
美 [fʊt]英 [fʊt]
  • n.足;底部;有…脚(或足的);有…只脚(的)
  • v.步行;付(款);在…上走;跳(舞)
  • 网络英尺;音步

复数:feet 第三人称单数:foots 现在分词:footing 过去式:footed

foot bill
left foot


n. v.

身体部位part of body

1.[c](人或动物的)脚,足the lowest part of the leg, below the ankle, on which a person or an animal stands


2.有…脚(或足的);有…只脚(的);用…脚(或足的)having or using the type or number of foot/feet mentioned


4.[sing]the ~ of sth最下部;基础;底部the lowest part of sth; the base or bottom of sth


5.英尺(= 12 英寸或 30.48 厘米)a unit for measuring length equal to 12 inches or 30.48 centimetres


6.…英尺高的人(或东西);…英尺长的东西a person or thing that is a particular number of feet tall or long

诗歌in poetry

7.[sing]音步(诗行中的节奏单位,每个音步中有一个重读音节)a unit of rhythm in a line of poetry containing one stressed syllable and one or more syllables without stress. Each of the four divisions in the following line is a foot .


be rushed/run off your feet

忙得不可开交;要做太多的事to be extremely busy; to have too many things to do

fall/land on your feet

特别走运;安然脱离困境;幸免于难to be lucky in finding yourself in a good situation, or in getting out of a difficult situation

feet first

脚先着地with your feet touching the ground before any other part of your body

get/have a/your foot in the door

设法加入,涉足(某组织、行业等)to manage to enter an organization, a field of business, etc. that could bring you success

get/start off on the right/wrong foot (with sb)

开始时关系良好╱不好to start a relationship well/badly

get your feet wet

初次涉足;开始做(新鲜的事情)to start doing sth that is new for you

have feet of clay

品格上有缺陷(或弱点)to have a fault or weakness in your character

have/keep your feet on the ground

实事求是;脚踏实地to have a sensible and realistic attitude to life

have/keep a foot in both camps

脚踩两只船to be involved in or connected with two different or opposing groups

have one foot in the grave

行将就木;命不久矣;大去之期不远to be so old or ill/sick that you are not likely to live much longer

…my foot!

(完全不同意对方所说)胡说八道a strong way of saying that you disagree completely with what has just been said

on your feet

(困境后)恢复,完全复原;(病后)痊愈completely well or in a normal state again after an illness or a time of trouble

put your best foot forward

竭尽全力;全力以赴to make a great effort to do sth, especially if it is difficult or you are feeling tired

put your feet up

(尤指架起双腿)坐下休息to sit down and relax, especially with your feet raised and supported

put your foot down

坚决制止;执意反对to be very strict in opposing what sb wishes to do

put your foot in it

(在语言或行为上)使人不安,冒犯别人,使人尴尬to say or do sth that upsets, offends or embarrasses sb

put a foot wrong

犯错误;做错事to make a mistake

set foot in/on sth

进入,访问,参观(某地)to enter or visit a place

set sb/sth on their/its feet

使独立;使成功to make sb/sth independent or successful

stand on your own (two) feet

自立;独立to be independent and able to take care of yourself

under your feet

阻碍,妨碍(工作等);碍手碍脚in the way; stopping you from working, etc.

初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标 - 豆丁网 ... arm 手臂;胳膊 449 foot 450 wardrobe 衣柜 451 ...


单位换算 ... 0.394 inch 英寸 3.28 foot 英尺 1.09 yard 码 ...

人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... eye n. 眼睛 foot n. 脚, hand n. 手 ...


音步(Foot):英诗中重读与非重读音节的特殊性组合叫作音步。 2.韵律(Metre): 韵律是指音步在朗读时的轻重长短的节奏或 …


网页命名规则 - dingdingo - 博客园 ... 中间内:. insidecenter 底部:. foot 底部内:. infoot ...


