
美 [tub]英 [tjuːb]
  • n.管;管子;道;电视
  • v.把…装上管;把…弄成管状;使通过管子;〈英〉坐地下铁道车去
  • 网络地铁;电子管;真空管


steel tube,thin tube,seamless tube,plastic tube,capillary tube
centrifuge tube,use tube,implant tube




2.[c]管状物a hollow object in the shape of a pipe or tube


3.[c]~ (of sth)(由软金属或塑料制成的带盖的、盛膏状物的)软管a long narrow container made of soft metal or plastic, with a lid, used for holding thick liquids that can be squeezed out of it

4.(informal)一罐啤酒a can of beer

身体部位part of body

5.[c]管状器官;管;道a part inside the body that is shaped like a tube and through which air, liquid, etc. passes

地下铁道underground railway

6.[sing]伦敦地下铁道the underground railway system in London


日常生活英语单词_百度文库 ... hole 洞 tube 管子 pen 钢笔 ...


地字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 地毯〖 carpet;rug〗 地铁〖 undergroundrailway;metro;subway;tube〗 地头,地头儿〖 edgeofafiel…


高中英语必修2_百度百科 ... troop n. 群;组;军队 tube n. 管;管子;电子管 type n. 类型 ...


关于家用电器的英语单词_百度知道 ... electric calculator 计算器 tube 真空管 electric fan 电风扇 ...


首页-山地情怀车行-淘宝网 ... tire 轮胎(公路 700c) tube 内胎 wheels set 轮组 ...


对于管道(Tube),由其所属的管件的 MTOT 控制。对于 分支(Branch)中的第一段管道,则由 Branch 的 MTOH 属性控制: 1) O…


大学课程英文翻译 ... trunctuate 截短 截断 tube 管,圆管 圆管 Turbulence 扰动 乱流 ...

