get used to

  • na.变得习惯于
  • 网络习惯於;适应;习惯一件事情的过程

get used toget used to

get used to


我背诵了40集老友记台词_英语杂谈_天涯论坛 ... hit rock bottom 坠入谷底 get used to 习惯于 freak out 崩溃 ...


英文片语... ... get up 起床、起立 get used to (变得)习惯於 I get up at seven o'clock every morning. 我每天早晨七时起床。 ...


新概念英语第二册第1课【Samy老师讲解】 ... bear 忍受 get used to 适应,习惯 can’t help doing 禁不住、忍不住要做某事 ...


Used to 关于 Used to 的短语 -... ... be used to 习惯于什么或习惯作某事 get used to 习惯一件事情的过程 alcohol 酒 ...


高中英语必修5单词与短语总结|学习信息网 ... 24. make an announcement 宣布 25. get used to 变得习惯于 26. so far 迄今为止 ...


... State=Situation=circumstance 状况,状态,情形 Take to=be used to=get used to 对……习惯 Tale=story=fairytale 故事 ...

As for the rest of the world, it had better get used to frequent, but controlled, rows between China and the United States. 对世界上其他国家来说,他们最好能习惯于中美之间这种经常的,但是有控制的争吵。
And when you get to All Right, take a good look around and get used to it, 'cause that may be as far as you're going to go. 而且在你很好地走过的时,环顾四周并记下它,因为它可能就像你正在追寻的。
When Chen first arrived three years ago, she was overwhelmed. There was simply too much to get used to for a girl fresh out of college. 当Chen三年前第一次来到这里的时候,她不知所措。对于一个刚刚走出大学的女孩子来说,有太多的东西要适应。
Ok, if you do not get used to the name as God. Or you think it is too alien for you. Let me put this way. God is love. 成,如果你不习惯神这个名称。或者你觉得这个名称对你来说太像个外来词。那让我这么来告诉你,神就是爱。
Now that she's settled into her dorm room in Witte Hall, she said the hardest things to get used to are the language and culture. 现在她已经在威特中心的宿舍安顿下来,她说,最困难的事是适应语言和文化。
What is the best strategy to get used to listening to natural English? It is impossible for me to understand every word. 听懂很地道的英语的最佳策略是什么呢?对我来说,要听懂每一个词是非常困难的。
Once you get used to your framework, you'll be able to know where to look for almost any piece of code you need to modify or create. 一旦你熟悉了框架,你就能在你需要修改和创建代码时,知道应该在哪里动手。
Even the meetings take place in IRC, and that took a while to get used to, but I think they're now my favorite type of meeting! 尽管会议在IRC中进行,但这需要一段时间才能适应,但我认为这目前是我最喜欢的会议类型。
Walk on carpet for an hour or so for two or three days to help you get used to wearing them. 建议两三天内每天穿上它在地毯上走1小时以便更快适应。
The beginning of difficult to get used to adhere to a week. 刚开始的时候很难,坚持一周就习惯了。
Mr McGee admits Barclays also had to get used to the volatile and unpredictable nature of the investment banking business. 麦基承认,巴克莱还不得不适应投行业务的波动和不可预测。
Avoid tight schedule especially for the first few days; allow the body to get used to the climate and time difference gradually. 可在旅游首数天安排较轻松的行程,以令身体慢慢适应当地的天气和时差。
Well there really wasn't much time to get used to it, you know what I mean? 根本没多少时间可以让我习惯……懂我的意思吗?
As the children get used to the requirements of restaurants you can take them to increasingly "fancy" places. 随着你的孩子逐渐适应了这些餐厅礼仪,你可以把他们带到一些更高级的餐馆。
But on the other way, I agree, it's very hard to come here without any matches because you need a few matches to get used to the surface. 当然从另一个角度讲,我也承认,不参加任何热身赛就来温网打比赛确实很困难,因为没有适应草地赛场的过程。
Once you get used to it, and to the particular person you're pairing with, you slip into a flow, switching back and forth naturally. 一旦您习惯了这种做法,并且适应了与您结对的特定人员,您就会进入这种流程,很自然地来回互换角色。
If you're already programming in a language that uses camel case, however, this is pretty easy to get used to. 如果您已经在使用了驼峰式大小写的编程语言内进行过编程,那么,这非常容易习惯。
One teacher said she never speaks English in front of her children, so that they get used to only hearing Mandarin from her. 一位老师表示,为了辅助教学,她从来不在孩子面前说英语,他们因此习惯了只听她说普通话。
To aid instruction, teacher Kennis Wong never speaks English in front of her children, so they get used to only hearing Mandarin from her. 为了辅助教学,KennisWong从来不在孩子面前说英语,所以他们习惯了只能听她说普通话。
The long term for a startup is a year--get used to this mentality. 对初创企业来说,一切都是“短期的”。一年就是长期了-要习惯这种思维。
Assuming you can get used to the traffic (not as easy as it sounds), Hanoi never fails to leave an impression on its guests. 假如你能适应那里的交通(并不像听起来那么容易),河内从不会让游客失望。
It took me a while to get used to it but now it's a piece of cake. 我很花了一些时间适应,但现在对我是“小菜一碟”。
Fool, the morning I do not eat breakfast, get used to it, is not always not remember to eat breakfast? 愚人节,早上我不吃早餐,习惯了,是不是总是不记得吃早餐吗?
It has grown into a metropolis, but I still cannot quite get used to the climate here. 它已经成为一个大都市,但是我还是不能适应这里的气候。
At least I've got used to him now. Well, I say that, I suspect I'll never really get used to him. 至少我现在已经习惯他了——虽然这么说,但我想我永远不会真正习惯他。
Folks sweating out the heat wave battering parts of the country may just have to get used to it. 那些在肆虐美国部分地区的热浪中汗流浃背的人们也许只好逐渐适应这种天气了。
It has a few quirks that I can't get used to like having to reinstall my printer driver every few days. Windows7有些怪癖我没有办法适应,比如我需要每隔几天就重新安装一下我的打印机驱动。
The experience of being awake inside my own dreams was hard to get used to, and I'd get too excited and wake up almost instantly. 那种在自己梦中还保持清醒的经历让人难以习惯,我当时太兴奋了,几乎是立马就醒了过来。
Absolutely everyone stares, and if they don't, we feel put out, as we are now beginning to get used to it! 他们要是不盯着我们了,我们反倒觉得不自在了,因为我们已经适应被人盯着看了!
SCOTT: At least get used to it. You should be able to drink two or three drinks. 史考特:至少要习惯它,你应该要能喝个两三杯。