
美 [toʊn]英 [təʊn]
  • n.语气;色调;音调;口气
  • v.使更健壮;使更结实;使更有力;与…协调
  • 网络语调;音色;声调

复数:tones 现在分词:toning 过去式:toned

friendly tone,light tone,dry tone,harsh tone,sarcastic tone
change tone,adopt tone,modify tone


n. v.

腔调of voice

1.[c]语气;口气;腔调;口吻the quality of sb's voice, especially expressing a particular emotion


2.[sing]风格;特色;气氛;情调the general character and attitude of sth such as a piece of writing, or the atmosphere of an event

声音of sound

3.[c](尤指乐器或电子音响设备的)音质,音色the quality of a sound, especially the sound of a musical instrument or one produced by electronic equipment


4.[c]色调;明暗;影调a shade of a colour

肌肉;皮肤of muscles/skin

5.[u](肌肉)结实度,健壮度;(皮肤)柔韧性how strong and firm your muscles or skin are

电话on telephone

6.[c](打电话时听到的)声音信号a sound heard on a telephone line


8.[c](说话的)声调,音调the pitch (= how high or low a sound is) of a syllable in speaking


10.有…音调的(或音质的、色调的)having the type of tone mentioned


英语字根表 - 豆丁网 ... tim=to fear 害怕 ton=tone 音调 tort=to twist 卷缠 ...


色字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 色胆如天〖 bedrivenbypassion,risksexadventures〗 色调tone〗 色度〖 tone;chroma〗 ...


语字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 语录〖 bookofquotations;quotation〗 语气tone;mannerofspeaking〗 语声〖 language〗 ...


语调、用辞和标题语调tone)传播者还必须为广告选择一种适当的语调。用辞(Memorable and attention-getting words)广 …


未分类 - - Nicolas’ Blog - Upholstery ... tolerance 容错 tone n. 音调,音色,色调 toner 增色剂 ...


英语语言学术语 - Lily的日志 - 网易博客 ... tense vowel 紧元音 tone 音调;声调 tone language 声调语言 ...


AE中英文对照 ... Stereo Mixer → 立体声混合 Tone音质 Box Blur → 盒状模糊 ...