The vet also gave him a tube and said, "Put the pills in the tube and put the tube into her mouth. Then blow. Yhat'll make it. " 兽医还给了农夫一个管状容器并且说:“把药放到这里然后再把这个放到奶牛嘴里,然后吹吹,这样就可以了。”
"We'll be able to marry our tube shapes with bottle shapes, such as supply a square tube to go with a square bottle, " he said. “我们就可以结婚,我们管的形状与瓶的形状,如供应方管,还有一个广场瓶,”他说。
The cells produce a protein structure shaped like the plastic tube, which dissolves. 这些细胞产生出和塑料管同样形状的蛋白结构,而塑料管则分解了。
The heat transfer performance of a corrugated tube can also be improved if it's partially filled with porous media. 部分添加多孔介质也可以增强波纹管的换热性能。
Orifices perforate the piston and allow fluid to leak through as the piston moves up and down in the pressure tube. 打有小洞的活塞就会随着活塞的上下运动,使避震器内的液压油通过小孔在压力管内流动。
With the concentration increase of carbon nano-tube, the surface and volume conductivity decreased, and there were a conductive threshold. 随碳纳米管含量增加,聚酰亚胺薄膜的表面电阻率和体积电阻率都有明显降低,并存在一个阈值;
The feat would qualify as creation of life in a test tube if it weren't for one thing: Szostak's lab does not rely much on test tubes. 若不是绍斯塔克实验室并不太依赖试管的话,这项成就可谓“在试管中创造生命”。
First, the heart of an embryo starts off as a little tube, similar to the heart of a goldfish. 首先胎儿时期的心脏,就是一个小血管,和金鱼的心脏差不多大。
I put the plastics tube under my arm, too. Since she was such a great teacher, how can i be a poor student? 猪妈也把塑料管子夹在腋下,人家老师那么敬业,咱也得是个好学生呀!
The rubber tube is just stretchy enough to allow a good resistance for natural swimming feel, but I hardly notice the belt at all. 橡胶管有足够的弹性让你感觉到正常游泳时的阻力,但我几乎忽视了腰带的存在。
This package may be one of many types, a cone, a tube, a dye tube or a spool, depending upon the next operation the yarn must encounter. 卷装使用的筒子形式包括:圆锥形、筒形、染纱管形或有边筒子,究竟采用哪种形式取决于下一个工序的要求。
Bridging : When two or more catalyst pellets wedge together to form a bridge in the reactor tube with a void volume underneath. 架桥:当两个或多个催化剂颗粒在反应管中挤在一起形成桥路,从而导致下方出现空穴的现象。
Steel tube is widely used as a sort of metallic material in industry and has also contributed much to the national economic development. 钢管是一种用途广泛的工业金属材料,也是国民经济发展的一个重要支柱。
Staying close to the tube and looking at it were not sufficient cues of ownership from the dominant's perspective. 在占优势的猕猴看来,站在管子旁边看着它并不足以表明拥有它。
To see if that You Tube comparison was justified, let's check back in with Imeem one year later and assess how they're doing now. 时隔一年之后,让我们再来看看Imeem的作为,它是否配得上同YouTube的比较?
When he left the lab, he forgot to disconnect the electric current to the vacuum tube he had been using in his study of cathode rays. 但是,离开实验室时,他忘了切断通向研究阴极射线用的真空管的电源。
would now unpin the drawing from his board, take it into the hall and spray it with fixative, then roll it up and put it in a mailing tube. 传统画家这时要将图画从图板上取下,拿进大厅,喷定色剂。然后将它卷起来,放进邮寄用的纸筒。
The sooner the kid learns the word, the more effectively he can remind -- or nag -- his mother to turn on the boob tube. 只要孩子一学会这个词,他就能更明确地提醒妈妈--更可能是纠缠妈妈--打开会把人变蠢的电视。
Only a week later, I found myself in the operating room and realized that something as commonplace as an IV tube was uncomfortable. 只有一星期之后,我发现我自己在手术室中而且意识到像IV管一样平凡是不舒服的。
Her doctors DID not hold any hope; they told us her time was up. It was useless to put in a feeding tube, they said; she would never awaken. 医生已不再抱希望。他们告诉我们,她的生命即将结束,再输液也无济于事,她恐怕再也不会醒来了。
Tuesday's tube strike in London gives us a flavour of the media narrative to come, and it's not going to be pretty. 星期二发生的铁路罢工让我们看到了媒体叙事的另一面,而这次,并不会如往常般精彩。
He was eager to look at the test tube to see the changes and brushed aside the safety spectacles that Jenny was holding out for him. 他渴望的来看试管的变化,漠视了珍妮帮他拿的安全眼镜。
Tower above the fifth floor for the air tube, rising in the tower, do not need out of the tower outside. 塔的第五层以上,为空筒式,在塔内拾级而上,无须步出塔外。
More evidence is emerging that test-tube babies might be just as healthy as normal babies, European researchers said Tuesday. 欧洲研究人员8日称,更多迹象表明,试管婴儿和正常孕育的婴儿同样健康。
Someone told me to go to a convenience store and see how much a soft drink or a tube of toothpaste costs. 有人告诉我有个便利店可以知道软饮料或者牙膏得多少钱。
For lower packing densities, flow of hot feed through the tube side was more beneficial to mass transfer. 在组件封装分率较低时,热流体走管程更有利于跨膜传质。
Katie, in her wheelchair with the oxygen tube, listening a song from her husband and friends. 凯蒂,在着轮椅,吸着氧气,倾听丈夫和朋友唱歌。
Reasonable duct design to the glass tube and rapid cooling, easy to use continuous exposure, can greatly increase the work efficiency. 合理的风道设计使灯管及玻璃快速冷却,方便连续曝光使用,能大大提高工作效率。
The constant theme of the series was a drawing of a human face in close up and each one with an oxygen tube in the right nostril. 这组创作主题单一的画面,是正面直视你的人脸的特写,每个人经右耳到右鼻孔边连接着一根氧气管。
As shown in the above and below drawings, this hole is located on the forward tube near the bottom extreme of the tube. 所示的上面和下面图,这个洞是位于管的管了极端的底部附近。