one chance

  • 网络机遇;一次机会;就一次机会

one chanceone chance

one chance


Paul Potts -《机遇》(One Chance)英国版[MP3] 群星 -《国宝荟萃》[HDCD,港版][320K][MP3] 群星 -《世纪民谣之旅》[MP3] …


15篇文... ... 1、A Question of Rights[ 一项权利问题] 2、One Chance[ 一次机会] 5、Yip Sang,a Chinese-Canadian[ 加籍华人 …


两段词 来源cctv9节目宣传 《记录你我之间》 ... or make it to the other side 拥抱远方的未知 one chance 就一次机会 ...


唯一机会》(One Chance


"chance"怎么... ... by chance 偶然,碰巧; One Chance 一个机会; 决战星光; 一次机会; chance machine 概率计算机; 机遇计算 …

"She has one chance in - let us say, ten, " he said, as he shook down the mercury in his clinical thermometer. “依我看,她的病只有一成希望。”他说,一面把体温表里的水银甩下去。
"We only have one chance to tell the origins story of Captain America, " said director Joe Johnston who started lensing the pic a week ago. 乔.约翰斯顿于一周前为电影掌镜,此刻说道,“我们只有一次机会来讲述《美国队长》的故事起源”。
It's frustrating not playing regularly but you probably get only one chance at being at United and you've got to give it your all. 打不上主力很令人沮丧,但如果努力训练你还是可能在曼联得到机会。
Arthas: There's still one chance. Help me claim Frostmourne! If it's as powerful as you said, it might tilt the scales in our favor! 阿尔塞斯:我们仍有机会。帮我找到霜之哀伤!如果它真的如你所说的那么强大,它就可能会帮助我们扭转战局!
There is only one chance with a CD-R: formatting it first would create a disk with an empty filesystem. CD-R只有一次机会:首先格式化将会创建一个带有空文件系统的盘。
He chased down Chelsea's back four and when he was given his one chance of the game, finished with a flourish. 在比赛中他抓住了切尔西队四个后卫之间的空隙,利用一次机会完成了一次精彩的攻击。
When you meet the person who misunderstand you, try to smooth it away, for you may have only one chance of explaining. 遇到曾经和你误会的人时,要解除误会,因为你可能只有这一次机会解释清楚。
Consequently there was only one chance created second-half as a frequently aerial attack from the home side was weathered. 最终下半场在经历对方不断的猛攻后,球队仅仅创造出了一次机会。
Also note that there is no "junk drawer" for unseen notifications, users only get one chance to see it. 注意,并不存在一个收集未读通知的“杂物抽屉”,所以用户只有一次机会看到通知。
go where you want to go; be what you want to be , because you have only one life an one chance to do all the things you want to do. 做你想做的梦,去你想去的地方,做你想做的人,因为你只有一次生命和一次机会去做所有你想做的事。
We signed a very good player, a player with a good mentality and quality. You saw here that he has one chance and he scores. 我们签下了一名非常出色的球员,一个心理素质良好,颇具实力的球员,你可以看到他只有一次机会就把球送进球门。
But that fallen angel had one chance in life that she was given. 但是那个坠落的天使的新生命中有一次机会。
One chance is all you need. 你所需要的就是把握好一次机会。
The annual lunar new year holiday represents their one chance to have a few days off, go home and see loved ones. 春节放假对他们来说是能回家休息几天,走亲访友的好机会。
If you get more than one chance, try again, prize your good ideas, try not to make mistakes, and if you do, learn form them. 如果还有机会,再试一次,别忘了嘉奖自己的好点子,尽量不犯错,若是犯了,则从中汲取教训。
You may only get one chance to serve that person, so take advantage of the moment. 你可能只有一次机会去帮助某个人,一定要利用好这难能可贵的时刻。
Trust me, it's much better to get the second and third time than to only get one chance with her. 相信我,有第二第三次的爱爱永远比只有一次的好得多得多。
For even conservative estimates suggest there is one chance in four that it will be destroyed in a collision during that period. 即使根据保守的估计,在此期间因撞而毁的机率将达到四分之一。
"The Republicans' so-called Cut, Cap, and Balance plan does not have one chance in a million of passing the Senate, " said Reid. 共和党所谓的削减、限制和平衡计划,在参议院里通过的机会,不到百万分之一。
He said: "You've got one chance. " 他说:“你的机会来了。”
But there is only one chance to get into a famous university. 但是进入名牌大学的机会只有一次。
would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that , for one chance. . . just one chance. 你们愿不愿意用这么多苟活的日子,去换一个机会,就一个机会
If you gave me one chance to tell you how I was feeling I would hold your hand and look in your eyes and you'd know I'll never let you go. 如果您给了我一次机会告诉您怎样我感觉我会握您的手和会看在您的眼睛并且你应该知道我会从未让您走。
The town hall event had been Mr. Obama's one chance to interact with ordinary Chinese on his three-day trip. 在奥巴马为期三天的访华之旅中,市政厅的会见其实是他唯一一次同普通中国老百姓交流的机会。
"He's only had one chance and he's scored - one chance, one goal is a tremendous ratio, " the boss told MUTV . “他只获得一次机会就进球了-一次机会,一个进球,这真是很高的效率”,弗格森接受MUTV采访时说。
be what you want to be , because you only have one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do . 成为你想成为的人吧,因为你只有一次生命一个机会去做所有那些你想做的事。
But her plan is thrown a curve ball after she discovers she has only a million-to-one chance of getting pregnant. 但当发现她只有百万分之一的怀孕可能性时,她的计划就像抛出的曲线球。
So far I had one chance with Newcastle and I think I did quite well. 当我得到机会时,我也会这样做。
"They only had one chance through Robinho and I didn't think they'd score, " Ferguson told Sky Sports. 弗格森告诉天空体育台:“曼城只有一次罗比尼奥的射门,我认为他们不会进球。”
There is only one chance that you can hurt them so deep. 因为,你能把她伤害到,那个样子的机会,只有一次。