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香港金融管理局(Hong Kong Monetary Authority)

根据香港金融管理局(HKMA)的数据,香港的人民币存款总额在10月底达到6185亿元人民币 (合974亿美元),比9月份下降0.6…

香港管理专业协会(Hong Kong Management Association)

香港管理专业协会李国宝中学(英语:HKMA David Li Kwok Po College)为一所由香港管理专业协会HKMA)于2000年9月 …


香港金管局(HKMA)银行操守部助理总裁戴敏娜(Meena Datwani)在9月份发表了一封公开信,建议销售合成ETF的机构确保投资 …


香港管理协会 (HKMA) 合办 “2004年中秋节 海鲜宴及联欢晚会2003年12月11日 与香港旅游发展局合办 2003奖励旅游计划“幻 …

He said the HKMA, however, was satisfied that genuine trade transactions were behind the leap. 但他说,金管局满意地发现这种大幅增长的原因是正规的贸易结算。
The loan was organised in the form of a currency swap agreement between the Bank of Thailand and the HKMA at market interest rates. 贷款以泰国中央银行与金管局签订的货币掉期协议形式进行,息率按照市场水平。
We in the HKMA see it as an important part of our responsibilities to explain our work as clearly as possible to the general public. 金管局一向认为尽力向公众解释清楚金管局的工作,是我们的重要职责之一。
The effectiveness of the IAD shall be part of the accountability review process in the event of any major control failure within the HKMA. 金管局的内部监控如出现任何重大的失误,当局亦应把内部审核处的效用一并列入问责性检讨工作之内。
The HKMA reserves the right to close the Centre in case of emergency, or in the interests of safety, or for any other reason. 金管局有权在紧急情况下或基于安全或其他理由关闭中心。
The HKMA is certainly ready to respond if there appears to be market demand for similar clearing systems for other major currencies. 如果市场上存在对其他主要货币的同类结算系统的需求,金管局当然会乐于作出回应。
A spokesman for the HKMA said that additional purchases could continue overnight through the authority's operations in London and New York. 香港金管局一位发言人表示,在隔夜交易中,金管局将继续通过其在纽约和伦敦的操作进行额外的买进。
The HKMA has no plan to take such actions in respect of Hongkong Chinese Bank or any other local bank. 金管局没有计划就香港华人银行或任何其他本地银行采取上述行动。
He said the fourth accusation was that HKMA was too late in introducing the technical measures to strengthen currency board arrangements. 他说第四项是指金管局太迟推行巩固货币发行局制度的技术性措施。
If any authorized institution encounters an exceptional problem the HKMA stands ready to discuss it . 若任何认可机构遇到特别问题,金管局会随时提供协助。
The HKMA says luxury home prices are now at a historic peak, surpassing their levels after the last great run-up in the mid-1990s. 香港金管局说,豪华房价格目前处于历史高点,超过了上世纪九十年代中期上一次房价大飙升之后的水平。
Resolving the Year 2000 problem was one of the top items of the HKMA's supervisory agenda in 1999. 解决电脑公元二千年数位问题,是金管局一九九九年的首要监管工作之一。
The HKMA needs to make it clear whether its ultimate aim is to break with the greenback and head for monetary unification with China's yuan. 金管局需要向外界表明,它的最终目标是否是让港元与美元脱钩,转而与人民币结成货币联盟。
In fact, a deputy chief executive of the HKMA earns even more than a bureau secretary and a central bank governor of a major country. 事实上,现在金管局连一名副总裁的薪酬都高过特区政府的司长,以及其他主要国家的央行行长。
The information collected from you will , where appropriate, be referred to the relevant department in the HKMA for follow- up action . 在适当情况下,金管局会把阁下提供的资料转交有关部门以作跟进。
Indeed , we see this as one of the important policy objectives of the HKMA , although this is not spelt out in detail in any legislation . 事实上,尽管这项职责没有在任何法律条文内详细列明,但我们仍以此为金管局重要的政策目标之一。
The views and analysis expressed in the papers are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the HKMA. 报告中所表达的纯属作者的意见及分析,并不一定代表金管局的看法。
This is one of a number of recent initiatives by the HKMA designed to satisfy and further stimulate the growing interest in these subjects. 这是金管局近期致力推行的多项工作之一,旨在满足以及进一步提高各界对有关课题的兴趣。
Third, the HKMA clearly has a responsibility to ensure that the money market functions in an orderly manner. 第三,金管局有明确责任确保货币市场有秩序地运作。
Giving a brief account of the main points in the HKMA guidance note on business continuity planning. 扼要叙述金管局将会发出的持续业务运作规划建议文件的要点。
It may be that the HKMA or other outside parties can assist in the performance of certain functions. 金管局或其他机构或许可以协助该独立机构推行某些工作。
Prior to joining the HKMA he was with the Bank of England and the International Monetary Fund . 在加入金管局前,唐培新先生曾在英伦银行及国际货币基金组织工作。
The HKMA also established a mortgage corporation to promote monetary and banking stability as well as the growth of the local debt market. 金融管理局亦成立了按揭证券公司,以巩固货币和银行体系的稳定性,以及促进本港债务市场的发展。
To see a timetable of major events and press releases from the HKMA in the coming four weeks. 参阅未来四周金管局的主要事项和新闻稿的发布日期。
The Land Fund is now managed by the HKMA under the direction of the Financial Secretary as a separate portfolio from the Exchange Fund. 土地基金现时由金融管理局根据财政司司长的指示管理,独立于外汇基金。
The HKMA will take into account the outcome of this investigation in determining what, if any, further supervisory action may be warranted. 金管局会考虑调查的结果,以决定会否采取进一步的监管行动。
The Exhibition Area introduces the main policy objectives of the HKMA and explains how the HKMA carries out its work. 展览馆介绍金管局的主要政策目标及如何履行各项职能。
Nevertheless, the HKMA will monitor the situation closely, with a view to ensuring adequate liquidity and smooth functioning of the systems. 然而,金管局会密切留意事态发展,确保有足够流动资金及系统能运作正常。
The main texts of the regular briefings by the HKMA to the Legislative Council Panel on Financial Affairs are available online . 金管局向立法会财经事务委员会定期汇报工作的主要内容,可于网上查阅。
In case of need, the HKMA also contacts or holds regular meetings with other supervisory authorities to discuss matters of common interest. 如有需要,金管局亦会与其他监管机构联络或举行定期会议,以讨论共同关注的事项。