
美 [meʃ]英 [meʃ]
  • v.啮合;适合
  • n.网状物;网状织物;陷阱;困境
  • 网络网格;目;目数

复数:meshes 现在分词:meshing 过去式:meshed

steel mesh,metal mesh


n. v.

1.[u][c]网状物;网状织物material made of threads of plastic rope or wire that are twisted together like a net




...供无线路由、通讯协定、安全管理、中间介面等功能,将网状Mesh)的概念从无线基地台下降到终端行动设备,每个人的 …

Mesh) 12000 5000 2500 1250 625 550 300 200 140 120 100 微米(μm) 1 3 5 10 20 25 50 70 100 125 149 目(Mesh…


...5 5 4.5 3.4 2.7 2.5 1.25 目数(mesh) 目数 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 28 30 32 35 40 42 45 48 50 60 65 70 80 90 微...


常用服装英语词汇 ... merchandiser 跟单员 mesh 网眼,网眼布 mini marker 小唛架(可用来估算用料) ...


冶金专业英语_百度文库 ... 细粒级 fine fraction 网目 mesh 原矿 run of mine,crude ...


排球专业术语的英语表达_百度知道 ... markers 标志带 mesh 网孔 my forearm pass goes too high. 我的上手传球传的太高了 ...

The mesh should be removed at least once a year and thoroughly cleaned. 而且这种渗透网至少要每年更换一次并进行彻底的清洁。
And the small automatic pistol in her silver mesh purse was no substitute for a sword. 一个小自动手枪在她的银色网孔钱包里,没有替代她的剑。
mesh selection Fish above a certain size are unable to pass through a net of a certain mesh size while smaller fish can escape. 网目选择在一个特定的大小上面的鱼不能够经过某网孔大小的网,但较小的鱼能逃脱。
The recalled tree stands have wire mesh on the base of the platform to the top of the footrest and a company logo on the front of the seat. 所召回的攀树架脚凳顶部的站台基部有金属丝网,而且公司的标志在座位的正面。
Normals are assumed to be associated with the front faces of a mesh primitive. 法线按假设是与网状结构基本型别的正面相关联。
Insteon offers a way for your home network to communicate over both electrical wires and radio waves, making it a dual mesh network. Insteon(注:双向混合通信技术)提供的一种方法可以使你数字家庭网络的通信可以涵盖电线和无线电波,使之成为一个双重网格网络。
We have been keeping developing new mesh chairs for three years , investing great deal of money on designing and making full sets of moulds. 尤其是我司近三年来持续开发的新型网椅系统,做到自主设计,自主投资开发全套模具。
Stirred by the fact that news portrayals of the country's history didn't mesh with my own memories, I wanted to discover the truth. 我想要找到真相,因为新闻中对阿富汗这个国家历史的描述与我的记忆并不吻合。
It also allows you tile your map or re-use elements of your mesh on other places, rotating and twisting these as you see fit. 它也允许你重复你的贴图或是重新使用其他地方的网格元素,旋转,扭曲他们直到你觉得合适为止。
I said the time is a mesh, filtered all shortcomings, only was only left over I long for your. 我说时间是一张滤网,滤走了所有缺点,唯独只剩下我对你的思念。
When the crystals do not mesh properly, the occasional atom will jut out where it should not, creating a defect to which a phage can stick. 但晶体之间若无法适当啮合,有些原子可能凸出到它原本不该出现的位置,从而成为可与病毒结合的缺陷处。
With the sub's lights switched off, it is possible to see their bioluminescence -- the light produced when they collide with the mesh. 随着潜艇的灯光关闭,我们就有可能看到那些生物发光体--当它们撞网的时候光被激发出来。
This equipment uses high quality stainless steel and stainless steel wire mesh composed of vehicle disassembly easy to clean. 本设备采用优质不锈钢与不锈钢丝网组成,整车拆装清洗方便。
The front of the Tour Bag can be removed, revealing a heavy duty mesh screen that protects the transducers during use. 本次旅行的前袋可拆除,露出了重型屏幕保护网在使用过程中的传感器。
The grille is designed in a lighter color, and there also appears to be space for fog lamps in the mesh that sits under the front bumper. 格栅设计,更轻的色彩,似乎也有空间,雾灯在网下的坐在前保险杠。
It will allow you to duplicate elements on your mesh as long as you do not change their orientation. 它允许你复制网格上的元素,就像你没有改变他们的朝向一样。
The basic planetary gear set consists of a sun gear, a ring gear and two or more planet gears, all remaining in constant mesh. 通常,行星齿轮系统包含太阳轮,齿圈和两个或两个以上行星轮,所有齿轮都始终处于啮合状态。
Pour the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve to remove all of the solids, then pour the toner into a clean bottle with a tight-fitting lid. 把混合物倒入细网筛,过滤掉所有固体,再倒入一个干净的有不漏水的合适盖子的瓶子里。
Plus, if we make a trade for a Chucky Atkins type player, it will take a little while to mesh him in with the team. 还有,如果我们要交易像阿特金斯那样的球员的话,磨合阵容还需要一定的时间。
Wire: The moving fine metal mesh belt on which liquid stock is formed into a web of paper by draining away the water. 造纸网:有着微细小孔的移动金属带;液体浆料在网上漏去水份而成形,造成纸卷。
Model needs to be re-skinned, joining the tentacles to the body, making it a single mesh. 模型需要重新剥皮,加入对身体的触角,使其成为一个单独的网格。
Basically it proposes a riverbed mesh that is extended and infiltrates through the entire downtown, as if it were a living organism. 首先它提出将河床网作为一个活的有机体扩展并渗透到整个市中心。
This class defines the information used to register the tuple of a peer node and a mesh ID with a peer resolver service. 此类所定义的信息用于利用对等解析程序服务注册对等节点和网络ID的元组。
A cylinder of wire mesh, foam rubber, or other material around which a strand of hair is wound to produce a soft curl or wave. 卷发筒:由金属丝网、泡沫橡胶或其它材料做成的一种周围可卷绕一缕头发做成柔软的卷曲或波浪发型的圆筒。
Using high tension plastic mesh , easy to be maintained or changed , and with very good ventilation capacity. 四周及底部使用高强度塑料网,便于维修更换,透气性良好。
When buying window screens, choose those made of a fine mesh to prevent the tiniest mosquitoes from entering. 买纱窗的时候,买细一点的,连细小的蚊子也跑不进去才可以。
This model is simple, easy to amend, easy to transform, followed by mesh, to facilitate the calculation of internal forces. 这样的建模方式简单,修改方便,变换容易,为接下来是网格划分,内力计算提供便利。
You must be able to make HIGH quality textures that mesh together really well and do not look like blocks from far distances. 你必须能够高质量的网格纹理一起真的很好,没有像街区远的距离。
But, he found a "secret" , and that is: a bird head into a mesh were caught. 可是,他却发现了一个“秘诀”,那就是:一只鸟头只钻进一个网眼就被捉住了。
Historically, metal rings, wire mesh, and other materials hae been used to improve acetabular fixation. 以往,金属环、钢丝网和其他材料被用于加强髋臼固定。