
美 [ˈmjuzɪk]英 [ˈmjuːzɪk]
  • n.音乐;乐曲;乐曲创作(或演奏)艺术;乐谱
  • 网络音乐学;音乐播放器;音乐课

classical music,pop music,folk music,modern music,popular music
play music,make music,write music,read music,compose music



1.音乐;乐曲sounds that are arranged in a way that is pleasant or exciting to listen to. People sing music or play it on instruments

2.音乐;乐曲创作(或演奏)艺术the art of writing or playing music

3.乐谱the written or printed signs that represent the sounds to be played or sung in a piece of music


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金宝贝音乐课MUSIC)介绍:金宝贝生动的音乐课程给宝宝带来丰富的音乐风格。通过唱歌、跳舞、音乐游戏和乐器,宝宝将 …

Nowadays, people seem to be more interested in gossip and not so much the music. 如今,人们似乎更感兴趣,而不是这么多八卦的音乐。
Cui Jian grew up with music; his mother was a dancer, his father a professional trumpet player. He trained in Western classical music. 崔健是伴随着音乐成长的,他的母亲是一个舞蹈家,父亲是一个专业的小号演奏家,他接受的是西洋古典音乐的教育。
The obsession I once had with them faded away but those parts of me that were influenced and shaped by their music stayed. 我对他们曾经的偏执狂热已经消退,但是我内心那些被他们的音乐影响并改变过的部分却留了下来。
It was the kind of achievement that would have been unthinkable half a decade before in the mostly segregated music market. 在此前5年隔离的音乐市场上,这是一种不可想象的成就。
MUSIC festivals are typically a great excuse for revellers to enjoy a bit of drunken debauchery. 音乐节日通常是狂欢者沉湎酒色的主要理由。
Prefer not to see what colorful reading fashion magazines, is nothing like listening to music to forget the popular ballad. 喜欢读书不是看什么花花绿绿的时尚杂志、喜欢音乐也不是什么听过就忘的流行小曲。
No one had ever taught music there and he didn't believe the children would be interested or that Leane would even return to teach it. 那个学校没开设过音乐课并且校长也不相信学生们会感兴趣或者Leanne会回来教这个。
Every object in the opera comes alive and is a gigantic music instrument, like this chandelier. It takes up the whole stage. 歌剧中的所有道具都是活的、巨型的乐器。譬如,占据舞台很大部份的一盏“吊灯”。
Take music: it is very easy to ask, why don't more (pick your developing country) people make a career in music or art? 以音乐为例,为什么没有更多的人(请你选择一个发展中国家)把音乐或艺术作为职业?
It has become extremely common to see someone sitting at a Starbucks listening to music or surfing the web on his or her laptop. 在星巴克看见有人听歌或用笔记本上网是极为平常的事情。
George knew his mother would cry when he told her, but he decided to go home and face the music. 乔治知道当他把真相告诉母亲时,她一定会哭,但是他还是决定回家面对现实。
Let us all remember him for all the great joy he has brought to us and his music will live forever in our heart. 让我们铭记他,因为他曾带给我们许多欢乐,他的音乐将永远远存在我们心中。
He admitted that he did not particularly enjoy food, sex, music, or social gatherings, cutting himself off from most of the joys of living. 美食、异性、音乐、或社交聚会这些东西,不能给他什么乐趣,生活中的大多数乐趣与他毫不相干。
And he would never be too far from the public eye. But it would never again be his music that kept him there. 同时,他也从未离开公众视线太远,但是让他留在那里的原因已经不复是他的音乐了。
art and life have never been closer: music, it was believed, was an emanation of the heart and an image of the cosmos. 艺术和生活之间的联系从来没有这样紧密过:古人认为音乐即心声,是宇宙的反映。
Culture fomented from Europe's tip to its top. Wagner was master of music and people did not forget their own artists. France had. 文化在欧洲不断上升。瓦格纳是音乐大师,人民没有忘记他们自己的艺术家。法国产生了契柯夫。
Believing that music was an essential ingredient to education, they started him on the piano when he was 6. 老斯特恩夫妇相信音乐是教育的重要组成部分,在斯特恩6岁时,便开始让他学习弹钢琴。
My best friend had a piano and I fell in love with it. One day i asked my mother to enrol me in a music school and I've never looked back. 我最好的朋友了钢琴,我爱上它。一天,我问我母亲报名,我在一个音乐学校,我从来没想过回头。
He was not a fan of Elvis Presley, did not listen to his music, or really know anything about him. 他并不是ElvisPresley的粉丝,也没有听过他的音乐,其实他一点都不了解他。
Liu Chan entourage think of the demise of native country, very sad, but Sima Zhao Liu Chan said: "The music here, do not think Shu. " 刘禅随从人员想到灭亡的故国,都非常难过,刘禅却对司马昭说:“此间乐,不思蜀。”
I go on the road, surrounded by quiet, but even the car's loudspeaker to hear music and people's cries sound, but a ghost. 我走在路上,四周围静悄悄的,只是偶乐听见车子的嗽叭声和人们的叫卖声,却看不到踪影。
Still, the question remains: How close should the intelligent music lover wish to come to pinning a definite meaning to any particular work? 问题还是没有解决。精明的音乐爱好者希望明确的意义和任何具体的作品应该有多远呢?
At around ten past seven, we came out of our room to hear sounds of music coming from the direction of the dining hall. 晚上七点十分左右,我们一走出房间,远远的就从餐厅方向传来音乐之声。
Tragically, her mother and father died in a car crash when Twain was 21, forcing her to put aside music to support her younger siblings. 唐恩21岁的时候,父母不幸在一场车祸中丧生。这迫使她不得不把音乐放到一边,承担起抚养年幼弟妹的责任。
Americans have always been a religions people, and music has long been a part of their religions experience, as well. 美国人一向是相当宗教性的民族,而音乐长期以来也是他们宗教体验中的一部分。
He took his violin and played some Christmas church music and down went the bull on his knees! 他拿出了小提琴,拉起一些圣诞节的教堂音乐,那头公牛居然跪下来了:
As with much good music, you need to listen to it a few times before you can appreciate it fully. 像许多好的音乐一样,需要听几遍才能欣赏它。
Amina Addy: If you're doing contemporary music in Ghana, you might be able to live from what you're doing. 阿米娜·艾迪:如果你在加纳从事当代音乐,或许能够维生。
Like many actors, Law, twenty-nine, began his career on the stage, joining the National Youth Music Theater in London at the age of twelve. 和许多演员一样,29岁的裘德·洛的演艺事业发迹于舞台,他十二岁时便加入伦敦国家青年音乐剧团。
The word " jazz" was hardly known before 1912, and even then it was more likely to be used in relation to sports than music. “Jazz”一词到1912年才逐渐为人熟知,但即便是在那个时候它的所指也多半与运动相关,而非作为一种音乐的名称。