When he learned it was to borrow, and not to give, that the messenger had come, His tone changed. 当他得知信使是来借钱的,而不是来送礼的,他说话的语气马上就变了。
The name of the child, the air of the mother, the tone of her voice, all awakened a train of recollections in his mind. 孩子的名字,母亲的神态,以及她说话的腔调,这一切在他脑子里引起了一大串回忆。
'That's nothing to what I could say if I chose, ' the Duchess replied, in a pleased tone. “我没什么?要是我愿意,我还能说得更长呢!”公爵夫人愉快地说。
I was happy to hear from her, though her tone was a little ominous. 我很高兴收到她的来信,尽管她的腔调让人有点不祥的预感。
"I cannot bear to go without him, " said the Scotchman, with the greatest grief in his tone. “不等到他,我就不走,”苏格兰人很难受地说。
Be conscious of your facial expressions, tone of voice and body language if you're a leader trying to encourage communication. 作为企业领导人,如果你想鼓励沟通,那你需要注意自己的面部表情、音调,还有肢体语言。
That's why Charlie was stunned when he heard Greg come on the line. From his tone alone he knew something was terribly wrong. 因此今天接到格里戈电话时,听到他的语气查理马上觉察到出事了,不禁大吃一惊。
She had never had such a tone to talk with me, she used a lot of exclamation points, let my heart all pulled up. 她从来没用过这样的语气同我说话,她用了很多的感叹号,让我的心全部揪起来。
Accumulation of pronunciation of language, multi-tone words, phonetic word, easy to read typo, idioms, writing material, a lot! 语文积累字音,多音字,形声字,易读错字,熟语,写作素材,一大堆!
So far as the general tone or spirit of a language goes, this may be true, but it is not true in detail. 限于语言的一般的风格或精神来说,可能是对的,但在细节上不对。
Before he speaks, the GFW's father always pauses a few seconds and then when he talks, adopts a measured tone and a considered pace. 每次当他发言之前,他总是先停顿几秒,来调整他的语调和语速。
With such a positive tone to the market lately, it seems that the only real lid on this rally are those ugly weighty things called facts. 最近市场人气颇为积极,看上去真正能让当前的反弹势头见顶的因素只能是那些丑陋的重大事件,它们被称为事实。
It sounds as if all the sounds had one tone. Little wonder that westerners said Chinese was a mysterious language. 听上去所有声音全是一个调调,怪不得西方人称中文为天书。
"All she wants is to be held, " I said in a tone I'd have mocked an hour before. “她只是想要被关爱,”我说出这话的舌头在一个小时前还在嘲笑她。
Without mud body at night is free, the moonlight gave them one silk garment, the wind blow the body, tone would be better. 不涂泥巴的身体在晚上是自由的,月色给了它一件丝衣,风吹在身上,有一种力量在渗透,色调要好看。
But the ecumenical tone of his lecture did not stop him making a partisan attack on the economic policies of Mr Cameron. 不过,演讲的宗教基调并没有阻止布朗对卡梅伦的经济政策进行党派性抨击。
His tone, as his son always noted with pleasure, was that of the more luxuriant parts of New England. 正如他的儿子经常愉快地指出的,他说话仍带有新英格兰那种比较富饶的部分的腔调。
"How came you to think of him? " said the dwarf in a tone of great commiseration. “你怎么会想到他的?”矮子说,带着绝大怜悯的声调。
Excuse me for writing this mail to you with such tone, but I must express it like this. 请原谅我用这样的语气来写这封邮件给你,但我必须这样表达它。
You take these views and in a way, the tone seems to follow from it, because what they're saying in effect is, You just do what you do. 我们理解这些观点,这种语气似乎跟着它出来了,因为他们实际说的是,你们只要做你们做的事。
Between coming up with a perfect palette and knowing where to put each tone, it's easy to spend too much time coloring your design. 在挑选完美的色彩组合和为各种色调找到合适位置的过程中,时间哗啦啦地就流走了。
"You ought't to have had anything to do with him, " said Drouet in an injured tone, "after all I've done for you. " “你不该和他有来往的,”杜洛埃委屈地说,“你也不想想我给你帮了多少忙。”
For example, if i were to wears a very nice dress, i would not style my hair at all or I would tone down on the make up. 比如,如果我穿了一套很漂亮的衣服,我就不会再做头发的造型,或者我就会化比较淡的妆。
After the tone, think about your name, your reason for calling and a number where I can reach you, and I'll think about returning your call. 在明暗之后,想你的名字、你呼叫的理由和我能联络你,而且我将想回你电话的一个数字。
He said that Consumer Reports suggested Apple should "just give everyone a free case - so we are. " His tone was close to a snarl. 乔布斯表示,《消费者报告》杂志建议苹果公司应当“向用户提供免费的维修服务”,所以我们才这样做。
Having outlined all his research, Ong points out, in an equally cautious tone, that it could also be that early puberty triggers obesity. 王在总结了自己所有的研究后,以同样谨慎的语调指出,也有可能是青春发育期提前引起肥胖。
He spoke in a cold, dead tone, as if making a necessary but distasteful explanation to a stranger. 他的话透着一种冰冷和沉闷,像是向一位陌生人做一个必须但却不情愿的解释。
I think it was the voice of my 18-year-old self: there was an arrogance and sureness of tone the present me can only envy. 我认为那是我十八岁的声音:一种现在的我可能真的嫉妒的傲慢而真实的语调。
As you know your PA is having cosmetic surgery I would ask on her return if she is fully recovered in a considerate tone of voice. 你知道,你的私人助理要做整形手术,等她回来,我会用一种关心的语调问她是否完全康复了。
There are telltale signs like the sideways glance to see who's looking, the exaggerated body language, the overly projected tone of voice. 有原型毕露的迹象可以说明,例如:斜视还有谁在看自己、夸张的肢体语言和过于突出的语调。