the room 3

the room 3the room 3

the room 3

When you are able to balance consistently 2 to 3 inches away from the wall, you are ready to perform Sirsasana in the middle of the room. 当距离墙壁2-3英寸这个位置上能够完全平衡时,你就可以尝试在屋子中间进行头倒立了。
Moving in a counterclockwise ( widdershins ) circular direction around the room or area to remove the circle put in place in #3 above. 在房间或区域中依逆时针方向去移除上述三的圆圈。
The room's angles, like those of the rest of the inn, were off by two or three degrees in every joint. 和其他房间一样,这里的每个墙角接合部都低了2到3度。
Tow to three dollar per night is an appropriate amount, depending on the cost of the room. 2-3美元每晚是比较合适的,具体还要看旅馆房间的收费标准。
The floor of the room may be strewn with wooden sticks (e. g. cocktail sticks or kebab skewers) less than 3 mm in diameter. 这个房间的地面可能散放着一些直径小于3mm的木棒(如鸡尾酒搅棒或烤肉串的肉扦)。
Even after getting the coin, I sat there in the room for a while, flipping the 3-D slider on and off. 当我得到那个币以后,我在屋里调整了一下3D滑杆。
In the corner of the room, a tiny baby--3 hours old--lay on a bed, wailing, swaddled in bright-colored African fabric. 在这房间的角落里,一个非常小的婴儿——刚出生3个小时——躺在床上,嚎哭着,被包裹在一个颜色鲜亮的非洲织物襁褓中。
Brendan looked quickly around the room for a cue about what to request at three in the afternoon in the East Village. 布伦丹快速扫视了一下周围,搜索着在东村的下午3点适合点什么喝的暗示。
What I did actually, when I got the role, is I paced around the room for about 3 days. 实际上,当我得到这个角色时,有三天时间我一直在房间里走来走去。
The sitters were adults who sat in the room, more than three feet away from the infected baby. 看护者是坐在病房里的成年人,离生病的婴儿还有3英尺远。
In the March 11 quake, 'the walls started crumbling and dust as thick as black smoke filled the room, ' Mr. Hoshi recalled. 保志正嗣回忆说,2007年3月11日地震发生时,壁开始破裂,房间里满是像黑烟一样浓的尘土。
We had to remake the room key 3 of the 4 nights and nobody told us "sorry" at all. 我们住了4晚,有三晚要我们更换房间钥匙,而他们连句对不起都没说。
There are 4 such square tables for two against the far side wall, separated by a wall section jutting into the room about 3 feet. 两堵对着的墙边放着4张方形的桌子,一堵墙伸进屋内大约3英尺。
There are three chairs , a desk and a computer in the room. 房间里有3把椅子、一张书桌和一台电脑。
However, the $300 million loan for its Jaguar Land Rover Unit announced on Aug. 10 gives Tata the room it needed to maneuver. 然而,8月10日公布的给予捷豹和路虎部门3亿美元的贷款,给了塔塔公司调整的余地。
The wash rooms were shared, but there were 3 on each floor, and having the sink in the room helped make the bathrooms quite available. 卫生间是公用的,不过还好每层有三个,而且房间里有洗手台,卫生间就比较空闲了。
3Take out the charger after charging cellphone. 4Make sure the lights are off before leaving the room. 3, Use less electrical products. 在充电手机以后去掉充电器。答案补充3。在手机充电以后去掉充电器。答案补充4。离开屋子之前确定灯是关了的,少用电器。
Now future self comes back into the room. The 3 versions merge into light. 现在,未来的我回到了房间。3个版本汇集在一起。
There were thirty or forty people in the room at the InSITE talk the other night. 不久前InSITE讨论会的夜晚,当时有大约3-40人在会议室里。
There were only three people left in the room. 屋子里只剩下3个人。
3 keep the room and mechanical equipment cleaning. 3经常保持机房和机件设备的清洁。
For 3 digit rooms in the Main Building, please dial 60 and then the room number. 对于在主楼的三位数的房间,请拨60,然后再拨房间号。
These days, everyone in addition to cleaning, the room layout to meet the New Year. 3. 这些日子,大家都在打扫除,布置屋子,迎接新年。
You may keep the room till 3 p. m, if you wish. 要是您愿意,可以将房间保留到下战书三点。
The room can sleep 3 people. 这房间可供三人睡觉。
Seventh days: Makes the housework in the home, for example: Reorganizes the room, the ingredients 3 meal, looks after aunt and soon. 第七天:在家里做家务事,例如:整理房间、料理3餐、照顾姑妈等等。
the room must contein 3 people. 房间必须能够住下3个人。
3 degrees: a rare sense of - a few people at rest in the room felt hung on a structure to wobble ; 3度:少有感-室内少数人在静止中有感,悬挂物轻微摆动;
Do you have the room in your server rack for a 3U (3 inches in height), if not maybe you should look at a 1U (1 inch in height) server. 你有在你的一个3U服务器机架(高3英寸)的空间,如果没有,也许你应该看看一个1U(高1英寸)服务器。
The room is little need not much, adorn 3 two enough, and volume should s not be too large, use " ornament law " ; 室小不必多,点缀两三个足够,并且体积不宜过大,使用“点缀法”;