有人说高尔夫(Golf)代表的是绿色(Green)、氧气(Oxygen)、阳光(Light)、步行Foot),因此高尔夫运动是一种在优美 …

The door opened slightly and was at once closed again, but the captain had already put his foot between the door and the doorpost. 门打开了一条缝,很快又关上了,但是船长已经将他穿着长筒皮靴的一只脚插到了门与门框之间。
I knew the rest of the expedition would be on foot, and I'd hope to be leaving the bike at this place. 我知道接下来的探险旅程要靠双腿了,所以希望把自行车留在这里。
A little further away was a young woman who had just arrived on her horse, with her maid on foot. 不远处有一位骑马刚到的年轻姑娘,她的女仆步行跟着她。
Sheldon: As you know, several weeks ago in our first encounter, we may have gotten off on the wrong foot when I called you an idiot. 你知道,几周前我们第一次见面时,我们可能没给彼此留下好印象,我称你为白痴。
How much should the government spend, and who should foot the bill? 政府究竟应该花多少钱,最后谁来买单?
He said he could cover the distance on foot in two hours . 他说这段路程两个小时能走完。
My trainer told me to get some practice in the shoaling water, but I was still afraid and my foot retreated the moment it touched the water. 教练让我先去浅水区练习,可我还是非常害怕,脚一碰水就像触电似地缩了回来。
People travel by plane, by train, by ship, by bus. To me, the best way of traveling on a summer vacation is to go on foot. 人坐飞机,坐火车,乘船,乘公共汽车。对我来说,最好的办法是在暑假旅行步行。
Carlos kicked the ball with the outside of his left foot to make it spin anticlockwise as he looked down onto it. 卡洛斯用左脚外脚背踢向足球,球逆时针旋转(按他的视角从上往下看)。
There used to be an old temple at the foot of the hill, usedn't there? --Yes, there used to. My grandpa told me that. 从前在那座山脚下有一座古庙,对吗?--有,我爷爷告诉我的。
He survey her from head to foot. Madam, he said at length. I've just three things to tell you. 大夫从头到脚打量了她一遍,然后缓缓说到,夫人,我只有三点要说的。
"China almost certainly won't tamper with its existing reserves, as they would be shooting themselves in the foot, " he said. 他说:“中国几乎肯定不会改变其现有储备,因那将会搬起石头砸自己的脚。”
The Abbot's foot crunched on a broken shard. He picked it up and turned it over in his hands. 议员不小心踩上了一块瓶子的碎片,它把它捡起来放在手中细看。
At its feet, the 7-foot-long Leptoceratops play, trying to avoid being stomped on by the larger feet of the Alamosaurus. 在它的脚下,7英尺长的纤角龙嬉戏着,试图躲开阿拉莫龙的大脚丫子,以免被踏成肉泥。
As she stood still under that golden shower , she found that she was covered from head to foot with warm and fine clothes. 当她静静地站在金雨下时,她发现自己从头到脚都穿著温暖而且质料很好的衣服。
As in all standing poses, both of your feet should bear equal weight on the front of the heel and the rear of the ball of the foot. 在所有的站姿,双脚应该均匀地承担重量,重量在脚跟的前面和脚球的后面。
The punishment is to be a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, and a foot for a foot. 要以命还命,以眼还眼,以牙还牙,以手还手,以脚还脚。
And of Asher he said, Let Asher be blessed with children; let him be acceptable to his brethren, and let him dip his foot in oil. 论亚设说,愿亚设享受多子的福乐,得他弟兄的喜悦,可以把脚蘸在油中。
There he stood before me, all five-foot-nine of him, with that silly grin and outstretched arms, ready for a bear hug. 他就站在我旁边,只有五英尺九那么高,带着那种傻笑,张开双臂,等一个大大的拥抱。
Foot massage, particularly reflexology , is not just a way to release pressure but a way to keep healthy also. 足部按摩,特别是反射区的按摩,不仅仅是一种能够释放压力的方法,同时也是一项很好的保健。
He got down on one knee and inspected the elephant's foot and found a large piece of wood deeply embedded in it. 他单膝跪地,考察了大象的脚和发现一块大木头深深植根于它。
It was a time of war, and her remarkable drive led her to oversee the domaine often by foot or on her bicycle . 当时正值战争时期,她全身心地投入到酒庄经营当中,经常步行或骑自行车查看酒庄的葡萄园。
To his chagrin, he discovered the body of a young man lying at the foot of the statue. 对他的恼怒,他发现了说谎在雕象的脚的一个年轻人的尸体。
You think you're merely sending this splendid foot soldier back home to Oregon with his tail between his legs. 你以为你只是把这好青年像落荒狗似地送回家。
"That was a tough race and I've got a lot of blisters on my braking foot as the pedal was very hard to push, " he said. 这是很艰苦的比赛,在我的刹车一侧的脚上都起了不少水泡,因为刹车踏板踩起来很重。
a. When stepping, the soldier places the ball of his lead foot down first and checks for stability and silence of the surface to be crossed. 当步进,士兵的地方,他的脚先降铅稳定和表面沉默检查球划线。
the foot of the aircraft hit the ball in the sky, it is said that the plane is to attack the white house, it seems that bush to thank him! 这脚球把天上的飞机打了下来,据说着飞机是去袭击白宫的,看来布什要感谢他了!
The dog is usually worked on a 10-metre or (30-foot) lead, but the length of lead actually used depends on the terrain. 通常,犬只行于指导手前方10米左右,但实际的距离决定于比赛的地形。
There was no room for that, for there was exactly the very print of a foot, toes, heel and every part of a foot. 完全不是那么回事,因为一点也不错,不折不扣是一个人的脚印,脚趾头,脚后跟,样样俱全。
Such a span would demand at least a 50-foot ceiling. Clothed in glass, it would be quite a sight. 这么大的跨度至少需要50英尺(15米多)高的穹顶,外面再罩上玻璃,它真会成为一个不寻常的景观。