
美 [fɪlm]英 [fɪlm]
  • n.膜;影片;胶卷;层
  • v.(在…上)蒙上薄膜;(使)生薄膜;(使)变朦胧;(把…)摄成影片
  • 网络电影;胶片;菲林

现在分词:filming 过去式:filmed 第三人称单数:films

see film,make film,watch film,shoot film,show film
plastic film,documentary film,french film,exciting film,classic film


n. v.

电影moving pictures

1.[c]电影;影片a series of moving pictures recorded with sound that tells a story, shown on television or at the cinema/movie theater

2.[u]电影制作艺术;电影业the art or business of making films/movies

3.[u]新闻片moving pictures of real events, shown for example on television

摄影机;摄像机in cameras

4.[u][c]胶片;胶卷;底片thin plastic that is sensitive to light, used for taking photographs and making films/movies; a roll of this plastic, used in cameras

薄层thin layer

5.[c][ususing]~ (of sth)薄薄的一层;薄膜a thin layer of sth, usually on the surface of sth else


Hiiibrand ... Fashion/ 时尚 Film/ 电影 Fine Arts/ 美术 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... fill vt. 填空,装满 film n. 电影;影片;胶卷 final a. 最后的;终极的 ...


薄膜(film)电容器是以塑胶薄膜做为绝缘材料,将金属箔卷绕成为圆筒状或成为积层状,以增加面积。但是,在薄膜电容器的场 …


影字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 影迷〖 filmbulf;moviefan〗 影片〖 motionpicture;movie;film〗 影评〖 filmreview〗 ...


中亿电子有限公司 ... 导热胶带 (Thermal conuctive adhesiv 胶片 Film 海绵 Sponge ...


菲林(Film)、样板(Sample)、CAD资料(CAD Date) (PROTEL;PADS2000)2.布线层数 (Circuit Layers):单面/双面/多层(2--16 …


PCB相关名词解释 - 富水河的日志 - 网易博客 ... 29、Fillet 内圆填角 30、Film 底片 31、Fine Line 细线 ...


电子工程专业词汇英语(-K) ... filling compound 浇灌膏 film 软片 film resistor 薄膜电阻器 ...

I consider it a pity for you not to have seen the film last night. 我认为昨晚你没看那部影片真是件遗憾事。
He did not see the film last night. That is because he had to help his little sister with her homework. 昨天晚上他没有去看电影。那是因为他得帮他的妹妹做作业。
She said to me that she had seen that film. 她对我说,她看过那部电影。
The image of an oral telling may be caught on paper, film or in digital format, but recordings are not the word shared live. 说书艺术的样貌也许会以书、电影或数位形式记载下来,但纪录和现场说书却是大不相同的。
In the course of an unexpected return visit, working on a film, she meets a woman who leads her to re-examine how much she has lost. 在一次意料之外的故地重游中,由于她工作的那部电影,她遇到了一个女人并在她的引领下再次检验了她失去的究竟有多少。
"So 15 minutes into the film, after that first train ride, " he said proudly, "we'd already known each other for a year. " “所以片中在搭乘第一趟火车之后的那15分钟,我们已经相识一年了。”范立欣说。
"If we weren't there, filming, reporting, it is as if it didn't happen, " he said about making the film. “如果我们记者不在现场拍摄、报导,那些事情就会像仿佛根本就没有发生过一样,”他在谈论纪录片拍摄工作时这样表示。
In the formulation of a work plan, he must pick those who allow him and his wife to work together in the film. 在制订工作计划时,他一定要挑那些允许他和妻子一起工作的片子。
"If I won't be able to persuade him to stay then I will follow the theme of the film 'Indecent Proposal', " concluded the patron. “如果我不能建议他留下来那么我的结局就和电影《不道德的交易》一样。”这位蓝鹰守护者总结说。
It's where my parents grew up and a few weeks ago my dad and I traveled back there to make this film. 那是我父母成长的地方,几星期前我和我爸爸会去了一趟拍了这段录像。
House churches, he said, cannot afford to stay silent - one of the reasons he granted CNN rare access to film in his banned church. 家庭教堂,他补充道,不能保持沉默。这也是他邀请CNN访问被禁止的教堂的原因之一。
But the Nightingale's voice grew fainter, and her little wings began to beat, and a film came over her eyes. 但是,夜莺的声音却越来越微弱。她的翅膀开始扇动,一道掠影闪过她的眼睛。
The invention relates to an electronic element with a through hole and a manufacturing method for a film transistor element. 本发明涉及一种具导通孔的电子元件及薄膜晶体管元件的制造方法。
It was clearly a film with a limited budget and limited resources, but it had a very strong vision from the director. 它明显就是一部在预算和条件有限的情形下,具有强烈的导演影像风格的影片。
Wang Xueqi, who arrived at Cannes on the last day, said he just wanted to "feel the atmosphere of such a top film festival" . 王学圻在电影节最后一天才赶到戛纳,他表示只是想“感受一下这个顶级电影节的氛围”。
An actual SBD is a metal-semiconductor contact with a thin film and surface states between them, which has an effect on the barrier height. 由于金属—半导体接触时表面态和界面层的存在,实际SBD器件的势垒高度受表面态和界面层的影响很大。
On an artistic level, the film is nothing but provocative, hateful, propaganda. 在艺术层面上,这部电影只不过是挑衅、憎恨、洗脑。
When the damage does not reach the steel surface, the surface to be touched up to the specified film thickness. 当损害不到达钢铁表面,表面被触摸到指定的薄膜厚度。
The docket is still open on this case. Why won't the cameraman come in and tell us what he saw and show us his film? 这起案子仍未终结,为什么摄像师不来告诉我们他看到的事实真相并让我们看他的原始录像带呢?
He stayed with me all day yesterday, he couldn't have gone to see a film. 他昨天一天都和我呆在一起,他不可能去看电影的。
This film star finds favor with everyone in her country, up to the president and down to the boy who sweeps the floor. 这位影星受到她的国家里每个人的喜欢,上至总统,下到扫地的男孩。
And a film crew from Japan arrived to include him in a movie about cats. 日本有一位电影职员来到这里,要拍一部包括这只猫在内的有关猫的电影。
Accordingly, to film a literary text as though one films a landscape is not a question of form but of attitude. 相应地,像拍摄风景一样拍摄文学著作不是形式的问题,而是态度的问题。
They were all covered with a layer of protein film and dispersing in the protein matrix individually or by a coalescent way. 其表面都包被着一层蛋白膜,或单独地或相互交联分散在蛋白基质中。
You do not come out of this film feeling like the king of the world. 看过这部影片后,你不再会觉得人类是世界的主宰。
She was an actress and had done stage and film, mostly small parts as she described them. 她是一个表演舞台剧和电影的女演员,据她所说她出演的都是一些小角色。
It stocked the shelves with food shipped in from America's East Coast and people were told it was just a film set. 它货架上摆的食品是从美国东海岸运来的,而告诉人们的是这是电影拍摄现场。
the prize was like something extra, I mean it was really wonderful, and I was really proud of the film, and everyone to help this out. 得奖是意料之外的,我非常高兴,我也很为这个片子和所有帮助完成它的人感到自豪。
He's a man of cinema, a connoisseur, because in his family, his father, his mother, his brother, all worked in the film industry. 他的镜头感极强,超乎常人,这与他出身于演艺世家不无关系。他的父母兄弟都是电影圈中人。
Chaplin contributed to the war in the best way he knew how-- he made a film "Shoulder Arms" . 卓别林以自己认为最好的方式:即拍电影为战争效劳。