
  • abbr.thulium;tungsten
  • n.【女名】女子名
  • 网络屠;总效用(total utility);十一酸睾酮(Testosterone Undecanoate)



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总效用(total utility)

总效用(TU):消费者在一定时间内消费一定数量某种商品或商品组合所得到的总的满足。边际效用(MU):消费者在所有其它商品的 …

十一酸睾酮(Testosterone Undecanoate)

十一酸睾酮(TU):化学结构为3-氧雄烷-4 烯-17β-+一酸,有较强的嗜脂性。口服剂在口服后和脂肪微粒一起在小肠经淋巴系统 …

附属单元(tributary unit)

tributary unit (TU) 支路单元,从属单元,辅助单元 tributary unit group (TUG) 支路单元组,从属单元组,辅助单元组 trichloro- 三氯 ...

And, teacher, the someone else still loathes to give up to leave you, you are ambitioning to give up I the Tu son of this lovely amiability? 且,师父,人家还舍不得离开你嘛,难道你舍得我这个乖巧可爱的徒儿吗?
Of course Tu Hsin Wu was very flexible and was known to be able to kick his opponent over his shoulders as they were attacking from behind. 当然,杜心五身体非常柔软灵活,众所周知他能用腿越过肩头踢到从背后攻击的对手。
A go-getting executive in a multinational company just a few years ago, Kevin Tu, 31, now lives just "one at a time, " as he puts it. Mr. 31岁的凯文涂几年前是一家跨国公司的管理人员,是个雄心勃勃的人,而今用他的话来说,日子就是“过一天算一天”。
Some joists of the floor above did not back Tu cementing Primer, cement Man of moisture, damp floor, the floor will also bulging. 有的搁栅上面的地板背面没有涂封固底漆,水泥地的潮气漫上来,使地板受潮,也会使地板起拱。
Tu Wei-yueh stared intently at Ah Hsiang, as if to make sure whether this young man was capable of assuming a heavy responsibility . 屠维岳对阿祥看了一会儿,好像要看准这个人能否担当重大的责任。
Identify the contents, easy to install security use, coating convenience, Tu difficult after falling out of production and high efficiency. 识别内容多,便于安全安装使用,涂敷方便,涂后不易脱落,生产效率高。
Line in the righteousness Chuang that thoughts of tonight, how much have a little Dan Tu. 想到今晚的义庄行,多少有点胆突。
As the saying goes, "water of the TU, when springs with reportedly" animal world like this, not to mention the people we are thinking of it! 俗话说得好,“滴水之恩,当涌泉相报”,动物界尚且如此,何况我们有思想的人呢!
There is an old said: "The milk of the sheep have to kneel TU, A feed has meaning. " 古语说:“羊有跪乳之恩,鸦有反哺之义。”
Go get your kids and a couple giant tu of popcorn and let me know how awesome it is. . . I don't get out of work until five. 带上你的孩子、抱上两大桶爆米花去看电影吧,然后告诉我电影有多壮观……我要到五点才下班呢。
The truth: Although did not make up, but if Tu Fang basks in the word of the product, also need discharge makeup likewise actually. 真相:即使没有化妆,但如有涂防晒产品的话,其实亦同样需要卸妆。
TU stars (Han bead) is a simple, beautiful girl, when the six-year-old after his mother died, and father, living with his brother. 恩星(韩孝珠饰)是一个单纯、美丽的女孩子,六岁的时候母亲因病去世后,和父亲、弟弟生活在一起。
Thank you for the upbringing of TU, I would also like to say Road, you have worked hard for that I thank you for running hard. 为的是感谢你们的养育之恩,我还要道一声,你们辛苦了,为的是感谢你们为了我奔波劳累。
Just as Confucius and Mencius are the sages of the Confucians, Tu Fu is called the sage of poets. 杜甫号称“诗圣”,乃诗国之圣人,恰似孔子、孟子,乃儒家之圣人。
An inspector comes tu our school today. We do not want her to know it. 今天一个督察来我们学校,我们不想让她知道这件事。
The top of head look like the fire upwards flee in the ground of Tu Tu, river Zhi orchid heart the momentary wildly jump. 头顶处好像有火在突突地往上窜,江芷兰心脏一时间狂跳。
It consisted of a Tu-95RC Bear D with its radar and a data-exchange system with aircraft and ship interfaces. 它包括图-95RC熊D和它上面的机载雷达系统,以及机-舰间的数据交换系统。
Tu Shihua. In 2000, the National Seminary experienced a second transplant to a larger place in Daxing, south-suburbs of Beijing. 2000年,全国神哲学院第二度的搬迁,移至北京南郊大兴县一处更广阔的校舍。
Xindelei white children is a life of debauchery, Tanbei night, along the casino industry veteran TU Xiao spent all the money left. 辛德雷是个生活放荡的纨袴子弟,日夜贪杯,出没赌场,把老恩萧留下的产业挥霍殆尽。
How many billion years after nature to build harmony, human only spent less than 100 years of time, the collapse of a Tu Nong Lege. 大自然经过多少亿年才建立起来的和谐,人类只用了不到一百年的时间,就弄了个一塌涂。
I consider it a rare honor since, under the same cover, there are names of such great poets as Li Po and Tu Fu. 能同李白、杜甫这样伟大诗人的名字出现在同一个封面下,对我来说当然是一种难得的殊荣。
Jia Ding takes a look at Huang Tu, with a doubt shining in his eyes. 甲丁看了看黄兔,眼里闪出一丝疑惑。
Don't compare your life tu others. You have no idea what their journey is all about. 不要拿自己的人生和别人比较,你根本不知道别人的生活是怎样过。
After completion of application, the TU coating shall be allowed to cure overnight before final holiday testing or lowering-in. 在涂敷完毕后,应允许TU涂层在进行最终漏涂测试或表面凹陷检查之前固化一夜。
Good thing, how can we not talk about it? Friends now let alone a sense of the TU is not a sense of the. 好东西我们怎么能不提呢?现在别说感朋友恩了,就是父母恩都不感了。
Ms Tu said the deal would probably allow Giant to export more upmarket bicycles to China. 杜秀珍表示,ECFA可能让该公司得以向大陆出口更多高端自行车。
I've written one poem in response to a Tu Fu poem about his overturn his wine glass, and his wood stove has grown cold, and he is bitter. 我写过一首呼应杜甫的诗,他的诗里头说,他把酒杯打翻,他烧木材的炉也冷了,他感到愤慨。
Tu kids wall paintings, wall Carex nanella that the growth of moss, that? ? the wires, how would I expect to see and vector geometry. 墙上孩子涂的画,墙边那矮丛生长的苔藓,那“飞檐走壁”的电线,怎么看都会让我想到几何和向量。
Anyhow the Tu Fu's former residence was a fine place to house. 总的评价是一个环境条件良好的居家处所。
A spokesman for the regulator issued a strong denial of Mr Tu's remarks, saying that the vice-chairman "misspoke" . 证监会的一位发言人随后发表声明,强烈否认了屠光绍的说法,称他是“口误”。