test server

  • 网络测试伺服器;测试中心服务器;测试机

test servertest server

test server


测试伺服器 (Test server) - 这将会测试与测试网站的连线状态并完成测试。


NetVista的NGN系统方案包括了客户端测试代理(NetVista Agent),测试中心服务器Test Server)和专用的分析报表系统。 …


系统更新到正式机的英文要怎麽说? -... ... 测试环境 Test Environment 测试机 Test Server 正式环境 Production Environment ...


请问诺可伊卡片能卖什么价钱test server)双洞剑插2白蚁卡片怎么样??

To run any of them, you ll need to set up a JSP technology-compliant Web container, either on your local machine or on a test server. 要运行其中任何一个实践示例,需要在本地机器或测试服务器上安装符合JSP技术的Web容器。
Try to enable or disable one application at a time in a test server, to see which applications need to be active for the problem to occur. 在测试服务器中,尝试一次启用或禁用一个应用程序,了解启用哪些应用程序时会出现问题。
Nobody actually runs a test server in the QA environment for a week or a month at a time, under realistic loads. 没人会在测试服务器中在完全模拟实际的负载的情况下对系统进行一个周或者一个月的测试。
The test server used for this set of tests uses four Intel Xeon MP dual-core CPUs with hyperthreading enabled. 这组测试使用的测试服务器使用四个IntelXeonMP双核CPU,启用了超线程。
The property values are copied either from the component or from the resource with which the component interacts on your test server. 属性值从组件或在测试服务器上与组件交互的资源中进行复制。
Test server is one of the base units for the distributed networked test system, and is the center of test service. 测试服务器是分布式网络测试系统的基本组成单元和测试服务中心。
Extract the . zip file you obtained from the WebSphere sMash AppBuilder tool into a fresh directory on your test server. 将从WebSpheresMashAppBuilder工具获得的.zip文件提取到测试服务器上的新建目录中。
It also provides an integrated test environment consisting of a monitor test server and a simplified Web-based dashboard. 它还提供了一个集成测试环境,该环境由监视器测试服务器和基于Web的简化仪表板组成。
After I registered for the USPS Web Tools, they sent me the name of the test server and a user ID. 在注册USPSWeb工具之后,它们向我发送了测试服务器的名称和一个用户ID。
At this point, you can test the component with your test server. 现在,您可以使用测试服务器对该组件进行测试。
You are finally ready to deploy the entire example to the test server and run it. 到现在为止,您已经准备好将整个示例部署到测试服务器,并可以运行它了。
The integration test client allows you to test each component individually, using the embedded test server to run the application. 通过使用嵌入式测试服务器运行应用程序,集成测试客户机允许您单独测试每一个组件。
In the simple case of a development environment test server, the WebSphere sample file registry was used. 在开发环境测试服务器这一简单的示例中,使用了WebSphere示例文件注册中心。
If security is enabled upon the test server, you are required to enter a user ID and password before being allowed to proceed. 如果对测试服务器启用了安全性,那么在继续进行之前,您需要输入用户ID和密码。
The server can be a test server; it does not have to be a production server. 该服务器可以是测试服务器,而不一定是成品服务器。
Having a test server installed will result in the automatic creation of the server with the associated default profile in a new workspace. 安装一个测试服务器会导致服务器的自动创建,以及新工作区中相关默认概述的创建。
Please note that the test server is not regularly updated with signatures and is for testing purposes only. 测试服务器不具备常规升级病毒库,仅用于测试。
Once approved on test server, the selected provider will ensure that everything works on live server as well. 一旦通过测试服务器上,所选择的供应商将确保服务器上的一切生活和工作。
The coding will be carried out on our test server so our team will monitor the progress and insert content simultaneously. 该编码将进行我们的测试服务器解决所以我们的团队将监察工程进度和插入内容同时进行。
A test server emulates a real WebSphere Application Server within your development environment. 测试服务器模拟开发环境中的真实WebSphereApplicationServer。
You copy the corrupted database to a test server, and then start to restore the most recent backup to your production server. 您将已损坏的数据库复制到测试服务器,然后开始将最新的备份还原到生产服务器上。
You specify a test server for tuning in the XML input file along with the rest of the parameters that define your tuning session. 在XML输入文件中指定要优化的测试服务器以及定义优化会话的其余参数。
Today while logging in to do a few dailies, I noticed the Test Server tab active on realm selection. 今天当我登陆来进行一些日常工作时,我注意到区域选择处的测试服务器标签可用了。
You test Web services in Application Developer by creating a test server and associating it with your project. Web服务的测试是通过在ApplicationDeveloper中创建一个测试服务器,并将它与您的项目相关联来实现的。
We strongly recommend that you run the samples only on a development or test server, not on a production server. 强烈建议您在开发服务器或测试服务器而不是在生产服务器上运行示例。
The procedure for enabling security on you test server will vary depending upon the particular user registry you choose to use. 在测试服务器上启用安全性的过程因您选择使用的特定用户注册中心而异。
If the workload you throw at the test server doesn't reflect what really happens on your site, you'll be tuning to solve the wrong problem! 如果您在测试服务器上施加的工作负载无法反映出站点中实际发生的情况,则您的优化将无法解决问题!
For our project's development workstations and development test server, we set the public and app entries to ALL. 对于我们的项目的开发工作站和开发测试服务器,我们将public和app条目设置为ALL。
If a user login does not exist on the test server , those events in the workload that are issued by that user login may not be tunable . 如果用户登录名在测试服务器上不存在,则可能无法优化工作负荷中由该用户登录名执行的那些事件。
This means that you can use them with your WebSphere Process Server local test server. 这意味着您可以将它们与WebSphereProcessServer本地测试服务器一起使用。