one week

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one weekone week

one week


电影原声专辑大全,电影原声的最新专辑列表 ... 女教皇 Die P?pstin 一周 One Week 吸血鬼助手 The Vampire s Assistant ...


乔舒亚·杰克逊_百度百科 ... 不明飞行物/ U.F.O. 最后一周/ One Week 古灵侦探/ Fletch Won ...


一星期One Week) + 代罪羔羊(The Goat) + 剧院(The Play House)香港电影资料馆 19:30 有闲阶级(The Idle Class) …


FINAL REVIEW MANDARIN flashcards | Quizlet ... 几个星期? How many weeks? 一个星期 one week 星期几? What day of t…


他将要待上一个礼拜英语咋说_百度知道 ... stay: 呆上 one week: 一礼拜 He is going to stay a week. 他准备呆一星期。 ...


还有一周》(one week)获最佳外语喜剧奖(澳门)导演余治林获最佳新锐导演奖 (《炫舞天鹅》(Dream Girl) (苗族)) 小 …


Kínai Számlálószavak ... 一个星期" one week" 一个礼拜" one week" 一个月" one month" ...


激发孩子的创意(One Idea) + 以一周的时间(One Week) --> 影响十亿人的生活(One Billion Lives)Kiran於TED演讲中提出 :为什 …

In a shop a client says: "Just one week, only a week. . . " (The boss shakes his head) "Three days, is it OK? " 在一家店里,一位客人说:“一个星期就好了,一个星期……”(老板摇头)“三天时间,三天时间好不好?”
One week into my trial and, by evening, everything was a bit of a blur. 因为在试戴眼镜的头一周里,晚上我看什么都有点模糊不清。
After one week, the client called and said he was going to Paris the next day and needed whatever we had. 一周之后,客户给我们打电话,说他第二天要到巴黎去,并且需要他所要求的程序。
It is unclear how much the one-week working assignments will achieve. 现在还不清楚一星期的工作任务有多少。
He and his wife offer one week of their time every year to volunteer on construction projects around the world. 每年卡特夫妇都会花一周的时间在世界各地参与建设项目的志愿者服务工作。
It was one of those times where for some reason I forgot to take the trash out one week, the next week I forgot to take it out again. 那是其中一次。第二个星期,我又忘记把垃圾拿出去,想是我出门远行了。
If cough persists for more than one week, tends to recur, or is accompanied by a fever, rash or persistent headache, consult a physician. 如果咳嗽坚持在超过一个星期,倾向于复发,或由热病,轻率或坚持头疼伴随,咨询医师。
But you know, Mike has been taking a part-time job all this semester, sometimes only rest half a day one week. 但是你知道,Mike整个学期都在打工,有时一星期只歇半天。
But if it was sent by air mail, it would take at least one week. 如果寄航空邮递,则至少需要一星期。
One week, he did his own work and that of several other steel-drivers. He worked day and night, rarely stopping to eat. 有一个周,他除了完成自己的工作外,还兼顾另外几个人的事,他日以继夜,废寝忘食。
The frog spoke up again and said, 'If you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, I will stay with you for one week. ' 青蛙又说话了,假如你亲我一下,把我变回美丽的公主的话,我可以跟你在一起呆一个星期。
I've told you I'm a beautiful princess and that I'll stay with you for one week and do anything you want. Why won't you kiss me? 我都告诉你我是一个美丽的公主,而且我愿意跟你一起过一个星期,你想做什么都可以啦,为什么你还是不亲我呢?
The frog then cried out, 'If you kiss me and turn me back into a Princess, I'll stay with you for one week and do ANYTHING you want. ' 青蛙大叫起来,假如你亲我一下,把我变回公主的话,我会跟你在一起呆一个星期,而且,你想跟我做什么都行!
One week later, they were marched to a field and shot. Only a few escaped to tell the story. 一周后,他们行进到一片旷野中,与墨西哥军队发生战斗,只有几个逃出来的人讲述了他们的战事。
In one week, she twisted her ankle in a pothole, injured her back in another fall and reversed her car into a tree during a driving lesson. 在一个星期之内,她碰到一个坑,崴了脚踝;另一次跌倒后伤了后背;又在驾驶课中倒车撞到树上。
Although I was only able to visit for one week, I will always remember the time I spent in your home with you and your parents. 虽然只能待一个星期,但我会永远记得在妳家和你们共度的这段时光。
What if I told you that you could write that free ebook in just one week, spending no more than two hours per day on it? 那么如果我告诉你,你可以在一周内写完一本免费电子书,并且每天在这上面只要花不超过两个小时呢?
But this time I just could stay for one week with you, because you could understand that I was hobo without a fixed home. 这次我只能同你这个朋友呆一个星期了,因为你也理解我是一个没有固定家的游子。
He's trying to have a set of white shirts ready for tonight's live broadcast on, this, the one week anniversary of the Sichuan Earthquake. 他在为今晚四川地震一周纪念的现场直播敢做一件白色的衬衫。
So the question becomes, or should be all along, what would you do if you know you only have one day, or one week, or one month to live ? 最后,最本质的问题,始终应该是:如果生命只剩下一天,一周,或一个月,你要做些什么?
"I'm not sure if it will take one week or one month, but definitely the levels will go down below the regulation limits, " he said. 他说:“我不知道到底需要一周还是一个月,但辐射水平肯定会低于法定上限。”
Sheila was very tired all the time. She had no energy for anything. After one week passed, her mother took her to the doctor. 舍拉总觉得很累。她干什么事都提不起精神。一个星期以后,她妈妈带她去看病。
Watery diarrhoea is often present in the early stages of illness, and may precede respiratory symptoms by up to one week. 发病初期,往往会有水样腹泻,然后呼吸道症状可能持续一个星期。
It was the U. S. military's first such airdrop since the deadly earthquake one week ago. 这是美军自海地发生灾难性地震以来首次进行这种空投救援。
One week without you (Lingzis) It is so long, one week without you, I can only call your name from Sunday to the next Sunday! 你不在的一个星期(玲子作,月下轻舟译)它是如此漫长,整整一个星期没有你,我只能呼唤你的名字,从一个周日到另一个周日。
Field investigation found a history of deaths in a chicken flock near her home about one week prior to symptom onset. 现场调查发现在症状出现前1周左右在她家附近的鸡群中有鸡死亡。
One week, he did his own work and that of several other steel-drivers. 有一周,他完成自己的工作之余还帮其他几个钢铁机师代工。
The doctor ordered that she should stay at home for at least one week . 医生要求他至少在家休息一周时间。
You've checked in at all your usual haunts, explored some new ones, added some others, and scored at least one week atop the Leaderboard. 你已经在所有常去的地方登记过,发现了一些新地方,添加了一些新地点,每周还能登上积分排行榜。
Laxative products should not be used for a period longer than one week unless directed by a doctor. 通便产品不应该被用于一个时期,除非医生指示的时间超过一个星期。