
美 [kræft]英 [krɑːft]
  • n.工艺;船;手艺;飞行器
  • v.(尤指用手工)精心制作
  • 网络技巧;技艺;手工艺

复数:crafts 现在分词:crafting 过去式:crafted

small craft
learn craft,craft plan


n. v.

1.[c][u]手艺;工艺an activity involving a special skill at making things with your hands

2.[sing]技巧;技能;技艺all the skills needed for a particular activity

3.[u]诡计;手腕;骗术skill in making people believe what you want them to believe

4.[c]小船;船a boat or ship


工艺Craft)是劳动者利用生产工具对各种原材料、半成品进行增值加工或处理,最终使之成为制成品的方法与过程。 制定工 …


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... crack n. 裂缝 craft n. 工艺,手艺 crash n./v. 碰撞,坠落 ...


常见的英语单词后缀_百度文库 ... )-ster, 表示"做…….事情的 人” )-craft, 表示"工艺,技巧” )-ety, 表示"性质,状态” ...


门实作的技艺craft)。跟其他的技艺一样,虽然使用者会因地制宜各 有巧妙,但扎根理论的共同性则是变化的基础,这正是 …


娱乐休闲 - 未名空间( ... 美国电视( CouchPotato) 手工艺( Craft) 轻舞飞扬( Dance) ...

词根联想记忆法词汇教程(二)|联想记忆法背单词 ... courteous adj. 有礼貌的;谦恭的 craft n. ,手艺 crafty adj. 灵巧的,巧妙 …


英语四级词汇(整理版,16页,可直接打印) - 豆丁网 ... crack n. 裂缝,裂纹 craft n. 工艺;手艺,行业 crane n. 起重机,摄 …


travelling_百度文库 ... plane / aircraft 飞机,飞行器 craft 工艺品,船舶 subway / underground / tube / Metro 地铁 ...

