第三遍时仍会惊叹我对内容的记忆甚少。
a splitter shouldn't be able to be moved in such a way that makes the contents of a pane completely unusable. 一般来说,无论分割线如何移动,都不能导致窗格中的内容不可用。
He took the contents of the ancient bee's stomach, suspended it in saline, and spread it on a growth medium. 他取走了这支古老蜜蜂的胃部,把它放入盐水中,并在上面涂抹一层培养介质。
The White House did not disclose the contents of the call, but analysts said the timing was significant. 白宫方面并没有透露电话内容,不过分析师称,此通电话选择的时间太说明问题了。
Sometimes it's as if some of them come to a wedding and only want to inspect the contents of a dark corner. 就好比他们去参加一个婚礼,就只想报道黑暗角落里的内容。
Since the contents view is meant for management, only principals with the Edit permission should be able to see it (line 34). 因为内容视图意味着管理,只有编辑许可的主体才能看到它(34行)。
Module, and you ll be able to see the contents of that module. 模块,您将能够看到该模块的内容。
Google's Deep Web search strategy involves sending out a program to analyze the contents of every database it encounters. Google的深层网络搜索战略包括发出了一个自动程序,分析所遇到的每一个数据库的内容。
I'd start making a packing list weeks in advance, and select the contents as thoughtfully as if I were curating an art exhibition. 我会提前几周制作一个装箱整理清单,仔细考虑装箱的内容,就好像我是在规划一个艺术展览。
The contents of a tuple do not all have to be the same type, but one special construct is of a tuple where the first value is an atom. 一个元组的内容不必都是相同类型的。元组的构造很特殊,其中的第一个值为原子值。
The provisions of such special agreement shall be binding upon the carrier whether the actual carrier has agreed to the contents or not. 实际承运人是否同意,不影响此项特别协议对承运人的效力。
The last four lines repeat the contents of the front, and show singer's desire to pursue a better life again. 最后四行重复前面的内容,再次表达了歌者追求美好生活的愿望。
Your conclusion is a statement of the decision that you want the recipient to make, based upon the contents of your e-mail. 你的结论是你想让邮件接收者做出什么样的决定的一个声明,而这个决定要基于你的电子邮件内容做出。
I sometimes think of Eli as having a huge book of odd knowledge in his head. In real time the contents can be hard for people to understand. 有时我会想伊莱脑子里有一本厚厚的写满了古怪知识的书,而上面的内容可能很难让人立刻明白。
Do not read out verbatim the contents of the screen without adding any other on, the audience will feel dull. 不要逐字读出屏幕上的内容而不添加任何其他讲解,观众会觉得索然无味。
As I was flying off early the next day, there would be no time for Gestapo officials at the airfield to go over the contents. 当我第二天坐飞机离开的时候,机场的盖世太保不会有时间检查箱子里装的东西。
The contents of this file are tokenized into a list of strings and bound to a list called Rules. 文件的内容被分割放入一个字符串列表,然后绑定到名为Rules的变量。
He uncapped one of the jars and passed it to Raley, who sniffed the contents, then shook his head and passed it back. 他打开其中一瓶的瓶盖,递给雷利。雷利用鼻子闻了闻,摇摇头,递回给他。
The memory view allows you to examine and modify the contents of memory at a specific address, usually that of a variable. 内存视图允许您去检查并更改特定地址处内存的内容,通常是一个变量。
It is particularly handy because, as you will see, it is possible to extract the contents of a group from a string. 它特别方便,因为正如您将看到的,从字符串中提取出一个组的内容是可能的。
Code to do this might look like the following, which establishes the contents of a text box as a parameter before filling a dataset. 完成该操作的代码可能如下所示,它在填充数据集之前将文本框的内容建立为参数。
As he spoke he turned the contents of the wineglass into a saucer and placed it in front of the terrier, who speedily licked it dry. 他说着就把酒杯里的液体倒到盘子里,放在狗的面前,它很快地就把它舔了个干净。
Police said the shooting left those letters, the contents of said he wanted to commit suicide. 警方表示,开枪者留有信件,内容说他想自杀。
Raise a finance report the usefulness of the contents, have to the point increment publish several of accountancy's information. 提高财务报告内容的有效性,必须重点增加披露几个方面的会计信息。
Outlook 2003 provided a reading pane for e-mail that made it easy to view the contents of a message without having to open it. Outlook2003提供了电子邮件阅读窗格,您不必打开邮件即可方便地查看邮件的内容。
Identify the contents, easy to install security use, coating convenience, Tu difficult after falling out of production and high efficiency. 识别内容多,便于安全安装使用,涂敷方便,涂后不易脱落,生产效率高。