
美 [fɔls]英 [fɔːls]
  • adj.错误的;不正确的;不真实的;非天生的
  • adv.欺诈地;叛卖地
  • 网络假;假的;虚伪的

比较级:falser 最高级:falsest

false information,false statement,false impression,false evidence,false accusation


不真实not true

1.错误的;不正确的;不真实的wrong; not correct or true

非天生not natural

2.非天生的;人造的;假的not natural

伪造not genuine

3.假的;伪造的not genuine, but made to look real to cheat people

不真诚not sincere

4.表里不一的;不真诚的not real or sincere


5.[ubn]错误的wrong or mistaken, because it is based on sth that is not true or correct

不忠实not faithful

6.不忠实的;不忠诚的not faithful

...是非」只是「真假」的意思,是为真(true),非为false),而真假不会因你的生死而变 --- 如果 p 为真,无论你是生是 …


小学英语反义词大全 ... country 乡下 false 假的 peace 和平 ...


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... Fading out 渐显 False 错误 Fancier 音响发烧友 ...


剑桥国际英语教程_词汇手册入门级_百度文库 ... early 早的 false 错误的 family 家庭 ...


大学英语精读单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... error n. 错误,过失 false a. 虚伪的,假的 judgment n. 判断,看法 ...


虚字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 虚己〖 modesty;benotself-opinionated〗 虚假false;sham〗 虚惊〖 falsealarm〗 ...


如此记单词,效率会更高 ... 13. tiny a. 极小的,微小的 16. false a. 不真实的,错误的;假的,伪造的;虚伪的 1. elbow n. 肘 ...

But even if the claims are false, or no link can be proved between the injuries and the product, the brand may still suffer, he said. 但他认为,即便投诉有假,或者证实伤害和产品之间并无联系,品牌仍有可能受到损害。
I have to find my peace cuz no one seems to let me be false prophets cry of doom. 我不得不寻找我的安宁,因为似乎没有人想让我错误的对未来抱悲观态度
But anybody could have created that site with a false registration, just as anybody could pose as somebody else on a blog or Facebook page. 而任何人都可能以虚假注册创建那样的网站,就象任何人可以在博客或脸谱网上假冒他人一样。
Bertha's imagination seldom permitted her to see things in any but a false light. 伯莎的想象使她很难看清事物的本质,而只看见它们的浮光。
What is the solution to this game of subordination to creators who do not know enough to guide any creation home and are really false gods? 什么是这场服从不足够知道指导任一造物回家、且确实是虚假神的造物者的游戏的解决方案?
Most of the time, always want to stay true, not false. Truth is always hurt me in the eyes, unreal but let me be infatuated with. 许多时候,总是想留下真实,淡忘虚幻。而真实却总是在刺痛我的眼睛,虚幻却让我迷恋。
You kind of fall into that false sense of security and all of a sudden its time to go and sometimes its too late to turn it on. 你陷入一种错误的安全感而突然间是时候要有所作为却发现有时候启动的太晚了。
However, among the active subspaces , some of them do not contain any query results at all, those are called false active subspaces . 但是在活动子空间中,有些可能根本就不包含任何查询结果,这样的活动子空间被称为假活动子空间。
For the front teeth, if of tooth mass enough to keep, can consider not doing false teeth after root canal therapy done, simple filling. 对于前牙而言,若保留的齿质够多,做完根管治疗后可以考虑不做假牙,简单的填补即可。
A transition condition is a true or false statement that the processor may use to determine the current state of any particular activity. 转移条件就是一条是或者否的语句,处理器借以判定任何一个特定活动的当前状态。
Then he took up the false child and Moth took the baby and together they left the house and stepped back into the world. 然后,他抱起假孩子,莫丝抱着婴儿,他们俩一起离开房子,再次步入到这个世界。
Since the loop condition is checked before each iteration, the steps in the loop would not run at all if the condition is initially false. 由于在每次迭代之前检查循环条件,因此,如果条件最初为false,则循环中的步骤不运行。
Elizabeth did not trust him, so she gave him a false name and address. 伊丽莎白不信任他,所以给他留了假姓名和假地址。
equipped with all sorts of false-twist, can be used to produce a variety of low twist yarn. 配有各种各样的假捻盘,可用于纺制各种低捻纱。
The answer is to make a false, most people feel easy to get along with your own. 答案是,做一个虚伪的,绝大多数人都觉得容易和你相处的自己。
Daniel Plainview: [to Eli] I'd like you to tell me that you are, and have been, a false prophet. . . 丹尼尔·普莱恩维尤(对伊利说):我非常愿意让你告诉我你是什么人,一个虚伪的先知……
Like a lot of things I grew up believing, this turns out to be false, and I'm going to try to explain why. 和其他很多我小时候相信的东西一样,这个说法是错误的。现在我来解释一下为什么。
You made your false idol of me, and I had not the courage to come down, show you my wounds, tell you my weaknesses. 你把我弄成了你的虚假偶像,而我又没有勇气从神坛上走下来,让我看我的伤口,告诉你我的弱点。
Though I knew that most were false, I have to admit to having believed a few for at least for a while. 尽管我知道,大部分是错误的,我还是得承认,至少有一段时间,我相信了其中一些。
He did not address whether the report was true or false, and Cuban officials have made no comment. 卡斯特罗没有说明这份报导的真伪,古巴官员也没有做出评论。
Any hope of subduing him is false; the mere sight of him is overpowering. 人指望捉拿他是徒然的;一见他,岂不丧胆吗?
By followed, we mean that the activity at the source of the link finished running and there was no link condition returning false. 这里的遵循是指,链接的源位置的活动结束运行并且任何链接条件都没有返回False。
She liked it, she wanted to be in the march, though she still had a vague sense of trespass, of false pretences. 她喜欢这样做,喜欢参加在这游行队伍里,虽然脑子里仿佛有一种侵害了别人和冒充的感觉。
Moreover, on looking over it now, I found that my memory had played me false and much of what I thought I knew had become hazy. 而且,当我再次循着记忆搜索字句时,我发现我的记忆力欺骗了我,许多我以为能记得的,都变得模糊不清了。
Bin Laden's nickname among some CIA hunters is "Elvis" because there have been so many false sightings of him. 本·拉登在一些CIA特工中的绰号是艾维斯,因为一直以来有他太多的虚假目击报告。
John leaves with the false impression that Catherine is in love with him, although Catherine does not realize this. 约翰叶的假象凯瑟琳是在爱他,但凯瑟琳并不认识到这一点。
Inter are the favourites. But Milan and Juventus are there, ready to step in if Inter make a false move. 国米是大热门。不过米兰和尤文也在静候机会,一旦国米失足,就有可能被赶超。
Under the current system, it is not difficult to insert false information into a Wikipedia entry, at least for a short time. 在现行制度下,向维基百科条目插入虚假信息并不难,至少在很短的时间内是如此。
The hope of a new world is in those of you who begin to see what is false and revolt against it, not just verbally but actually. 新世界的希望存在于那些看出错误并且去革新的人身上,不只是在口头上说说而已,而是真正的行动。
I do not know you have been a joke to me is true or false. 我不知道你对我而言是否是一个玩笑