The bulk of the UT-AT's internal machinery is located in the front half of the craft which also has room for up to 20 clone troopers. AT主要的内部机械位于车体前半部分,那里还可容纳最多20名克隆人士兵。
Now that you have long been familiar with seeing our craft in your skies, you realize that it a clear reference to Space Beings. 而现在,你们已经完全熟悉了出现在你们天空的我们的飞船,你们知道它就是指的空间存有们。
For that reason, and perhaps a bit of good old-fashioned ego, he takes his craft very seriously. 或许出于以上原因,也可能出于他优秀的守旧的自尊心,他很重视自己的演技。
Originally, the Falcon was to be a more elongated craft, with its familiar conical cockpit resting at the front of its spaceframe. 千年隼最早是一艘更长的飞船,其令人熟悉的驾驶舱位于船体前部。
It wasn't until I started working on large projects with other developers that I began to understand what taking my craft seriously meant. 直到我开始与其他开发人员合作大型项目,才开始理解我的技能的真正意义所在。
She raised her eyes to the sky to watch the fire craft that announced the New Year extinguished. 她抬头仰望蓝天,注视着飞船上的彩灯熄灭,宣告新年伊始。
Sites in Togo are the only remaining examples of this tradition, and only a few elderly women hold knowledge of this craft. 多哥遗址是这一传统唯一遗留下来的范例,而且只有几名年迈妇女仍熟悉该工艺。
Just as the craft was leaving Earth for the final time, the high gain antenna refused to open properly. 正当太空船最后一次离开地球时,它的高增益天线无法准确地完全打开。
This gives Mr Zhan's translators and Mr Ferrari, who taps out his own English-language e-mails, a bit of extra time to craft their messages. 因此,詹纯新的翻译以及亲自撰写英文电子邮件的费拉里本人都能有多一点的时间来构思措辞。
The accident happened in a busy general aviation corridor over the river that is often filled with sightseeing craft on sunny days. 事发空域是一个非常繁忙的通用航空走廊,天气晴好的时候那里的观光飞机络绎不绝。
Even if you think his hand is poor today's bib, and if he tells you is that I sent, please do not despise my craft free. 即使你认为他的手是可怜的今天的衣服,并且如果他告诉你的就是我打发,请不要藐视我的工艺自由。
The next day, as craft class neared, I began to think about the macaroni again. 第二天,随着手工劳作课的临近,我开始再次想起了通心粉的事。
"No, Mr. Fix, " replied the consul. She was be spoken yesterday at Port Said, and the rest of the way is of no account to such a craft. “从不晚点,菲克斯先生”领事回答,据说她昨天已抵达赛德港,所以剩下的这段路对于这样一艘船来说根本不是问题。
But she and other local officials have been trying to craft solutions. 但是她和其他当地官员已经开始尝试找出解决方法。
You call it a "study into the interconnectedness of craft, utility, and luxury. " 你们称这个为“关于工艺、实用和奢华的相互联系的研究”。
The craft proved able to dive to a depth of a few metres in tests, but was so heavy it could only make short hops into the air. 事实证明,该飞行器在实验中能潜入水中几米,但它太笨重了,仅能在空中随便翻腾几下就掉下来了。
"You'd have to position the craft as close to the sun as you can, probably within the orbit of Mercury, " Matloff says. 你应当将这样一艘飞船放置在尽可能离太阳近的地方,或许位于水星轨道内侧。“马特罗夫说。”
Back in Beijing, Mr. Cui said, he offered to help officials prepare exhibits on the craft. 崔永平说他回到北京后,主动提出协助政府人员筹备皮影展。
Early sketches labeled it a TIE boarding craft, suggesting its use at the start of the film. 早期的草稿把它标注为一种TIE登陆艇,指明其用于影片开头。
Simple apparatus was needed in this craft, easy to enlarge the production, also the products taste good, hygiene and convenient. 该工艺设备简单,易于扩大生产而且产品口感好、卫生方便。
The company has a variety of craft forms, developed thousands of handicrafts, has accumulated a considerable number of mature experience. 公司拥有多种工艺形式,研制开发了数千种工艺品,积累了相当多的成熟经验。
Some of the magnolia leaves have a bit of shimmer . . . I couldn't resist enhancing many of them with a little metallic craft paint. 我在一些木兰树叶上涂了一层闪光剂,我实在是忍不住在他们上面涂上一点金属色手工颜料。
The landing craft was called the Eagle. It carried him and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin to the surface in an area known as the Sea of Tranquility. 登陆艇被称为鹰。它携带他和埃德温“嗡嗡”奥尔德林的表面称为静海的区域。
In other words, every craft project is one big problem to be solved so that it results in a real sense of achievement. 换句话说,每一件手工品都是一个问题的解决,并带来真正意义上的成就。
One official said he jumped into a small craft that had been taking food to the lifeboat, and asked to be taken to the Bainbridge. 一名官员说他跳上一艘一直为救生艇送食物的小艇,请求被带上班布里奇。
in its long glorious history , a brilliant art and craft has been handed down and masters have been brought up in a number of dynasties. 千多年来,悠久而灿烂的历史进程,给后世留下了精湛绝伦的技艺,也造就了历代数不清的艺术匠师。
China will never see that it could have used the billions it has gained to develop an entirely new and innovative paradigm in state-craft. 中国将永远不会看到它可以利用它获得了发展,在国家全新的工艺和创新的典范十亿美元。
Even if I hadn't had been that good at it, I enjoyed the opportunity that my parents afforded me in the craft. 即使敲钟不是我的擅长之处,我也会尽情享受父母给我的这次机会。
Stronger adhesion: Coating of UV craft is too thick. It is crisp, not flexible, and easy to be broken off. 四附着强:光固化工艺采用UV漆,漆面过厚,极脆,韧性不够,容易破裂并脱落;
Pad cushion It was the idea of supporting a craft on a 'pad', or cushion, of low-pressure air, ringed with a curtain of higher pressure air. 他的设想是:用一个低压空气垫或软垫来支撑船体,软垫周围用高压空气环绕。